Why is their a media blackout on this?

Why is their a media blackout on this?
The north magnetic pole’s rapid and inexorable shift requires the early release of a new model of Earth’s magnetic field for military and civilian navigation around the Arctic. The partial federal government shutdown will delay the release of this model from January 15 until at least January 30.

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ive never heard the media give two shits about things like this except the time they realised runways would have to be changed due to the pole movement
everything goes through spaceweather or things pilots read.

They don't want panic it's a event that happens every 12k years when life on this planet get wiped out where do you think to 20 trillion when missing from the pentagon under ground bases live every day as if it your last because soon it will be
Ben knows m.youtube.com/user/Suspicious0bservers

This guy gets it

Makes me think back a few weeks ago when they registered the sound waves coming from the Indian Ocean and don’t have a clue what the fuck it means

If this is what our lord wants then so be it

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Straight from NatGeo

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>Even if a flip is approaching, it won’t happen overnight. “Paleomagnetic evidence suggests reversals take around 1,000-5,000 years or so,” Associate Professor Phil Livermore, an expert on Earth’s geomagnetic field at the University of Leeds, told IFLScience.
Don't know if this is true, wouldn't bet on it

mini nova incoming

Because of this; youtube.com/watch?v=piehWYdlOQA

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There isn't a media blackout. You'd know that if you browser news outlets other than endtimesand2019.wordpress.com

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It is true. Reversals are slow and during a reversal the surface will be bathed in high energy radiation because there will be no magnetic field to protect us from cosmic radiation.

>create endtimes[variable year here] domain name
>put up a bunch of pseudo science bullshit about the poles shifting THIS PARTICULAR YEAR
>people will flock to it, every year, in panic
>easy ad revenue

This is basically like an old form of click-bait.

So will this last like a day? Years?

How does pole reversal affect birds?
Will they confuse north and south or will their internal compass adapt quickly enough?


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They will be confused at first but this has literally happened a thousand times since birds have been a thing so they will adapt eventually.

would we even notice a pole shift? i mean, i can't even tell what direction we are flying through space currently so who care if we are upside down

Damn I'm making money the wrong way

What will really blow your mind is TFW you realize that the drift of the earths pole is identical to when a dreidel is spinning then destabilizes and flops over...

What is Directed Energy weapon?
Why are Russians in the arctic?
Why is the arctic ice melting faster than ever?
Why did hundreds of seals, whales and dolphin end up in miles inland and washed up?
Why is there increasing strange weather patterns?
Why are so many new satellites in space unlisted?
Where is Zuma, where is Spektr-R?

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Well hypothetically yes, in a massive fucking way, a pole shit could change the earths rotation, so instead of spinning from east to west or west to east whatever fuck if I know, this shift in rotation would not only result in massive earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and other goodies, but it would also mean the oceans shift, few people know that the oceans actually bulge out at the equator I.e theres more water along the equator then the arctic for example, this is simply put due to centripetal force, in other words the oceans are not level, so what would happen is that all this water bulging out at the equator would rather quickly rush out to and try to find its new position, so basically biblical floods, afterwards ofc climates would change what was once ice bound would become tropical climates, deserts become sub zero environments

A poleshift could in all aspects be a complete reset on the entire fucking planet, nothing would look the same, humanity would be sent back to the stone age with nothing but ruins and memories of the old world, and ofc a few select geniuses who under the right circumstances could very well be the people who kickstart civilization again

Now, user, you can't just tease me with something like that and not provide a link

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Let me put it to you simply, fren. Polar shift will take about a thousand years, that's the slow part.
The magnetic field collapse facilitating that shift will occur quickly, over a decade or so and it will persist over the duration of the shift.
During that duration you will be exposed to multiples of your maximum YEARLY dose of cosmic/solar radiation every single DAY.
Only the bacteria on the sea floor will survive and the cycle will begin once again.

Link? Couldn't find anything on google