Who to choose between 2 guys?

Who to choose between 2 guys?
Guy A make me nervous and blushing everytime, we’re giggling and being so shy around each other every time we’re hanging out together.
Guy B gives me the “safe” feeling, I don’t know how to explain, I feel like myself around him, I don’t have to hide or pretend to be good. We don’t “shy” around each other but I feel like we know each other before.

I don’t know who to choose. Both are good and are talking with me, showing interest and all. Please help.

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Just fuck the Chaddest one

The guy A makes me feel like I’m a teenage girl, you know, the feeling of being in love. But the guy B gives me the feeling of someone I know before, I don’t know how to explain, so weird cause we don’t know one another until we met.

A pushes boundaries

B let's you set the pace for the next level.... Tell him you are not afraid to go further and you will blush with him as well while being able to be yourself....
Woman... These type of questions make me get disgusted with you; why are you chasing after 2 guys?

That feeling of 'being in love'... is infatuation, it will fade and you will become incompatible.

I’m not go after them. It’s them. I have the right to hangout with both of them at the same time cause we’re not in the talk or labeled as a couple or anything just yet. We’re getting to know each other and this is how I felt about them.

>world of billions of ppl

So the guy A is just myself infatuated with and the guy B is something more sustainable. I guessed it was something to do with real connection cause with guy B we always say the same thing in the same time, I can finish his sentence or he say things that I thought in my head. But I just don’t know if this feels like good friends cause I never have this connection with a guy before


C for Chad

>>world of billions of ppl

7 girls 1 week.. No, I am just disappointed in the human spirit / personality, nothing is real....

go for B, if it works without you putting on a facade it's a good sign.
A is more of a crush, it'll fade away

How about physical attraction? I actually felt something when we are together but damn, with guy A I can feel the electric when we touch.

You seem unaware you can only make so many colors and shades. Sure, that is a FUCKLOAD of variety, but you are gonna fall under a specific color. No one is truly unique.

>asks for advice
>get advice
>b-but I like this other option better

Just go with A, you clearly want him more even if he sounds like the worst option

Sometimes women can be so fucking dumb

This. You clearly have wanted A all along, even if it may or may not be the right choice

Guy A makes your brain malfunction, guy B is the real deal.

Fuck. Didn’t even realize I were doing it lol. I actually felt like I should go with B cause that’s what my instinct told me. But every time I see guy A I can’t control my face. How do I get over this infatuation? Or spend more time with B?


ok... that other user summed it up quite nice.
let's get raw: fuck A and get in a "relationship" with him wait until it fails (cause there's good chance it will) then go out with B that you kept as good friend in between cause you guys had this great connection
it's called spinning plates and girls know how to do it unconsciously

thats so horrible and cynical
why would you get in a relationship expecting it to fail?

Please dont do this.

A is a crush and B is more than that.

What awful fucking advice. Why do you think like this?

t. backpaddling toasties after redpilled user revealed the truth about female manipulation

Lol no dude, I know a lot of women do this. But it's still horrible and OP should not do it.

I'm being cynical a bit, you guys keep on giving advice and a concensus has mainly been found. but OP is trying to have clearence to go for A.
and yea sorry for being like that, bad day. but that's an advice amon others, she would benefit more from going for A and keeping B waiting...

I'm unfortunately getting more and more redpilled

If she does this I hope B tells her to go fuck herself when the time comes

Why do I feel that if you go for A you'll regret it and want B and vice versa?

I thought you were sarcastic fir a moment. I actually didn’t think you were giving me a real advice lmao

That would be great lol (I’m being sarcastic)

I felt like that too but I wanna get over A that’s the point

that's terrible advice imo but you asked for advice and I try to give objective advice.
it depends on what's you mindset, do you feel like you want to settle or do you still want to experiment a bit and be sure what you want to go for?
cause normally if you are a grown up adult that can take decisions you don't go to Jow Forums for decision making about going for A or B.
At the end of the line, I feel that, in your current mindset you'll think you missed out with either of the choice...

