Brain fog

Many people seem nowdays to have brain fog. Its like a plague, everyone has problems concentrating and finding inspiratiom even for simple tasks. Is it the 50 different passwords and 100 user interfaces you use everyday? Is it wi-fi? Is it the food? Is it the 50 phone calls a day and the perfectionism culture? Is it the zombie, bootlicking colleagues? Or is it because the high fructose corn syrup and sitting all day? Its like a black cloud that saps your mental stamina and vitality and drags you into a swamp of papers, emails, culture of running for trivial things and ultimate demoralization.

Any redpills on the phenomenon?

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I had brain fog for the last 15 years. I recently cured it with a low lectin diet. Mostly vegetables, healthy fats and nuts, tubers and a small amount of meat, preferably fish, per day. It helps to stop poisoning yourself with the modern American ((healthy)) diet.

Try htp-5 and L-Theanine with coffee, cut back your energy drink consumption though.


50% of people can't tolerate folic acid and it's in nearly all grain based foods. Test for MTHFR and get your methyl b12 and methylfolate.

Why do the tasks?

I'd rather exercise, take a nap and read a book while eating some potatoes for $5 a day than work to own boring junk and attract hoes

Already got laid

Already made money

Already over this stupid game

Already had beautiful hoes beg for my kids

Already told them to block my number because id rather die knowing I didn't force a child into this world than leave that child to it's fate without a father to look up to

If I cant say "you've made me proud, my son" and mean it. I would rather die without reproducing. I'm too pure for this world and I tried adapting to it but nah

Shits just like a game I'm bored of because there's noone I actually want to play it with

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What to avoid to lower lectin intake?


It should be obvious


beans, legumes, seeds, grains, dairy.

>constant storm of information from the moment you wake up until the moment you sleep
>started so fast our brains didn't have any time to adapt to it
>hmm where does this brain fog come from?
Stop using any sort of media or screen one hour before you go to sleep.

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I'd say it's caused by porn but I've had brain fog completely go away both with and without nofap . There's more to it. Wheat HFCS causes it instantly though and I don't drink anything with it anymore

Maca root and L-theanine. I just saved your life

It is because you are probably staring at screens and absorbing information more than half the day. Go out into nature for a few hours, dont look at your phone, you will immediately notice a difference. Ideal state would be living in a farm or some shit, but we are all urbanite neets so that wont happen anytime soon.

Lol nice larp fggt,

Yep, this seem to habe basis. I try to listen to quality audiobook, but get tired soon. When i mindlessly watch tv, fatigue is lower. Strangely, if read a book, there is very little mental fatigue. Even if i get tired reading a book, its a sweet fatigue. If i read from screens, fatigue is much bigger.

white bread as you get in France is way healthier than our whole grain bread. Look up the negative health effects of wheat germ agglutnin.

Is the fog sign for something much worse (such as dementia) down the road?

Weed makes it so much worse, stop lying to yourself stoners! "Doesn't cause cancer like tobacco" doesn't mean "consequence free to improve my life".

Stop drinking, stop smoking, then control your diet, then start running and lifting.

It's glownigger energy weapons, faggot. Look for the Sprinter van parked on your block and light it up! You should be able to tell because the people inside glow and the van has no windows.

I feel like theres something fishy about the recent push for gluten free. There's definitely more to it than all wheat being bad, it definitely has to do with modern wheat used in American products . And the trend seems to be shilled by the corn industry

Put night mode on all your devices past 21:00, the whites and lights in your screen trick your brain into thinking it's daytime. It's the reason all social media uses white and blue as their main colors.

look up prison food and its effect on inmates, now take the same concept and look at what the average person eats.

Brain fog comes from the fungal candida infection in your gut. Everyone has one nowadays

Porn, masturbation, orgasm.
But hey, IT'S NATURAL BRO! Yeah. A lot of things are natural. Anyways, stop fapping every day and your problems go away.

interesting, do you have any source? Do we have that in the Netherlands too?

Overthinking causes it
this helped me. Check it out it might help you too.
listen to Jow Forumss favourite/least favourite meme professor

>don’t fuck your wife before bed either

Nigga, you have the big gay.

>Getting initiated into (((Freemasonry))) as a cure for your depression and brain fog

Satan has you by the balls now

nah we are pretty based food and waterwise but garbage food from america needs to stay in america.

But there are foodgroups that affect cognitivity in excess.
The closer your food is to "natural" often the better it is for your overall health.
(heavily) Processed foods are the main culprit.

