How do I stop wanting sex or love? I've given up on both but it's still bums me out. If I were to see a psychiatrist what would I want to say to get drugs that might suppress either feeling?
How do I stop wanting sex or love? I've given up on both but it's still bums me out...
you could castrate yourself
I'd probably fuck it up. Do they even do that to people any more
Make sure you video tape it and make it gorey and send it into the pain olympics for some $$$
Nah that would suck dude
Does this even get rid of the desire, though? I imagine it would only make you more frustrated, and self-loathing
No pain, no gain. You little bitch.
Yeah that's a good point.
Yeah you're right I'm probably too much of a pussy to do it myself anyway
You never stop wanting those things unless you want to become the guy from blues clues. You just stuff down your feelings and fuck hookers.
How would I become like the guy from blues clues then? Hookers don't really help I tried
Revert to a child like state. Take a bunch of acid and watch a bunch of kid shows. Become as similar to a pedophile as possible without actually raping any kids.
Say you're depressed and get on antidepressants that shut down your sex drive and/or romantic interest/emotions entirely. Sex drive is most common what goes, not sure if there's a type that would make only romantic feelings die.
I dunno if I'd be able to get acid, I can barely find weed
Most of the anti-depressants I've been on haven't done that. Maybe I should try a different one though
Keep trying until it just works™
>If I were to see a psychiatrist what would I want to say to get drugs that might suppress either feeling?
You wouldn't even be able to compile a story without logic flaws to strengthen it, at which point they would see what you are doing and give you no medication.
What you need is a social life and hobbies. Popping pills is no solution, stop being a faggot and grow a fucking pair.
I'm too much of a pussy and neither of those really interest me, why bother?
>I'm too much of a pussy and neither of those really interest me, why bother?
Then keep on feeling like a piece of shit. Nothing comes from nothing. If you haven't understand that then there is no help for you. Go visit a shrink, you are in dire need of one
Waste of money, and I'm pretty alright besides the sex drive issues I have. Why visit a shrink
SSRIs killed my libido and my dick while I was on them. They still worked a bit but they were more like a misfiring engine than a smooth machine.
Building a defensive attitude to intimate relationships is a sign of depression. You want to numb a natural instinct and desire that defines a balanced human being. Having these drives is natural and necessary, you are incapable of fulfilling them, which is why you demand medication so it doesn't affect you as much, since your conclusion is that it would fix whatever problems you have.
I'm pretty sure you are not ok and a shrink is never a waste of money, specially in cases like yours.
I'm fine besides what I already mentioned and going in to see a shrink for a problem I don't have is dumb
Find a game to play all day long
Faggot normie advice
I have a social life but it doesn't get you any closer to getting a girlfriend if you are not good looking. And trust me if you were good looking you'd know, and wouldn't make such threads.
If anything, what I personally found out is that a social life worsens those feelings, because you are constantly seeing couples. I know a guy who has like, 5 girls I know OBSESSED about him. Such a thing will only fill you with rage.
I have good looks from what i have been told. I don't have a girlfriend, nor do i have ONS, i didn't even have sex in so long i can't even remember for how many years, nor do i miss it.
You are just a frustrated shit that always tries to see a flaw in anything else but yourself. It's always the others and not your pathetic attitude of avoid real issues or investing more than 1 minute on a sophisticated thought to question yourself.
fuck off loser
>From what I've been told
Watch what people DO, not what they SAY
I've also been told I'm good looking
I don't care what people do, people do not define me, i define myself. Only a pathetic loser envies others for what he doesn't have. You are a good example in that regard
Get antidepressants, smoke, drown yourself in depression, join a cult