I get the impression that maybe you're very physically attracted to guy A but really have no idea if you like who he is because you don't really know him. And you're not really able to be yourself around him so you don't know if he actually likes who you are.

With B, you know you like each other, you know you can be yourself with him and he likes you.

If I were in this situation (I'm a hetero guy, so with two girls), I know I would already be getting bored of A and be focusing on B. A pretty face and a hot body are nice, but there's only so much you can look at someone before needing more, and being able to connect well with someone on a mental level is really important to me.

That good connection for me isn't just feeling comfortable, it's being around someone who is able to engage me draws out the best in me. I just feel like a happier, brighter person around them. I'm not going to be giggling because aw shucks this person is so pretty, but I'm at least going to be smiling a lot and laughing when we share things we think are funny or make jokes to amuse the other person.

Physical attraction is important, but I know I'm pretty flexible about being sexually attracted to someone. As I get more attached to someone, I can't help but feel more physically attracted as well.

I think a lot of people who are inexperienced in figuring out what they want in a romantic partner, physical attraction is their primary measure of interest, and it tends to stay that way until at some point they realize that physical attraction is not enough.

Maybe try to stop giggling and stop being shy so you can actually speak, and make a real effort to have a conversation with guy A to see how it goes. If it goes well, maybe you do really like him for something more than being cute. If it doesn't go well but you find that it doesn't really matter and you still want to be around him because he makes you feel "electric", I guess that's your answer.

You're compatible with B, thot. What you feel for A is just the emotion of a new partner.
Regardless, you have to pick just one, bitch. Choose.

A+B=step bro sempai (C)

Attached: cute redhaired girl rides jap boi.gif (500x280, 458K)

I think you should give A a shot and see how compatible you guys are. That electrifying feeling is sooo worth it, I promise.

Sauce unless it's not hentai

dont think it is sempai

Sauce me.


I wouldn’t say it didn’t hurt lmao you called me a thot. I am a thot? Lol

This is pretty much thumbs up every thing. I think I’ll go with B then. But you know I can only choose once. If this is a mistake then I will never have another chance to fix it.

I understand how you feel towards my questions cause I see me as conflict well. I want both. So greedy right

Make them fight to the death over you.

Which one is the hotter one?

Yeah nah definitely B. A is infatuation and sounds like good friend material at best. B sounds like he has potential to be a good partner.

Definitely A is the hotter one. But B is the manly/rough one.

Yeah it was what everyone else in here said too

Which guy would your hypothetical future children prefer more as their hypothetical future father?

They always get the deciding vote.

B obviously

If you have to ask us B will probably pick his own B over you though.

Was in the same situation except B was also hotter which made it even easier. I think it was the right decision.

B I think. B is the option


You only feel secure around guy B because you don't have any feelings for him. He is, essentially, a friend - not a romantic interest.

"Feeling of being in love" ... Bullshit ... Thats not anywhere near love. Go for B anyday. You need a man in your life not a teenage like dork. Plus, as you said, its always better to be with the person that accepts you as you are.


T. thirsty guy A


So the majority says B. And I myself feel like going for B as well. Thanks guys. I was wondering but felt much better now

Pick the one who is most handsome and tall


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You're welcome. That's good to hear. I hope that it goes well.

>If this is a mistake then I will never have another chance to fix it.
Nigga you're a woman. You'll meet plenty of As and Bs in your lifetime.

Nah Bs are harder to find.
As are like the surf instructor at your punta cana vacation or that hot hostel dude in thailand or the cute guitar player on the beach (yea very steorypical), they are easy to find cause they tend to stay single a lot for a reason.

hurting innocents and controlling people's lives for your own gain is wrong.

It's really fucking simple.

Does alcohol solve problems? Please tell me it does

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fuck i thought i started my own thread.

Anyways, to answer OP:
Choose B. I was guy A for one girl. Being shy and nervous with butterflies doesnt last. Once you are done with those feelings you will just hurt the guy A.

but dont listen to me I'm just a fucking drunk who can't even start his own thread right.

alcohol in good company do solve problems, look at you giving perfect advice under influence :)

What reason?