Making money without a job

how do i make some money without a part time/full time job?

>inb4 lazy

i’m a full time commuting college student (usually at school from 10am-6pm) and when i get home i do homework until i fall asleep

i have 2,000 in my bank account from what i saved from my high school part time job 2 years ago and i’m currently using that for all my expenses

i have an anxiety disorder so getting a part time job for the weekend seems insanely stressful to me (i need at least a day of relaxation or i’ll lose my shit)

anyway, what are some easy things i can do for some side cash?

i occasionally sell stuff online but it hasn’t been selling recently... i’ve been considering selling plasma but i’m not sure if i meet the weight requirement and it seems like only drug users do that

went on seeking arrangement, had thousands of dollars offered my way but i freaked out and deleted the account because i didn’t want someone to murder me or something

what do

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Raise/borrow a credit.


Buy BTC at 6k. Wait until the next halvening cycle and normies fomo in. Profit.

What about the honorable job of selling weed to your classmates?

i used to sell benzos to people but quit bc issa felony

i got into legal trouble last year unrelated to drugs and it cost me $600 so now i’m done with anything that could fuck me over

i feel like i’m too retarded to do this despite being a business student

Start your own business

Any business ideas you would recommend that are effective ways of generating passive income?

Buy pic related.
Suck cocks for $5 a pop
Once you get good enough you will get some consistent returning customers
once you feel cocky up the price to $10 then $15 maybe even $20
Once you get to that point all you have to do is suck 8 cocks a day M-F to make $41,600 per year of untaxed under the table income for a measly $15 initial investment

Shits easy bro I believe in you.

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That’s not passive income though you retard

try buying and selling gold it's win/win

Thanks man, but that’s still not passive income

try writing a book are into this?

I have thought of this and it’s a good idea. Maybe writing smut would be a good way to earn pi

search for books about writing books and take tips from expert writers

Are you good? Writing/drawing porn makes good money but ya gotta be good.
It's gonna take a long time of practice but if you are dedicated you will get there.
Go on /trash/ or /aco/ and post your stuff over therr

Some franchises can be semi-passive. But you don't get into business to sit on your ass, mate. And passive income generally requires a huge lump of cash to be deposited.

I’ve always had a penchant for telling stories and writing has always been my strong suit in school and in college. I’ve had professors tell me I should write novels just based on papers I have turned in.

I already have a day job. I’m looking for a bunch of different passive revenue streams that I can use to pay off my loans and invest in other opportunities like real estate. Eventually I hope to have enough steady passive income to invest a portion in a Roth IRA as well as index funds

Well, real estate is one of the best passive income sources out there as long as you do your research. I'd go with that. But it'll take a large amount of cash to go in on hard assets. So, start with a couple of grand into a REIT and see where it goes.

But if your debt is higher-interest, handle that first.

What type of REIT would you suggest? Healthcare? Which ones typically yield the most?

Blow the cocks of your flatmates once a week for a stable side income.