I'm thinking of doing something stupid. I'm a virgin in a ldr with a girl who wants to wait until marriage...

I'm thinking of doing something stupid. I'm a virgin in a ldr with a girl who wants to wait until marriage. Of that I have no doubt. I feel the relationship is falling apart and I'm thinking of just finding some fwb to shag whilst I'm here. Worst thing is I'm constantly thinking about doing this.

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You are already doing something stupid: wasting a long time in a relationship that is not real and will only end up making you miserable.

We used to go out for about 3 months before me moving to where I am. The thing is, I might be wrong and she's got some shit to take care of with school and stress but I feel like it might come to an end. I wrote to her about my doubts and she reassures me that's not the case but I bet it's weird for a 17 year old girl to be in a ldr with a 19 year old dude. The thing is, I keep on thinking that itd be a backup plan if shit were to go south.

One more thing. How can I stop being so paranoid about her? I literally get my fucking blood boiling if we are not writing too rarely. I am always paranoid she's with someone else and that I'm being made a moron of. She reassures me she would never do that and even sends me screenshots of people messaging her if I ask so my paranoia isn't as justified as it should be. I guess.

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Another thing is she sometimes takes a long time to reply or even doesn't at all. I talked to her about this, saying without communication it'll all go to shit, she agrees, promises to do better and after some time it goes back to how it was for fucks sake..

>I'm a virgin in a ldr
>with a girl who wants to wait until marriage
You're already doing something stupid.


You're going to waste years for nothing, that you could instead use on having fun. Like a real gf and sex with her.

You're not going to marry this girl and you know it. Get out before it gets any more difficult.

Maybe you're right. That's why I'm thinking of finding some fwb right now whilst I'm here.

I want to marry her mate.. I've never met someone like her.

>I want to marry her mate.
Not if you're thinking of fucking around on her you don't.

You're a kid. You are far too young to think about marriage.

It's more like I want to get rid of that fucking virgin label.

Because you two are completely neglecting one of the most important facets of a romantic relationship.

What if your sexual needs and desires are totally incompatible but you only find out after the wedding? What then?

I don't think so. My parents married when they were 22 and 24, my grandparents at 20 and 22. My greatfucking grandparentd at 17 and 24. They all love each other.

I wonder that myself and that's why sex before marriage should occur at least once with your spouse.

Marriages at a young age have a far higher chance of failing. The average age for getting married is around 30.

>implying that makes it better
Honestly, that might be even worse.

>I don't think so. My parents married when they were 22 and 24, my grandparents at 20 and 22. My greatfucking grandparentd at 17 and 24. They all love each other.
It's a very different time and you're a different person. There were dire consequences for failed marriages in their day to keep them in check, and waiting until marriage was enough the norm that people didn't get impatient and insecure about their virginity like you are.

>waiting until marriage was enough the norm
No, it never was.

Maybe in the states.

I'm impatient and insecure about it because all my life I've heard that virgins are fucking weird and creepy. All my life I've heard that people with no relationship expierience are weird and don't deserve happiness and I'm tired of that.

In all developed countries. Where do you live where everyone gets married young?

>I'm impatient and insecure about it because all my life I've heard that virgins are fucking weird and creepy. All my life I've heard that people with no relationship expierience are weird and don't deserve happiness and I'm tired of that.
Right. Because it's a different time. Your parents and grandparents are irrelevant. The fact that you have reasons for feeling insecure doesn't change the fact that those insecurities nuke the likelihood of you marrying this girl, let alone actually being a good partner to her.

Poland. Most people here do.

I would be a good partner. Hell, 3/4 of my time here is spent thinking about her. Its just that sometimes when she takes too long to reply or reads it and doesn't, it makes my blood boil and I have thoughts like this. I plan on visiting home soon, I miss her so much.

10 seconds in google shows the average age for marriage is 28 in Poland.

Well shit. Lower than 30 for sure.

just anhero

Just tell her you have human needs and go date someone you can actually reach on foot, turd
Online dating is dead in the age of catfish and attention-mongering. I'd be shocked if she didn't have orbiters who provide her dick pix and sexts and shit. Absolutely shocked.
I know one chick who always claims to be in an LDR with a new guy every time we talk and I get nudes out of her every single time we talk (couple times a year). Girls who date on the internet-- not just online dating like Tinder or OKC but LDRs like over games and chats and shit-- are all fucking batshit insane. Absolutely insane.

