How bad is the Muslim 'problem' in Europe? Do you guys ever really fear of becoming a Muslim country...

How bad is the Muslim 'problem' in Europe? Do you guys ever really fear of becoming a Muslim country? More crime and poverty? Or is it mostly just blown out of proportion by the media?

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It is VERY blown out of proportion.
> becoming a Muslim country
Even Muslim countries are becoming not Muslim.

She's so ugly even muslims wouldn't rape her

>It is VERY blown out of proportion.
If you ignore the NO-GO zones,gangs,drugs,prostitution,terrorist attacks,ghettos and all the rape it's really not that bad.

Well, the rapes and all that are true and also in general some of them are acting like animals, for example they hang out in large groups and bully people that can't defend themselves. But there are lots of nice muslims too. I think that no one that isn't mentally handicapped unironically fears us becoming a muslim country

Attached: Screenshot_2019-01-14 Man on trial for raping 90-year-old on way back from church.png (669x793, 505K)

The problem is not in Muslims, but in all non-white immigrants.

Wtf is a nice Muslim?

Muslims are prety cool and chill here i have no issue with them. they seem like dicks in the west but maybe that shows its an issue with the west and islam

>Do you guys ever really fear of becoming a Muslim country?

Attached: 1512120325_MuslimPopulationEuropeMediumMigration.jpg (640x721, 114K)

I believe the biggest problem is not every muslim but the retarded leftists who cant for the life of them admit that there are several rotten ones among them. Thus the good muslims get lumped in with the bad by both sides. Even here most wouldnt have as big of an issue if the muslims of the rape gangs and killings etc were brought to swift justice instead of being protected by drooling leftists

>becoming a Muslim country? More crime and poverty?
the fuck you say snow cave dweller? stop being uncivilized and see some statistic.
t. ahmed

>Lowest employment rates
>Massive rates of welfare fraud
>Hugely over represented in the prisons of all western European countries
>High rates of rape
>50% breed with their first cousins leading to high rates of birth defects
>Zero concern for the aesthetics of where they live leading to Muslim areas being ugly shitholes ( Britain is already ugly but they make it worse)
There are absolutely no positives to having them in your country and their population which is already 5-10% in all western European countries will increase exponentially

This, and also the ones that come here are just rich(ish) young men that just come here to have fun, not actually needing an asylum. Would be a lot different, if we would get them from the areas that are the most dangerous. A bit ironic, that lefties have no problem with them being 99% male

We have about two Muslim families with a couple of relatives extra, but they all run pizza places practically. The two different families don't know each other and they don't even like each other I am told.
Let's keep it that way, the longer they are a minimal minority, the better.

We're projected to become the first country in Europe to turn from being majority Christian to becoming majority Muslim by 2050.
Demography is destiny.

>NO-GO zones,gangs,drugs
We had more of that in the 80s.
I don't know about Norway but here it's mostly Nigerian and east European mafias.
When ETA, IRA, the years of lead, the Corsicans and RAF were a thing, terrorism in Europe was much more serious. Islamic terrorism kills mostly Muslims in Muslim countries.
>ghettos and all the rape
Still not worse than gypsies.

We have Bosnians here and you can't really tell them apart from other Yugos but they've all generally pretty much mellowed out. I met a few Bosnians who were born here and have Slovene names and speak normally, even in dialects.

>projected % of muslim in europe in 30 years
>can't even accurately predict gdp growth from year to year

are millions of finn women being arab’d as we speak ?

Broke: islam is going to take over europe
Woke: secular liberalism is ruining europe
Enlightened: Europe needs to return to genuine Christian faith


Doesn't seem so accurate considering there are more muslim in your country than mine as of now.

Unironically yes. Mostly teens and ugly ones tho

1% is one too much

>Wtf is a nice Muslim?
Dead one

Big problem, London is less then 50% white British, and something stupid like 2/3rds of all Birmingham schoolchildren and non white

Absolute mess


I'm sure they'd rape anything.

Nobody fears that we will turn to a a Muslim country. There's a larger number of Russian immigrants not integrating, so the Russian question would rise beforehand.

>becoming a russian country
>becoming a muslim country
Nuclear annihilation looks like the best option, if I were you.

