What does Jow Forums think about him?
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He sucked Jew cock and was probably a Freemason.
how's internet and books work in your mutt island ?
napoleon got financing for his wars from the Rothschild's in return for abolishing the Jewish ghettos and giving them rights. He was a kike puppet.
He didn’t at all. Nathan Rothchild owned the British empire through the battle of Waterloo after Napoleon was defeated, Nathan Rothchild got an early tip off that wellington had one therefore bought up all British gold and resources making the British dependent on the Rothchild family knowing the french couldn’t get them.
Faggot who kicked off the downfall of Europe
You mean muh France ? detroyed our fucking great Monarchy
Alexander The Great or Gaius Julius Caesar are better
One of the most able Illyrian Greeks in military history
Huh, so the fact that the Jews financed one side means that under no circumstances might they have financed the opposing side?
Are you fucking new?
He hated the Rothschilds and central banking more than anything else.
He wanted to unite Europeans under a pan-European meritocratic empire.
Pretty cool guy.
His looting of Egypt is pretty much the only reason we can see anything from it today.
They did not, Napoleon despised central banking and the bank of England. He described it as the cancer of Europe and lost every respect he hzd for Russians when they accepted Rothschild's money to fight him.
He hated central banking first and aristocracy second.
He wanted to build a meritocratic European empire where virtue and bravery were what made a man rise in power. Crroked and degenerate aristocrats wanted none of it, and the perfidious central bankersbin England didn't want a unified Europe and saw in the wars a good opportunity to steal Europe's gold.
Had he succeded Europe would be very very different today, and most likely not in such a decadent and degenerate state.
Warmongerer who sustained his shitty regime with blood, gave up the Louisiana Territory for pennies, and lost his army to nature
greatest man who ever lived, nobody will ever achieve what he did again
1- He's one of (((them)))
2- He's Italian
3- He ruined Europe
4- He was the French Vador.
I can in my dreams
That was already gone by 1790, and the Republican revolution no?
If anything didnt he reinstate the monarchy for a time?
Destroyed Europe and America
an american teaching me my History, no offence John, but lmao
big faggot who sucked penises
>be a manlet
>be angry because of it
>destroy europe
>get fucked in the end
I'm glad he left that whore Josephine Beauharnais and married that Austrian Princess and produce his only son, who unfortunately died of illness when he was in his twenties.
Apparently, Maximillian, that Austrian prince who established the second Mexican Empire was Napoleon's Grandson?
He fought mostly defensive wars though
His defeat meant that a new European order wasn't established, that was needed. He correctly predicted that America and Russia would become superpowers, and he wanted to form a European power to oppose them.
Hitler tried again 120 years later.
I respect him
corsica is not italy, its corsica. Ask one of the natives if they feel italian
It was just a question
Could be a titanic prick
Overreached several times, arguably beginning in Russian, but the 100 days most especially, albeit in ways that can only be described as Shakespearean.
Overall, changed the world for the better. There's no better timeline to be had.
>Hitler tried again 120 years later.
With Russia. US entering his war was 1000% percent his fault.
He basically created Germany qnd italy