Jow Forums where the FUCK even is a good place to buy gold? I go to shops all the time that absolutely take advantage of people buying their gold and silver, and ALL these shops turn it around and try to sell the gold for a fuck ton more than its worth. How do we get decently priced gold?
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will reply since quads, just try ordering it online if the shops in your area are overprices
The website apmex sells for a consistent price. I'd personally go with silver since it's cheaper and you could buy enough silver to trade with once our economy takes a shit. If you're a richfag then you should buy gold or platinum.
Before you even buy gold, what form do you want to buy it in: coins, bars, or ETFs?
Nice digits
I use JM Bullion.
Of course you’re going to pay more than the current spot price. Do you think they’re going to sell it to you at cost?
thanks user
>coins, bars, or ETFs
>If you're a richfag then you should buy gold or platinum.
Platinum isn't really used in jewelry as much as gold or silver, and its not readily distinguishible from silver. Its major (only) industrial use is for catalytic converters in gasoline cars. As those are phased out in the future (replaced with electric cuckmobiles) its demand will plummet with the price.
this. heavily this
Buy used jewelry at melt price. Cmaaaaaan!
If you want pure bullion best option is buying by the ounce. Premiums are usually only 2-3%
Anything less than by the ounce I have a few options for you. eBay bucks. Wait for 10% eBay bucks promos. Pay with rewards credit card and use eBay bucks promos. Can often get 11% off of list price.
Lastly if you want a quick gram or two of below spot price gold to get you started.
Pure 24k jewellery. Register as married. Get $50 credit on your anniversary date. Also get $5 credit for federal up to max off $100. So use temp email and get the added $100 credit with throwaway referrals. Lastly stack all credits you can get for an easy $150 worth of gold. Easily enough to buy a 2-3 gram charm of 24k for dirt cheap.
Just visited JM Bullion as I'm looking to buy silver as well, which is better, generic 1 oz stacker or Britannia? Looking to invest both short- and long term
the price of gold is in $$$$ in case you didn't know. in other words it's worthless just like any fiat currency
damn, this user has done his homework
Lies desu
Are you retarded?
>The price of Bitcoin is in $$$$ in case you didn't know. In other words it's worthless junk just like any fiat currency.
>Anything less than by the ounce I have a few options for you. eBay bucks. Wait for 10% eBay bucks promos. Pay with rewards credit card and use eBay bucks promos. Can often get 11% off of list price.
Isn't most of the gold on eBay fake? Lmao
Unless you like fake bars, buy it from a licensed dealer or broker and get a receipt.
Yup. You can get much better deals online
yup now you get it
No, I don't think I do. You are a retard
dude is economically retarded
D.I.Y. Anonop. for basic coins, including silver Buffalos and junk silver. Good for spending.
If you can spare like 5 grand, go to and get a 100g Valcambi bar. It can be broken into smaller 1g bars. That way you can break it up and spend it 1g at a time post-SHTF. Always pretend each gram is your last one. "Breaking my balls man, breaking my balls..."
Look at the weight. Be honest. This is a rip off kek. Where the hell can we get these discounts?
>Tricked into buying gold to begin with
>Shocked when the person selling you gold is trying to take further advantage of you
Fuck off.
You can buy coins from dealers almost anywhere. Most countries produce gold coins. The Krugerrand was the most popular but now the US produces the Gold Eagle and American Buffalo. Canada has the Maple Leaf.
If you don't want to store actual gold somewhere, you can buy the GLD SPDR fund. It's a fund that just buys gold bullion. You can get it through Etrade, Fidelity, or wherever you buy stocks and funds.
dude bullion can be priced in fucking cans of coke, cows, piles of dog shit, lamborghinis etc
do you even know what money is?
>Economy collapses
>Gold isnt touched again unless its used in technology
>New government post-collapse demands all precious metals in order to rebuild
>rich fag willingly gave up his money for gold expecting people to froth at the mouth to trade with him instead of robbing him for muh shinies
You're cute.
THIS. Stay away from the catalytic PMs. They are doomed. They will also shit the bed during an economic downturn. Plus good fucking luck spending it or selling it.
dollars are backed by nothing. they are worthless. the purpose is to keep you in the system. you play pretend, along with everyone else, that money is worth something. it's worth whatever our masters make worth.
>Precious mineral X won't be used in the future
>Gold will never lose its value though
If you think GLD is anything but a paper-gold Ponzi scheme, I have some Somali rocket scientists to sell you!
