user that thinks ct should secede from the union
STFU AND BTFO asshole. Connecticut is much more important than you may think
user that thinks ct should secede from the union
STFU AND BTFO asshole. Connecticut is much more important than you may think
Nice thread faggot.
Life long CTFag here. The Connect-tion to DC is VERY strong here. It has to be, every dual citizen and kike has ATLEAST a cottage here. Its like a KikeNest/Safespace for kikes. Good luck getting them to unlatch from Glompfs Teeet.
What are anons SUPPOSED to make threads about user? Every thread I enter I see "What a Gay Thread" "Backto Plebbit Reeee" I mean Jesus Christ on the cross, WHAT kind of thread do u want to see you KIKE!?
MAYBE a NIGGER dick thread? Or a ASIAN thread? How about a JEW thread?? Def not enuf of those
This thread was either made by a 12 year old or a 70 year old.
Why do you type like you have schizophrenia?
Fuck you unrighteous vagabond!
Fact: Connecticut is being diversified faster than almost any other state in the union. Due to young fertile white people leaving for job opportunities. Non whites being flooded in. Soon Connecticut will just be another suburb of NYC