I might have prostate cancer and If I do I don't expect to live more than a year and a half

I might have prostate cancer and If I do I don't expect to live more than a year and a half.

What would you do with your time if you had that much time left to live?

obviously I'm gonna do more risky things and have alot of sex with strangers and others with I can, though cumming blood might get in the way of some of those behaviours.

and obviously I'd say my goodbyes to family and friends and mend broken feelings.

but other than those things what would you do?

I'm 23 male btw.

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Same thing I'm doing now, it would be too late for anything

posting on Jow Forums? what are you doing now?

is there anything you wanna experience or get done before dying?

Bing watch vikings

Not really.

I couldn't handle the historical inaccuracies and christian interpretations of the culture.

whatever the hell you want to do OP, you see this is why the self-improvement world is naive stupid and flawed, it's too focused on the future and has absolutely no regard for the present, it's naively optimistic, life is all fun and games until you get cancer, we should always value our time and subject ourselves to as much pleasure as we can instead of depriving ourselves of it and making ourselves suffer so we can please the masses of society with "long-term goals"

make a bucket list i guess and do whatever you want to do, personally if i had to come up with shit i'd watch as many movies as i could, drink like mad, smoke like hell, try all the drugs i could except for psychedelics weed stims and whatnot because i react negatively but if you don't then just do all the drugs you can including heroin, have as much sex as possible, party as much as you can, make yourself laugh as much as you can, watch as much comedy as possible, if you like going outside go outside and do shit, travel to as many countries as you can and develop a full understanding of our planet

I've done enough drinking and psychedelic drugs in my time and dont enjoy it much anymore. i do want to travel and fuck alot though.

Damn thats rough user.
Id buy a gun and go to some third world shithole to shoot a bunch of people. Id die after 1 or 2 days almost certainly.

>I've done enough drinking and psychedelic drugs in my time and dont enjoy it much anymore. i do want to travel and fuck alot though.
fair enough man, then go do that

whatever you wanna do man, even if it's illegal, fuck it, you're literally gonna die anyway

embrace the nihilism with optimism, not pessimism, think of this as a good thing, you won't ever have to suffer anymore, you won't have to exist

Prostate cancer is super slow disease which is often diagnosed to 60+ years patients. Most people die faster from old age than this.

You are telling us lies or are scared to go to doctor. My bet is that you have simple STD.

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stds freak me the fuck out especiallt considering the uncurable ones are so common.
Id some whore made me infertile id unironically kill them - what would I have to lose?

Do drugs
Start smoking cigarettes.

You are dying so you Mind as well.

Getting infertile from syphilis is very rare these days. Just dont have unprotected sex or go for regular check ups. You would have to suffer untreated syphilis for months to have any real impact.

>what would i have to lose
Freedom, money, life, ability to shitpost... there is a lot of stuff you can lose.

I would buy a shitload of dogecoins and give them all away to noteworthy posters on Jow Forums.

arent there other diseases which make you infertile? I know there are like 5 uncurable ones but I forget which and what they do (besides grids).
>Freedom, money, life, ability to shitpost... there is a lot of stuff you can lose.
Yeah but if I can never have kids I've lost the future anyway. What use is money without a future to prepare for? What good is life when im a 65 year old incontinent familyless old man being cared for by negresses who hate me in a carehome? What use is freedom where theres no reason to do anything?
Life without meaning is awful - I used to live like that.
If a thot took my future it would only be just if I similarly took hers. Besides, senpai, I might spare you the same fate.

There are more ways how to achieve "immortality" that through propaganting dna.

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Im not likely to write an epic poem, revolutionize science or philosophy, create a great work of art or become hitler am I?

Assuming the cancer isn't metastasized, can't they just remove your prostate to give you a better chance at survival? I'm genuinely curious.

>remove your prostate
but then how will he enjoy being fisted?

You don't have prostate cancer at 23. The chance that you have ANY cancer from 18-30 is the lowest in your lifetime.

t. surgeon, specialized in orthopedics, subspecialty in hand surgery

>The chance that you have ANY cancer from 18-30 is the lowest in your lifetime.
>therefore it is impossible
they, uh, really make you work hard and know your shit at college these days huh?

