Where do socially anxious people find GFs?

Where do socially anxious people find GFs?

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They don't. They sit at home all day wishing that a perfect girlfriend would magically appear before them instead of going out among the people and attempting to fix their shit.

Over 25? Nowhere.
Under 25, a (social) hobby of their choice.

Use dating apps.
I used to be a socially anxious fuck but dating apps helped me out and now I pull bitches like a chad. (Don’t even use dating apps half the time anymore)


I don't know. I don't even care about not having a girlfriend I just wish the anxiety would go away. I go and try to talk to people but it's tough and I end up quietly waiting to go home by the end of the day. Hopefully through enough exposure I'll relax but at the moment there's no end in sight for this suffering.

anxiety meds, cbd, and a job help


That's what I feel as well. I hang around people and sometimes I feel I'm enjoying it but just can't seem to connect with anyone. I guess it's true that you can't make close friends after a certain age; at 29 I've only managed to slowly stray away from my older friends.

Funny thing, just now I managed to set up a couple of dates with a girl I found online. I thought finally finding a person to start a relationship would provide a lifeline, but only managed to shift my anxiety towards overthinking my behavior around her and whether I fuck things up.

They don't.
Not everybody it's predestined to reproduce and pass his genes to the next generation.
You are just a rotten fruit in the basket.

ACTUALLY I am predestined, because I must

Chloroform or sleeping pills

If its just anxiety maybe it can lessen,

But maybe you have a light case of asperger syndrome which makes it a lot harder to connect with people, than normal people would.

You can takr 30mgs of oxazepam OR 1.5 mgs of alprazolam once every 3 or preferavly ecen 4 days. Take em at once so they get out of ur body quickly.

U cant tale any other type of benzo cause the ones with longer halflife will stay in ur body for long time and therefor ur bodies GABA receptors cant reset which will. Cause nasty bebzo withdrawals. (and stay away from AMBIEN as well because that too works on GABA...)

You also must avoid alcohol all week if you decide to do benzo sometimes because alcohol works on same GABA receptors meaning: you will get more addicted.

For. Those with asperger syndrome or anxiety disorders alprazolam or oxazepam can be a blessing but be warned: benzo addiction will fuck you up hardcore if you use it in anynother manner than I have just described.

Good for (you)

>maybe you have a light case of asperger syndrome
I do, but as you said, it's mild

ok, chad

it's pretty much impossible to find a gf without a social friend group. try online dating or commit to the hardest task of your life aka working on your social skills

The more experience and confident you become as a person not even around girls just in general will help you out in the future. If you seen a victory in every encounter you'll always feel like a failure if it doesn't go the way you planned/expected.

Doesnt matter if its mild its still intense.
Dont try to be like the normies - they are a different species.

Just try to be who you really are deep down and then find a chick like. You.

If you dont know your true self then how could you find a real soulmate... Impossible.

>If you dont know your true self
how do I get to know my true self?

Im an asperger and imo. .
The best chicks are Chicks with a christian morality and heart but an open mind on bible interpretation.

Bible = truth + lies
Unfortunately churches and PAstors tend to suck cause they are close minded and have big egos...

But the truth in the Bible is still important and thats what people dont realize these dayz...
That you gotta love God and have some decency... Else you will become infested with demons and your soul will turn to shit very quickly.

Proof = the people u see all around u
I wish you good luck my fellow aspie nigga

I'm a 26 year old workaholic, am I screwed?

No that age limit he sets is complete BS.


Yeah there aren't really age limits you can do that shit whenever it just gets a little harder the older you get because the older people get the most desperate and willing to settle so there are less to choose from

That one is more addictive because its stronger and has longer half-life than oxazepam and alprazolam as explained above.

Plenty of ppl break up and divorce tho. Its all gud.

This, so true. Build up your confidence little by little. It something that can be acquired, by practicing everyday, whit simple, attainable and repeated exercises. Seek professional help, if you can, it will help you sustain your effort and give you moral strength.