Many people seem nowdays to have brain fog. Its like a plague, everyone has problems concentrating and finding inspiratiom even for simple tasks. Is it the 50 different passwords and 100 user interfaces you use everyday? Is it wi-fi? Is it the food? Is it the 50 phone calls a day and the perfectionism culture? Is it the zombie, bootlicking colleagues? Or is it because the high fructose corn syrup and sitting all day? Its like a black cloud that saps your mental stamina and vitality and drags you into a swamp of papers, emails, culture of running for trivial things and ultimate demoralization.
I had brain fog for the last 15 years. I recently cured it with a low lectin diet. Mostly vegetables, healthy fats and nuts, tubers and a small amount of meat, preferably fish, per day. It helps to stop poisoning yourself with the modern American ((healthy)) diet.
Eli Ross
Try htp-5 and L-Theanine with coffee, cut back your energy drink consumption though.
Isaiah Martinez
Nolan Turner
50% of people can't tolerate folic acid and it's in nearly all grain based foods. Test for MTHFR and get your methyl b12 and methylfolate.
Nolan Diaz
Why do the tasks?
I'd rather exercise, take a nap and read a book while eating some potatoes for $5 a day than work to own boring junk and attract hoes
Already got laid
Already made money
Already over this stupid game
Already had beautiful hoes beg for my kids
Already told them to block my number because id rather die knowing I didn't force a child into this world than leave that child to it's fate without a father to look up to
If I cant say "you've made me proud, my son" and mean it. I would rather die without reproducing. I'm too pure for this world and I tried adapting to it but nah
Shits just like a game I'm bored of because there's noone I actually want to play it with