Muslims are cool and friendly as long as they are the minority, the more they are the more aggresive and vocal they become

Wow, so they’re only fucking the next generation of women. You think that’s an improvement or something? What the fuck

It sucks, but 14 year old girls seem to fall for those arabs in their twenties

found the Muslim. Pelayo's spirit will eject you from Hispania

I live next to a mosque.
My city was given away to mussies by kikes before I was even born.
I feel sorry for the mussies.
They have already succumbed to the beast system. Their sons worship money and their daughters are whores.
They were imported here to deliberately catalyze an inferno of rage among Europeans. They are the blood sacrifice and they don't even know it.

we live, we're so irrelevant that we live lmao

In Germany it increased from 4% muslims to 5% muslims and then went down to 4,8%. In long Terms it will continue to Go down farther. Everybody who thinks that europe (total muslim Population 5%) will get islamized is an idiot

>When ETA, IRA, the years of lead, the Corsicans and RAF were a thing, terrorism in Europe was much more serious.
The ones making more causalities per terrorist events are Muslims orgs and muslim lone-wolves.

Plus you start changing subjects using whataboutism about fatalities about Carlist and Spanish Civil War comparing to current scenario - interval more than 10-20 years like you are talking about.

Attached: deadliest_terrorist_groups.png (1052x1388, 201K)

BBC "fact checks" violence by illegal immigrants in Germany and discovers that -- uh-oh -- the immigrants are violent.

Attached: _103372052_chart-crimevpopulation-oov9n-nc.png (624x443, 26K)

0.Pretend to be a muslim
1. Marry Sand niggress
2. Convert her to be a mormon
3. Repeat

Depends on wher you live - in bigger cities and some smaller one the "muslims" are getting more.

It's exaggerated.

The problem of Moslems isn't terrorism or trucks of peace, but their demographic expansion and the fact that they will fucking out-vote you

Anybody who thinks the problem of islamization is terrorism is a fucking idiot

>Do you guys ever really fear of becoming a Muslim country?
It's a matter of time. They will reproduce at a higher rate, form a party, win an election and that's that.

>Slovakia 0.6
Feels good man.

its much worse than the media tells you. Even with muslims at 5% of the population they dominate entire parts of the big cities. The think of all non-muslims as non-people who will go to hell. They also think they deserve a muslim takeover of Europe because the jews told them we fucked up their lands

They'll just claim it's because of racism and/or poor socio-economics. The left thinks of non-Westerners as pitysome reflex machines who never have any accountability for their own actions.

I hate how Islamic terrorism actually helps the left, because they are constantly scapegoating their disastrous policy onto it. It works just so perfectly for them. They bring in the terrorists, they refuse to police them in any way, they even assist terrorist organizations, and then when the terrorists actually perform terrorism they go all like "not aaaaallllll muslims are like this!"

Yeah, no shit. Most Americans aren't soldiers, either. That doesn't mean the US never invaded Iraq.

To understand the extent of the immigration in europe, here is a number: by 2025, meaning in 6 years, 50% of children born in France will be non-white.

Most hang onto terrorism being the problem due to white guilt.
All these phoney middle-/upper class liberals do not like the many shades of brown but are too afraid to say so.... thus condeming Islam and Radicals. The most cowardly people on earth.

It still amazes me how the Boomers needed only one generation during the wealthiest years we've ever seen to so utterly destroy Europe.

It's as bad if not worse.
What annoys me the most is..
>Same people that protested to let all refuges in now protesting about "Stop Muslim" crap.
>It's not the problem with war refuges, we always meant to help Syrian war refuges(after they be vetted out to not be terrorist ceel seed), it's the job seekers/financial refuges from Pakistan,Iraq,Arabs(from all over),Afgan,Lebanon(OK, Lebanon folks are OK, at least "Druz"(some modern,liberal version of mslim)-, Northern Africa ,Turkey etc are the one what with all the pillage & rape..

Oh, come on, that's racist and racism is for muslims.

To deal with the Muslim problem, you have to bar women from politics and ban apps like Tinder on a nationwide scale. As long as these things exist, you will never stop importing Muslims. Women want more potential mates, and more Muslim immigrants means just that. They are the ones who vote for immigration. The greatest ally the Jews have ever had is the white woman.