If you want to marry this girl dont cheat.
If you dont want to marry her then let her go now for both your sakes.
Thats retarded. I regret throwing mine away. Maybe others dont but you gain nothing by losing it besides a night of orgy porgy.
Being a virgin doesnt make you a wierdo: being a wierdo makes you a virgin.
marriages with very young people are the strongest. 21-28 are the worst. It gets steadily better after that but who wants to marry a 32 year old woman?
This is just statistics though and virginal marriages are far and away the strongest. You know whether or not it'd have a chance of working out.

Visit her and you'll feel better. Tell her, when youre in person, how you want her to reply more in a less blunt fashion.
Dont throw something away just to get rid of a label.

Literally what?

I prefer doing those human needs with her.


I'm planning on vistitng her this month, I'm working over time this week and the next to have enough to pay for the ticket and shit.

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Id go out on a limb and guess that she isnt like how this user describes. Seems odd for a virgin marriage girl to be and seppos like to think the whole world is as bad as their country for women.

When I was in a ldr (which fell apart for reasons obvious from the start and not important) any doubts and problems we had online went away when we met. Talking about things was easier, the closeness was great and it healed the wounds of distance. LDRs are bad, I wont lie but they do make finally meeting better. Try and meet as regularly as you can if you really want this girl (and, if youre lucky, or unlucky, i guess, she might falter on her marriage thing and then she'll have to try and marry you eventually. She'll also be more clingy because virgin girls do that).

Just get some self discipline and wait with her if you really do want to marry her, though I would recommend waiting a few years. Just don't let the virgin label get to you, it's more important to share that memory with someone special than shagging some bar skank.

I know that meetups are a must. Contact as well, and constant chatting/calling one another at least daily is a must too.

Guess so. I'm a pessimist by nature, so I always think that if shit with her were to go south I'd have wasted my prime years being stuck in a LDR which didn't lead to anything. That's why I'm thinking of that fwb thing. I'm aware there's a lot at stake, if it were to go good I'd have a wonderful girl amd itd make our relationship stronger in the long run, but it could go the other way too.

Glad someone else gets this.

A "long distance relationship" is no more a relationship, than an empty glass is a "glass of water".

In the end, everything is a sacrifice. The only person that can make the decision here is you. Don't half ass things by trying to have your cake and eat it to, either cut contact with her and gun for pussy, or devote yourself fully to her.

Thank you for speaking sense


Despite what I feel about LDRs as below, it is "socially/morally" wrong to cheat on your GF either way more as an abuse of trust rather than anything else. If she was getting railed by people regardless of her stance on sex before marriage you would be fucking livid, if you found out, which these things tend to come out at the worst times. Treat others how you expect to be treat. Buy a rubber ass to hump in the meantime and burn it when you meet up irl.

That said LDRs are often a waste of time, they make you feel part of something when you are in one but ultimately if something real/local comes along you will drop it just as quick, you are attracted to the idea of a relationship with someone without being in one with them.

Do yourself a massive favor and break it off, then you can proceed guilt free to skirt chase as you wish. I say this as an user who did the whole LDR thing several times as a late teen, despite the overwhelmingly good feeling i got from the last LDR I was in, it meant nothing when I actually had a girl come into my life, who was actually just a mmorpg friend who was visiting the city I lived at, we met up for lunch as an afterthought and things escalated from there, been married 9 years now.

TLDR, LDRs are a good online RP experience until something real comes around, or you actually do meet up properly and plan a future you can both stick to until you can pull the trigger and move in together.

you're showing you ostensibly wouldn't be a good partner for her at all
you're constantly insecure and requiring assurance from the woman all because you haven't put your dick in a vagina yet in your incredibly short life
sometime when you're freaking out because she isn't replying as quickly as your pathetic insecurities require, try to stop and question why it is such a big deal, and question if you have ever done that in the history of your relationship. people have things to do in their lives, even married couples or relationships for people that live 5 minutes from eachother.
on top of all of that you're so insanely pathetic that you regularly think about cheating or leaving her just so you can get your dick wet for the first time - i can only speak for myself but sex with my long-term gf was much better than short-term gfs or one night stands.