>Muh intrinsic value
Odd, you seem able to understand value is bound to perspective yet you limit yourself to believing that the value of shiny stones is constant.
Why is that?
no shit
youre still fucking retarded
gold doesnt have to be priced in fiat
>buy 3 acres of land for .5oz of gold
youre fucking dumb
There is 4-5 times as much bullion paper traded as there is phyisical bullion.
meaning if shtf and 4 ppl tried to call their note 3 would be shit out of luck.
oY VeY goyem
>have bullion
>plastic bag
>bury the bag with the bullion in it
wow hard
Apmex or Westminster is where I order mine.
Damn I love those gold button pours! The premiums are to high though.
That fund actually owns the gold. They store it in London. Biggest reason to avoid it is the high expense ratio.
Where's a good place for toothpastes to buy gold online?
Physical gold or nothing. ETFs are bullshit.
Canada has barely any gold in its reserves...there is more of it in the ground at this point.
Order online you nigger,
1. Buy it in either ETFs or 1 oz coins (unless you're buying hundreds of thousands worth)
2. If you buy coins, buy the ones which have the lowest price, e.g. Australian Nugget 1 oz. Otherwise you're also paying for the collector value of the coin.
3. If you have to pay sales tax on the gold, don't buy it. Figure out something else to invest in.
4. Physical coins will have a much higher margin (difference between buy and sell price, which the vendor pockets to cover their expenses) than ETFs. The margin should not be larger than 5% or it's a complete rip off. Make sure to check multiple sites to calibrate the price they sell at.
5. Coininvestdirect has good prices for comparison purposes.
6. Unless you're buying for very long investing, I suggest buying ETFs.
Well they aren't holding it for you, just minting a gold coin. Honestly doesn't matter what country you get it from as long as its gold
please answer me this, if the economy is going to shtf, why do these people sell gold for cash, wouldn't they want to keep it for when things go south?
if money is worth nothing, why do sellers take it for gold? please answer this, wouldn't they just keep it for when the economy shtf?
>Bury something that doesnt hold value anymore
Hard indeed.
>let's just make up the value
lol yea now you're thinking like ((them))
they are certainly not constant because with fiat money ((they)) get to choose how much it's worth. the market is controlled.
That is the Truth.
Look up The Moneychanger online. Semi-crazy old Southern guy who will nevertheless give you honest deals on physical gold. You may have to make small talk while dealing with his staff (all of whom are family members) because they refuse to use a "modern" records system to make it almost impossible for hackers to steal their records.
They make profit on the trade. Running the cattle one way or the other doesn’t matter as long as they move.
They are selling it wholesale to the Chicoms & Dot Indians.
>just try ordering it online
because everyone is playing pretend. it's part of our system of control
lol, invent a company called
>we buy gold
And start it when prices have hit rock bottom. Then buy people's gold for a fair price.
But I hear you. Getting a fair price for gold can be difficult.
I know this is anecdotal, and pawn shops going to pawn, but I didn't expect it to go like this. A while ago, I was strapped for cash. I had a gold nugget ring that I was not attached to, it was something I found ages ago, but a fair amount of gold. I looked up the current price of gold, and then I weighed the ring. At current prices it looked to be right around $800 worth of gold. (My numbers may be a big off, because this was a while ago) anywho, I take it up to the local pawn shop, not expecting market value, but just slightly under. I go in, and the bitch tells me she'll give me $100 for it, after testing and weighing it. And even went so far to tell me she's not going to sell the ring, but scrap it.
I point out the huge discrepancy in our values, and she starts rambling on about
blah blah. I ended up keeping the ring, I still have it to this day. It's just nonsense that these people call themselves gold buyers, knowing the entire reason for buying gold is to sit on it until the prices go up, lowball the fuck out of everyone, instead of offering a fair price.
>why do these people sell gold for cash, wouldn't they want to keep it for when things go south?
Because they are businesses, not investors. They don't own a lot of gold at any one time, it just passes through them. They make money by acting as intermediaries between sellers and buyers. With these profits they pay salaries to their employees who then might go on to buy gold etc.
Fiat money is absolutely worth something, especially if its USD or Euros.
If "muh shinies" don't hold value anymore why would people rob you for them?
Pay the $50 an ounce you cheap jew and just save it
It's not an investment to get rich, it's an investment to lock up an asset you don't want to care about beyond making sure it doesn't get stolen.
Lowball on gold, a thing with actual value, but give face value for pieces of paper.
Silver becomes a space storage problem if you're investing 4 figures+
Under $1000: don't buy Gold.