>How bad is the Muslim 'problem' in Europe?
Pic related is what will happen all over western Europe when muslim ghettos no longer can be bribed with free money, social security, to be docile.

Attached: syria_destroyed_city.jpg (1200x750, 172K)

A nigger will

>How bad is the Muslim 'problem' in Europe?
Everything is great there is no problem at all don't believe the chaos theories in the internet we are free and nothing is wrong please don't send me in jail

Attached: this is fine.gif (436x500, 1.43M)

>no big deal
wtf u talking about Ahmed?

>En España se cometen al año algo más de 300 asesinatos. La población inmigrante marroquí cometió en 2015 el 18% de ellos (53), a pesar de que solamente supone el 1,5% del total de la población en España

18% of murders committed by 1.5% of the population

1 in 3 prison inmates are foreign in Spain

Jihadists recruiting in Spain

Aren't you guys supposed to oppose Islam since, you know, your state was founded on the devotion to attain total catholic dominance on the iberian peninsula?
Your kings of days old would be so ashamed, if they can't already see you.

We are run by sweet socialists virtue signalers, you may be familiar with the concept

I don't want to live around Muslims. Those that do, should GTFO of the West.

The people from middle-eastern countries cause a lot of trouble, but I dont know if they are muslim to be honest, I dont think they go to mosques or pray or uphold any of the islamic laws.
A lot of them are on cocain/heroin/crack and etc.

Here 70% of detainees are foreign.

Attached: gedetineerden in Nederland3.png (1036x524, 44K)

Allochtoon is 1st and 2nd generation foreigner, Autochtoon is indigenous, 3rd generation will be seen as indigenous according to the law.

>Have the greatest civilizations in history
>Decide to become women's bitches
>They fuck it all up and your land turns into dystopian muslim shitholes

Bravo, Europe... bravo

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It's the eternal cycle of patriarchal order vs. matriarchal chaos. There's nothing anyone can do to prevent this from happening. It's as natural as the sun.

It's always a sliding scale in how devout people are, but culturally, they are all muslim unless they have consciously rejected the faith. They consider themselves muslims, and they think that fact makes them better than nonbelievers. Selectively excluding everyone from the group because they do something bad is ignoring the problem. The problem isn't in their adherence to arbitrary religious rules, but their cultural identity. If they are muslim, they are always more middle-eastern and European. We will always be the outgroup to them, and we can not fully trust them. You can see this with political issues. Even the non-practicing, secular muslims will prefer policy which enshrines islam as important in our country. And this we can not tolerate, no matter how much coke they do.

>tfw officially allochtoon from a family of refugees, yet never treated as a victim because not politically fashionable

Sad thing is, once they've reached 20%(even as stats say it's still at 5-10%, just look at how they're all in the media and in most towns), that will be it. Thanks to the Marxist narrative being pushed and whites being stripped from their own culture, I'm sure a good majority white men will convert to Islam, as they'll see it as the only strong masculine force left, even the only "sane" force, which still advocates that there two genders. To think, the cultural Marxist idealogies that is being foced on in our countries which in effect brings some sort of bestowement of Islam as a positive thing in our countries really shows how abominable it is.

I think what's going to be the most heart crushing thing is seeing the last generation of white babies with names such as Abdull/Ahmed/Muhammed. Not only that but the amount of future idols being muslim, attracting broken white communities even more. It will probably become a trendy thing like speaking Jamaicanised English was. I've heard people walk into towns dominated by Pakistanis to be called white scum.

Muslim countries never had the matriarchal part of this "cycle".

Matriarchal are conquered or wither, they do not become patriarchal again

>Muslim countries never had the matriarchal part of this "cycle".
Neither did the West. It's only happening now, and Muslims will experience it too. Look at the reform movements in the ME. Islam can't outlast it, no contemporary culture around us can. The chaos will destroy the globe and a new order (by virtue of necessity) will rise from the ashes. You're thinking small-term. No single culture can resist these tidal waves. Destruction and creation go hand-in-hand.

