Misscarriage after Period

My girlfriend said she had her period last week and a miscarriage today. Is this possible? My hunch is that something odd is going on here, need advice. Thanks in advance.

Attached: geordi-la-forge.jpg (578x316, 74K)

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Vaginas love to bleed for 9999 reasons.

The real question is why do you even care? You wanted tobe father? She used pregnancy scare on you to get $ for b plan?

That sounds really odd, since it sounds like she would be less than 4 weeks along and might not even test positive at this point, she probably would have miscarried during her period, not now. Why would she want to lie though? Is there something she's get out of it? Is she sure it was even pregnancy?

How does she know the exact day she miscarried anyway?

I guess one tends to remember when a tiny dead baby falls out your ass attached by a umbilical cord...

>falls out your ass
Ummm user that’s not where babies come from.

Unless she was REALLY far along she didn’t see shit.

At 4 weeks? Holy shit, I hate our education system.

Well I didn't know she was pregnant, and I fucked her this morning, so she was not far along. She was taking birth control but is about to stop. She said she basically wrecked her car seat with a ton of blood and went to the hospital and got some medicine.

I care because I'm concerned for her/alarmed how close I came to getting a girl pregnant. But also it seems implausible to me(although I'm no expert), and like maybe shes just saying this shit to make drama or for some unknown reason. So I'm both concerned for her health, that our birth control isn't adequate, and that shes lying for some unknown reason. She did not hit me up for money.

Wbat advice do you want? To me it just sounds like you're scared. Grow up, either stop having sex, get decent birth control or have a child. You have 3 options, this shit isn't hard. We know how babies are made, you spaz. Wear a condom if you're that scared.

>My girlfriend said she had her period last week and a miscarriage today. Is this possible? My hunch is that something odd is going on here, need advice. Thanks in advance.

No where did OP state how far along she was...

What I'm asking: is it possible to have a period, then 4 to 5 days later have a miscarriage? Is she telling the truth? I won't see her till Friday, so I can't check her car.

>Girlfriend had her period last week
>And a miscarriage today
I'm not much of a detective, but I'd say there's enough evidence to suggest the pregnancy lasted about a week. Where do you idiots come from?
No, the baby is literally a clump of cells at that point. It wouldn't be any more noticeable than any other discharge.

Yes. This happens to women all the time. Having a very early miscarriage can literally look like your period.

It’s very possible to begin spotting and bleeding as the first stage of which became the miscarriage. So what she called a period may have been the beginning of a medical emergency that killed the baby. So yes.

And clearly you are not medically proficient either.

Don’t listen to this idiot, OP.

No. This is highly unlikely.

Yes, this is the norm.

If a woman knows she is pregnant and starts bleeding she would likely seek emergency medical attention to save the baby, but if a woman does not know she is pregnant and starts bleeding she likely just experienced relief because her late period finally arrived and that lack of medical attention caused her to lose the baby several days later.

Do you guys know what a baby looks like under a week? That's a microscope, in case you were wondering, fucking retards.


We need a timeline here.
She cannot have a miscarriage if she wasn't pregnant. What made you think she were? Between the period and whatever happened 5 days later?
No, that is not likely.
Did you think she was pregnant before that? Then no, she wouldn't have her period if she was.
You are not giving us any relevant information here.

It’s possible she experienced spotting/bleeding which may occur in early pregnancy, followed by a miscarriage. I would sooner think she had a normal period followed by extreme heavy flow, like you may see in PCOS patients.

Attached: image.jpg (927x960, 517K)

Something odd is indeed going on. Does she have a male best friend that she spends a lot of time with?
Has there been anything suspicious previously?

It's impossible that a miscarriage would occur after a period. It may be that the period was the start of a miscarry. What symptoms did she use to describe her "period"?

You’re the fucking retard if you think she was a week pregnant.

Mother. Fucker. How. Stupid. Are. You. People.
This mother fucker said RIGHT HERE
>My girlfriend said she had her period last week
Meaning, she wasn't pregnant last week. Then he said.
>and had a miscarriage today
That means, the baby would have had to have been less than a week old. You stupid fuck. What is point of jumping into a conversation, without reading the conversation. Are you people born this dumb?