Daily reminder that if you masturbate on a regular basis, you're literally slowly killing your self and the thousands of year old lineage you carry in your genes. Think of it this way - each time you bust a nut, a small part of your ''manliness'' gets flushed down the drain, with each wank, your brain produces less and less androgens and your sweat no longer secretes alpha andostrenone. Women can literally smell the beta off you, and no matter ''your personality'' or ''traits'', women will never be able to even fantasise sexually about you. Beta males give off a sour smell that puts off women, and no matter your hygiene, women always can smell it. You then become depressed, have chronic fatigue, you start to blame women or Jews for your own decisions and mistakes, as it is always easier to blame someone else, than admit the fault in self and commit to improvement. The only way out of this situation is to STOP. Whenever you feel like you want to masturbate, do something else, invest this newfound energy and restlessness into a productive activity. Start lifting weights, reignite your testosterone production, don't like weights? go run for a bit each day, don't like cardio? simply walk 10+ miles each day, you'd be surprised how good strolling is for you.
Stop masturbating, become the man you were born to be. If you fail, then you will result as the pic related.
>Whenever you feel like you want to masturbate, do something else, invest this newfound energy to lift weights up and down to look good for women
Why spend your newfound energy for as meaningless a reason as the one you gave up. Wanking with your hand is not much different with wanking with a femoid as a cocksleeve. Good thing those aren't the only options allowed, even though sex-starved OP thinks it is.
There is literally, and I mean literally, not a single scientifically valid claim in your post. Not even one.
James Fisher
If it a Mans job you dont need a gym
Austin Diaz
>for as meaningless a reason as the one you gave up.
That reason for each can be different, simply do something productive with the energy you get. Play some music instrument even, whatever you like to do, do it.
Since everything seems to be a meaningless reason to you, I don't see any hope for you.
>Since everything seems to be a meaningless reason to you, I don't see any hope for you. Nigger, this is what I'm talking about. I say that sex and women are meaningless reaons and you simply don't comprehend that there are other reasons. "Everything" for you is limited to sex and women. These are not actual reason to for higher man, they are merely reasons to live shared by base animals.
The porn industry is more jewish than Tel Aviv, Palestine. What more proof do you need?
Levi Morris
>you're literally slowly killing your self Guess what, just by breathing air you're slowly killing yourself as well.
Jaxson Morgan
>cites wikipedia that's the goto website for people who can't make a good argument so they rely on jewpedia to explain it for them, bet you didn't even read what's on there too
Kevin Morgan
Xavier Wood
How do we get the algorithms to believe everyone wants to watch AMJF (Arab male Jewish female)? That'd stick in those kikes craws.
Aaron Gutierrez
Just have a jerk dumb ass. You’ll feel better.
Ian Ramirez
>your brain can tell the difference.... I'm a brainlet, so no worries I guess
Carter Gutierrez
Why are Americans so terrified of walking? Once on a thread an American was appalled at the idea of walking only 1 mile.
Kayden Stewart
Don’t your nuts, you know, remake testosterone...?
Julian Gray
Reminder that masturbation is a vice of growing up and also a gift of life for the man forced into isolation by societal rejection/institutions corruption that has perverted love into shallow sex for whoredom profiteering of the cult that entertains mens eyes.
Daily reminder, if you become the psuedoscience peddling jew you own the future dream by manipulating historical studies into fantasy.
The sour smell of betas is hygiene. Nothing to do with masturbating. It has to do with not washing it off after
Lincoln Hall
> natural thot repellent
Jayden Rivera
Nice broscience. Guess what, women don't care if you touch your penis or not, they care if you are Chad, only that. If you are ugly, you may as well masturbate and get over with it.
>you start to blame women or Jews for your own decisions and mistakes, as it is always easier to blame someone else, than admit the fault in self and commit to improvement.