The dopamine depletion from porn and edging are the bigger problem than he ejaculation

I dont.

I have brainfog all the time ever since I was a kid(around 8-10). I have not had one moment I can recall where I'm 100% present and receptive of my surroundings. At most around 60% is my "max".

I am and can be creative however but when it comes to logical tasks such as mathematics to concentrate I have to do math constantly. Yes, I know it's the idea of math to keep doing math so you're good at math but people at least tend to "remember" what they calculate over and over like how physical muscles do(they need time to atrophy) and how I just end up forgetting it sometimes spontaneous only to reappear in times where I don't need it. Plus my logical capabilities don't even improve. I run purely off lower and rarely off higher instinct.

I'm 21 now and haven't done any drugs or really had a traumatizing or stressful childhood so there's no reason for me to be like this.

Also I should mention I did learn how to think with my instincts while heavily brain fogged as paradoxically as it sounds. Basically it's like being an emotional robot or computer. You absorb and recall data based on a specific emotion or feeling and then "recall" or use it e.g the feeling of curiousity. Doesn't even need to be positive feelings could help in stressful situations too like learning to program yourself whenever you experience fear or anxiety to try to calculate and predict what's gonna happen next based on whatever you can quickly piece together from knowledge you'd "feel" is relevant to the stressful situation or control your surface emotions. Sadly it doesn't always work for the first but it certainly does for the latter. If I need to cry or scream I will do it when I'm outside of danger. Likewise for pain. I would be able to feel the pain but push it away until I subconsciously deemed it safe to direct my attention to it.

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if you truly want to know. Listen to every podcast
>Mark Passio is an anarchist, independent researcher, public speaker, radio talk show host, conference organizer and freedom activist from Philadelphia, PA. Mark has undertaken the task of assembling vast amounts of research in the areas of metaphysics, occultism, spirituality, symbology and consciousness studies. In 2007, Mark began presenting this information in the form of a presentation series entitled What On Earth Is Happening, with the intention of bringing the implications of this body of knowledge to greater public awareness. Mark launched his own web site in 2008 at In 2010, Mark began hosting his own weekly internet radio show, also called What On Earth Is Happening, which continues today in the form of a podcast on Mark's website. Mark was one of the co-founders of the Free Your Mind Conference, the Philadelphia-based conference on consciousness, mind control and the occult. Mark has taught intensive live seminars, including Natural Law: The Real Law Of Attraction & How To Apply It In Your Life, New Age Bullshit & The Suppression Of The Sacred Masculine, Street-Wise Spirituality, and De-Mystifying The Occult. Over the years, Mark has worked closely with activist groups in his area such as the Tesla Science Foundation, Philadelphia Liberty On The Rocks, Truth-Freedom-Prosperity and Survive & Thrive Philadelphia. Mark also is the founding member and lead vocalist of the Philadelphia-based anarchist hardcore-punk band, The Founders.

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Nope. It's caused from stress and too much jelly brain lazy thinking. Also bad diet. No fast food. No soda or pop. Vitamin C. A good multivitamin. Exercise, cardio and moderate weight lifting. You have to clean out the gunk physically in your body and mentally. That means cutting out jew entertainment by 80%. It's designed to manipulate you emotionally. I don't have a perfect system but maca, matcha, and basic supplements have saved my brain. Highly recommend Ltheanine which comes in matcha but is cheap if you just want it now. I highly recommend folate as well, as it helps the skin immensely and even the smallest amount of confidence helps clear up brain fog. This last one is tricky but it involves a continuous effort to not be so analytical of things happening in your daily life, to train your mind to become more instinctual in it's reactions. More alpha vs beta thinkings. Organic mentality. Helps a lot with women too. I'm just throwing anything I can think of. I'm no ladies man and it's taken me years to figure out how to implement this shit


What is the redpill on L-Theanine? What makes it work?

This too. Take Yeast Cleanse. We all are infested with yeast it's ridiculous


you literally did not give any aid to the OP. read your fucking posts faggots and see who the real faggot here it

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>Also bad diet. No fast food. No soda or pop. Vitamin C. A good multivitamin. Exercise, cardio and moderate weight lifting.
Tried it. Didn't work. I gave up and just try to adapt now.

Mark Passio's whole schtick is about subtly denying the divinity of Christ

>L-theanine relieves anxiety in large part because it bears a close resemblance to the brain-signaling chemical glutamate. L-theanine produces the opposite effect in the brain.