Yeah I think you're right but, to me its more effective to say middle-eastern people are a problem than to say muslims are a problem, it leaves to much wiggle room for discussion.

Fake and gay. France already is 20+% Muslim and maybe 30%+ non white.

I'd say mass immigration on a whole is the problem, and then especially because the main population being imported has the same religious culture to rally around, creating a massive cultural enclave in Western Europe. Culturally speaking sub-Saharan Africans are even more incompatible than Middle-Easterners, but there's one important difference: The number of Muslims among them is relatively limited. And while immigration of this group brings similar problems (crime and unemployment), another problem is lacking: They do not organize politically to empower their own style of politics. Muslims do.

And it's no coincidence that the most problematic African group, Somalians, is also overwhelmingly Muslim. In short, Islam is definitely a big part of the entire problem. It's just not the entire problem.

>They'll just claim it's because of racism and/or poor socio-economics.
Either that or they'll tell you that crime is going down - which is true, crime overall is going down, but not violent crimes, sex crimes and theft, because of migrants (if you bring up this point, they'll just loop back to 'muh socio-economic status' or 'muh racism' or that they're from a different culture, thus they're not used to our way of life, or some bs like that)

Anything over 5%, a country is fucked. RIP Sweden, France and the UK.

WHAT??? Where the hell do you live?

Are you posting from the mosque?

I’m probably moving out i rather be a minority in some south american shithole

>The problem is not in Muslims, but in all non-white immigrants.
found the ch*chen

Reported to VRT for hatespeech

llora mas puto

Is het nog niet genoeg geweest, Tim Verheyen?

If women did not run Europe, if there were still MEN in Europe
This would not be a problem
enjoy your anal rape/murder

are there really people in here saying its not a problem? when did we become reddit

Women run America as well, maybe even more than they do Europe.

We're never going to be a muslim country because there are also non-muslim niggers. Some Muslims also hate each other like turks and Mocro's.

Whites will become jews this century. The dumb ones will get killed by their nigger pets and the smart ones will live in gated communities.

Is this big on the news over there?

Guy from Barcelona insulted a Moroccan on Facebook and now he's going to jail for a year and a fine of 2,160€ for saying this:
>"Mira mira las disculpas que te pido. Perdona por no mandarte a tu país en patera no con manguitos a ver si te ahogas moroo".

The media is underreporting, not blowing it out of proportion btw. It's much worse than you'll ever know.

Are any of you afraid to walk around your cities at night?
In America you can't walk around ANY major city (100k+ population) at night unless it's a high traffic area (South Las Vegas strip, Michigan Avenue, etc.)

>We had more of that in the 80s.
We had none of that in the 80s.

>Be shittiest offspring of a somewhat decent civilization in history

I see some are saying it's exaggerated, it may be, but many cities in Europe look much different than they did when I lived there in the 80's.
I can't think of anywhere else demographics have changed so much.

Is this what Brits have to look forward to when they marry their British slags?

Attached: Screenshot_20190114-152659_Firefox.jpg (1440x2073, 753K)

Depends on what you call a "city". Brussels is an absolute shithole. I'd never walk there at night. Some people are even afraid from work late because it's dark early and our company has advised women not to walk alone to the station.

Antwerp is shit as well, so I've heard. Ghent is very close to become the same. Brugge is nice and still worth a visit (I think). My city/town (25K people) is 95% white and completely safe.

>I can't think of anywhere else demographics have changed so much.
Cities in the midwest have all become even more (((culturally enriched))) in the past 20 years as well

>Or is it mostly just hidden by the media?

why are nigerian subhumans allowed in fucking europe

That's where I live, things have not changed as much in the past 30 years here as compared to Europe.
They are even in small villages. It was very strange to see them walking around little Bavarian towns, they look so out of place.

I still walk around at night in Brussels but i’m native so i know the way around some places are to be avoided though
>Some people are even afraid from work late because it's dark early and our company has advised women not to walk alone to the station.
You mean government employees having their park turn in to the biggest refugee park for africans serves em right

Alright Jow Forums, raise a theoretical hand if you support the mass sterilization of blacks

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50% total meaning cities will be 75+%
Ile-de-France 85% soon