They set buy and sell prices in such a manner that they can profit from either activity.
so the sellers don't believe the economy will shtf?
They probably also don't expect people looking to sell gold for cash to have enough intelligence to look up what it's actually worth in melt value, and their eyes glaze over from an amount of money that they'll blow completely on smokes, booze, and shoes within two weeks. They WANT stupid people to sell gold to them.
Yeah because they assume you're desperate for cash I suppose. The reason they lowball is becuase people accept it
Sell all partial gold whatevers
Buy only 99% 24 karat gold coins etc
Pay ($1100ish or whatever)bid+$50 fee or whatever they charge
If you want to spend less than 4 figures, buy silver coins
Dont nigger barter people who try to tell you "how gold" something is unless you go through the tests together etc. It's not worth the time.
That's stupid. Don't buy it just to buy it. Buy it at a competitive price.
DO NOT pay more than $23/ounce for silver coins right now.
>Under $1000: don't buy Gold.
Save for full ounces or buy fractional. Silver is poor fag behavior.
why do you think gold will have any value when SHTF. if I have 500 gallons of water and you have 500 ounces of gold, what is to stop me from charging you 500 ounces of gold for 1 gallon of water? how the fuck are you going to carry around 31 pounds of gold while surviving in the wasteland?
gold will always hold some type of value, just like art, if its rare someone will want it therefore a demand
if it didnt hold a value for what reason would a government want it?
No, just like with any market place you have legit sellers and scammers. Don’t buy 5k worth of gold from a seller with 3 feedback, have you’re gold tested when it arrives, and report any problems with eBay if the seller did by some chance sell you fake shit. eBay and PayPal side with their buyers over sellers any day so you’re covered in the event of someone sells you fake shit.
I meant bid+$50 for gold
Bid is like 1000+ for 1 oz gold
But useful in under $1000 quantities
Probably not. I work in investment banking and even if I think there's a massive crash coming I don't think the USD will become worthless. Nevertheless, I keep about 5% of my assets in gold/silver. I have some physical coins as well.
They want niggers who rob houses to sell them gold. I don’t buy local so the fucking Jews don’t send them to my house to steal it back.
With my guns and friends who build a simple barter economy for our tents and canned food
Those who can prove trust will be allowed to join
Those who want to kill us can try
Part of trust is accepting defeat if we all let each other down
I don't like letting others down so i'll lead if i absolutely have to
A busines exists to make money, brainlet.
you've hit upon my problem with physical precious metals: selling it.
Vendors are happy to sell them to you, but in your time of need where you need real currency, you're fucked. No one to sell to except the jew on the corner at the coin store, and he's going to fuck you for 20% or the pawn shop where they fuck you for 75%.
>he thinks gold will matter in SHTF
Gold will be worth even less than money because you can't burn it to keep warm.
You want to know the true future proof investment?
Guns and ammo.
>>let's just make up the value
>lol yea now you're thinking like ((them))
dude do you understand supply and demand and how it influences prices?
you are one stupid motherfucker
Many make plenty of money selling at the bid+some cash
According to Kitco gold spot price is $1,291/oz. I can buy Australian nugget 1oz for $1,327/oz at coininvestdirect. I'm sure others sell at similar price (obviously it fluctuates day to day).
$50 over bid would be very hard limit for me.
Palladium is at all time highs and the backwardation in the futures market seems to indicate its only going up
maybe you guys are right in the long term, but gas cars aren't going anywhere in the near term
this, but buy under fake name. the dealer should have 3-4 different verification methods available to you at point of sale
>>if you don't want to store actual gold
then you shouldn't waste your time buying gold
if it's silver, you should probably have it hermetically sealed first
LBMA is all fractional reserve. When --not if-- there is a bullion run, there's going to be a hundred other people with a claim on the gold you thought you owned
my thinking is that Canada did this strategically to prevent US annexation --or an Ottawa invasion-- post-collapse.
more like:
>economy collapses
>guy trades you a bag of rice for all of your gold
The only currency will be violence at that point, barter is fantasy. Gold is to buy your place in the aristocracy when the dust settles.
so why would I take gold for my water instead of canned food?
Also everyone should just dish out $100 to buy some super cheap long lasting canned food and other stuff. This will be useful even if society doesn't collapse, but if there's just temporary issues due to natural disaster etc.
Shoot yourselves.
>he want to trade valuable land for worthless metal
yup definitely a fair trade
so it isn't who has the gold at the beginning, but who has it at the end.