The Fed increased the monetary base by 5x during the Great Recession. Where's the hyperinflation?
>inflate the supply of good
>thinks it doesn't effect the price
Even for a slide thread, this is retarded.
How much do things cost now compared to then?
>value of 1 american dollar then vs now.jpg
pork price is the same as 20 years ago, oil price is the same as 10 years ago, as for canada well...
>What is quantitative easing
But anyway, the point you're missing is that during the recession a huge amount of value simply disappeared off the books. Evaluations changed, and money that was promised based on those evaluations changed. This is extremely important because the vast majority of money in the system at this point exists on books due to lending.
So, what should have happened is rapid deflation as people scramble for assets that don't lose their value and the money supply retracts. The government adopted rapid expansionary policies to prevent deflation.
>Why did it not cause hyper inflation?
Because the system was deflating simultaneously.
come again?
you're lying and that's what I expected from a cutdick brain damaged retard
It's masked by low commodity prices, dummy. The amount of gold it takes to buy things remains the same.
Petrodollar allows US to export inflation abroad