Should I skip jury duty?

Should I skip jury duty?

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For real I'm considering not showing up next week. What will happen to me?

End up on the other side

Just get something tedious on your record like "Public intoxication" or something.

You won't be called for judge duty anymore.

if you've not started yet you should get out of it. say you're chronically depressed or something.

I mean technically it looks like a fine of up to $1000 and 90 days in jail. But I doubt they would even catch me or give me the full amount.

I think I'd need a doctor's note right?

Seriously bro, just go. Court can really be hilarious at times

Just went today actually

Just call in for your week there's a 90% chance you won't even have to go in anyways.
Then you have 2 years where they for sure won't call you

If you skip they send you another jury duty assignment immediately and an angry letter warning you to come or they'll fine/warrant you.

Just go, it's fun.

No. I have a Class B Misdemeanor for a DUI and I still get summoned. In fact the last time I went I made it to one of the final "stages" of selection where they bring you in front of the defendant, their attorney, the judge, and prosecutor, etc. and ask you questions to decide who they want.

This. It's an interesting experience sometimes. I've been 4 times.

Tell them you are racist.

They won’t call you in ever again.

People do say some off color shit when questioned and it's hard to tell if they're doing it on purpose or if they truly believe the shit they're saying. And yeah I have heard people be overtly racist. Another one is religion, people bring that up a lot in regards to morals.

>A jury summons may seem no more important to you than a parking ticket, but ignoring it could land you in hot water with the court. The likely outcome of simply not showing up for jury duty is that the judge will issue a bench warrant. ... More than one bench warrant, however, could land you in the local jail.
>The penalty for not showing up for federal jury duty is $100 per day and/or a three-night stay in jail. In Texas, you could be fined up to $1,000 and jailed up to 6 months for contempt if you blow off a county or district court.
So yeah, don't skip jury duty, especially in federal court.

I've been called twice and never shower up for it.

And I'm pretty sure everything is good because I got pulled over for speeding a few months ago and had no warrants or anything.

*never showed up for it

I'm gonna call them and say I'm having a massive depressive episode and can't leave my house. Thanks y'all.

Wtf no. Show up and give your honest vote. The guy will go to jail or not go to jail because of retarded jury members. Watch making a murderer on Netflix....

>retarded jury members.
It's not their fault. They can only try to objectively make conclusions with the fact given to them. The problem was endemic to the law enforcement involved in the case. I haven't seen Making a Murder but anyone who relies on that to form their opinions is the real retard.

Dude I'm an anarchist. I don't believe in our current system in any way. If I tell them that during questioning they will dismiss me either way. I would rather not waste the nine hours.

>Dude I'm an anarchist

No, you need to call ahead with a fake emergency or go and make up something about caring for a family member. jury duty sucks but they will punish you for no shows

this kek is getting out of jury duty my good bitch

If you're considered for case, just say you can't be impartial, and you'll be released.

Say some Jow Forums tier shit and they'll quickly remove you for being bias be sure to throw in the occasional kike, nigga, faggot and spout some Alex Jones while you're at it.

its worth going at least once. it can get pretty fucking ridiculous

Just go. I've been once or twice. Usually you get dismissed before even doing anything, and it's an excused absence from work or school.
I was once called all the way to the courtroom, sitting in Chambers, and then the defendant didn't show up so it was moved and the jury was dismissed

Go in and when they ask if there's any reason you shouldn't be considered, say you know about jury nullification

You're dismissed

>no pay, miss work

>don’t go
>maybe warrant