>While glutamate is the brain’s most important excitatory neurotransmitter, L-theanine binds to the same brain cell receptors and blocks them to glutamate’s effects. This action produces inhibitory effects.1,2 That inhibition to brain overactivity has a calming, relaxing effect in which anxiety fades.3

>In addition to blocking excitatory stimuli at glutamate receptors in the brain, L-theanine also stimulates production of the inhibitory, relaxing neurotransmitter GABA, adding to its calming, anti-anxiety effects.2

>Unlike prescription anti-anxiety drugs, however, some of which mimic GABA’s effects, L-theanine produces its anti-anxiety effects without producing sleepiness or impairing motor behavior.4 In fact, L-theanine has been shown in human studies to moderately improve alertness and attention while exerting its anxiety-reducing effects.5

I took this from a website

Are you the Bulgarian who tries to practice occult divination and other such BS? Because that probably means it's demons causing your problems

Meant to quote you for here

Oh yeah? You tried weightlifting and exercise and fucking simple vitamins and it didn't "work"? Uh huh. Sure thing

Marijauna induced brain damage.

Christ is only more divine than you by his actions. The virgin birth is about two things... the constellation virgo is 9 months before the date where the sun is resurrected... and its about pic related.

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It's dopaminergic toxicity from fapping, porn, music, vidya, socmedia, screens of all kinds, drugs, promiscuous non generative sex, excessive cursing, fast food, cute animal memes, etc. The only cure is faith in God and an ascetic dopamine detox

Dont wanna be a Satanist, ill pass.

I've been taking it and it HAS been working for me, my only inkling was that it is an amino acid I was missing from my diet. I typically try to double my intake vs what caffeine I've had, or, 1 200mg pill for 1 cup of coffee. I'll try adding maca root.

Memes are literally demons

I did. I had a time where I said enough and went to the gym used to eat less and only healthy foods even multivitamins and protein from time to time. I lost some fat and got into shape but the fog didn't go away I wasn't anymore present than I am right now. So even though in 6 months my big belly vanished and I felt really energetic and capable my fog didn't go away at all. So I just quit at the 7th month and went back to shit diet and staying at home. I do have "health" periods from time to time where I intentionally fast or exercise more but no dice.

I don't know about other people but for me it's clearly not a body issue. Probably brain. I could be a retard or something but I don't even act as one. Heck most people that know me would vouch I'm a bit weird but never that I'm a dumbass. Even though I myself suspect I am.

Some spirits work for God, user.

what the fuck are you talking about you schizophrenic retard

L-theanine an amino acid found in green tea. Promotes a calm, focused stimulation. Works synergistically with caffeine. I take it in the morning with coffee and it makes for a pleasant first half of the day.

Not the ones you find on Jow Forums

That's why I said French bread is ok. In the US they add all kinds of shit to the bread that they don't even have to list on the label. There's all kinds of endocrine disruptors in there. Thickening agents, bromide, consistency agents, etc. Gluten is fine in its normal form, but our grains have been genetically modified over the last 100 years to where our bodies don't react well to it.

Any good brand that's found in American stores?

Forgot to say me already redpilled about (((newage))), world leaders being servants of satan through occult and all the satanic undercurrent through millenia of history in every culture. Me is Orthodox Christian btw, and its really helped so far with everyday stuff.

Maybe its the energy weapons afterall

If you don't know about Albert Pike's hard on for Lucifer then you don't know the Masons

If you dont want to be a Satanist. then dont. If you think that learning their playbook is going to make you one... then you really dont have any will power behind you. Ao far all the anons who said no so far seem to be living in a fear based mind set. And fear does not lead to freedom.

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I don't eat bread. I would guess maybe a local bakery would be ok if they're not using additives. A good rule of thumb is that if bread doesn't go bad in 1 day it has some sort of chemicals added to it.

Sadly I'm addicted to coffee jew as well but I try to limit to once a day. This goes without saying but for every person they will need to fine tune it to their personal life

Don't bother with Mark Passio, he is a wolf in sheep's clothing. He says he is a satanist-turned-Christian but is clearly still a mystic Hermeticism in his content. He implies things like the practice of Masonry would be redeemable if the focused less on masculine energy and more on feminine energy.

Is there an equivalent thing to watch out for with rice or potato?

the return of the dbz namefag, it's like every shitstain on this board is returning to it to fuck it up some more lately. a retard battle royale

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Yeah, don't. Or fuck her, but don't cum. This is some ancient chinese secret tier shit though. Cum once a week or something to balance your energy levels.

Its two ways really. Seek God or try to become god by yourself. The second is evil.

>When you take video games too seriously
dudes chill

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100+ years of wireless electricity being suppressed. Who knows what these fucks are capable of. They literally got people to NOT GIVE A FLYING FUCK ABOUT NIKOLA TESLA

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The Red Pill on "Brain Fog"

Most people are stupid. I do mean most people, and I do mean stupid. For a wide variety of reasons, the majority of people are incapable of grasping complex relationships or engaging in abstract thought.

In the modern era, people all think they are smart. Millennials were raised to believe they are special. With walls full of participation trophies and diplomas for graduating from elementary school, middle school, junior high school, and high school, a millennial can't spit without hitting some object that reinforces his personal belief that he is smarter than most people. In his internet echo chamber, he is exposed to a non-stop barrage of wrong thinking composed by people just about exactly as stupid as he is.

This is not the Information Age. This is the Age of the Unqualified.

So because instead of engaging in eugenics we as a society have instead chosen to shield people from the knowledge of their own inadequacy, we have been forced to explain away stupidity. There are, in fact, no more stupid people on this planet.

There are autistics. There are assburgers. There are the "learning-disabled."

And now there are those who suffer from Brain Fog.

But no stupid people.

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There is no coincidence witch covens organize themselves in thirteens and why New Age devotees attempt to cultivate "Christ Consciousness." They want to become their own saviors and perform their own miracles.

High starch isn't very good. If you put coconut oil in your rice and cool it in the fridge after it will reduce the calories by 60% and boost the resistant starch which is very good for your gut. I eat sweet potatoes that are cooled and reheated too for 5x the resistant starch. Sweet potatoes are probably the healthiest carb you can get.

If wireless signals are already killing our brain why is wireless power a good thing? Or is the whole "dangers of WiFi" thing a psyop so people don't realize wireless power is actually harmless?

I can never get a straight answer from Tesla heads

You ever try a yeast cleanse? I used to have horrible, horrible fucking brain fog. And it comes back, cause you can't avoid sugar. So I take yeast cleanse for a day or two and it really helps. I think the brand Solaray makes one. It's what I take. And I swear by it. Yeast fucks everything up

Make a redpill diet thread, user

>or fuck her, but don't cum
That is not how nut brain works user

check out the plant paradox and bulletproof diet

go wash your dick shithead this isnt reddit

I can't tell if this is just another buzzword or an important phenomenon we should be discussing more.


But the bigger truth is, there ain't anything wrong with being stupid.

IQ is just cope for the immoral anyway .

You're conflating every fringe freak belief into one aggregate and expecting it to be logically consistent. You can use wifi hubs and 5G transmitters for 3D surveillance like in The Dark Knight however. Leaked documents marked top secret showed that Activision monitored your seated position when playing Destiny 2 to determine how to serve you in game ads for micro transactions

only time I ever not have brain fog is when I take caffeine pills.

I feel it too, mate.

The only time the fog lifts is after I train jiu jitsu or if I no-fap for more than a week.

I think it's low T.

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>Activision monitored your seated position when playing Destiny 2 to determine how to serve you in game ads for micro transactions
m8 no they didn't. the images you are talking about are patents fuckhead.

>Yeast cleanse
Not really but I've did all sorts of cleansing procedures such as water fasting, drinking sea salt mixtures(so I poop out all the contents of my intestines in case there's something) etc
I doubt it will help me. I even did mental purification techniques like meditation and so forth. Nothing works. I don't know why but I'm certain that people around me are more present than me with their thoughts and how the processes them meanwhile I'm not lagging but outright not here. Even when I learn it doesn't feel like it's going in my brain. Coincidentally I felt "smarter" around 12, 17 and 19 where I felt I was the most present and the brainfog wasn't so strong.

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This sound interesting. The fast absorbance of carbs is really very bad for their health effects, cauae most go to the liver to fuel bad metabolic reactions

>only time I feel alive is when I take cocaine.
Try a dopamine detox if you seek resolution

>Eat well
>DRINK WATER. Don't wait until you're thirsty, that means you're already dehydrated. You can't drink enough of this really (I drink almost two gallons per day).
>Keep lists.

it has to do with the frequency. The problem is the waves that are shaped as right angles.
When it gets up to X rays and Gamma rays it gets dangerous. But ultraviolet rays are where we want our brains to access. Our hearts have strong black holes at the center of them and they link up to the sun, the sun links up to the galactic center, and so on and so forth.

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omg I'm the last one
last night I had three new game ideas and two new ideas for my existing game
but Ive done nothing

What do you niggs think about Snake Diet? Manlet Cole Robinson does not stop swearing