Obviously you're not an oncologist and that's a good thing. People would not be getting their cancer diagnosis from you because you saw they were under 30 and just wrote it off. Stick to your meme doctoring. I've broken my hand and you "hand specialists" are a joke.

sounds funny but iono how fun it would be.I just came back from the doctor and its a high chance I have it. I'm cumming blood with no other symptoms and I'm basically a virgin. the urologist is making me take all the extreme tests.
lol i have no money also
yea I might still live but the chances of it not spreading from the prostate are low, and also id be infertile if that happened which might make me wanna killmyself anyways.
ive never enjoyed putting things in my butt.
+1 to this. I know many people my age who've had cancer already. I have an extreme symptom of it that isn't going away on its own. and my urologist thinks it could be cancer also.

Set up a medical power of attorney, a will, etc. Whoever has to deal with what you leave behind will need instructions.

>sounds funny but iono how fun it would be
It might not be any fun at all but its certainly unique. I can recognise its got... niche appeal.
Still, I doubt theres any experience quite like it. Its a public service too killing bantus.

>be surgeon, specialized in orthopedics, subspecialty in hand surgery
>just chilling in my office
>one day, faggot comes in
>take a look at this "evidence"
>what a joke, the chance that he would get ANY cancer from 18-30 is the lowest in his lifetime
>"shut the fuck up faggot, you're not even 30, the chance that you have ANY cancer from 18-30 is the lowest in your lifetime. Get the fuck out of my office"
>b- th-they siad i w-
>heh, showed that young dumb stupid kid, does he even know what age is?
>few months later
>secretary lady comes in and gives me a package
>court hearing documents
>mfw the parents are suing me for the death of their child
>mfw my license was suspended
worth it

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thank you for this user

I'm curious. What makes you suspect that you have prostate cancer? The odds of a guy as young as 23 having any noticeable stage of prostate cancer is extremely low. Prostate cancer tends to develop very slowly and doesn't show system until MANY years into its growth. Odds are you caught a bug from slut you banged. Did you remember to case your sausage before you stuck it in some random buns?


no problem

good idea
top kek.
i had a family doctor that was like this once. I kissed a girl in highschool and she was really gross and she tasted bad. I got white stuff on my tongue afterwards and when I went to the doctor and told him he said to come back when I have sex and laughed at me.

ended up living with a yeast infection on my tongue for years before finally getting a doctor that knew his shit.

I havent had risky sexual contact in 3 years. and when I did it was just a blowjob. I got checked for almost everything at the time. ended up getting a yeast infection. but cured it. also the only STD that causes blood in semen is gonorrhea. possible but I have zero symptoms otherwise and no pain.

>top kek.
>i had a family doctor that was like this once. I kissed a girl in highschool and she was really gross and she tasted bad. I got white stuff on my tongue afterwards and when I went to the doctor and told him he said to come back when I have sex and laughed at me.
>ended up living with a yeast infection on my tongue for years before finally getting a doctor that knew his shit.
lmao, if i was younger than 17 i probably would've gotten angry and done nothing, but if i was older than that i probably would've chuckled then right when i walked out walk over to the reception, request an immediate urgent meeting with the hospital manager, tell them what happened, then when i got home i'd hire an attorney to file a complaint with the state medical board and then hire a lawyer to sue both him and the hospital for emotional trauma, unprofessional conduct, and incompetent practice, and then once his license gets suspended and he's unemployed track his address down and send him an anonymous letter that says "you should come back when you get your license back" or something

haha that wouldve been cool. though he retired shortly after.

also im in canada, sueing in general isnt as easy here.

>haha that wouldve been cool. though he retired shortly after.
yeah, you could do it now actually if you wanted to and drain a nice chunk of his retirement funds
>also im in canada, sueing in general isnt as easy here.
are you speaking from experience or perception?

I’d probably re-open my redpill dispensery.

what do you mean?

Not likely, mostly the elderly, but if you do it tends to grow slowly. Metastasis typically is to bones of your vertebrae, with back pain. If you have metastatic prostate cancer in your 20s, I'd seek out treatment options but can't knock you for doing degenerate shit

Sky diving
Rocky mountain climbing
Bull riding

You are more than likely neets that shit in jugs, possibly even the same person.

I’d start saying what I really think, as opposed to piping down and being concerned about school loans, mortgages, etc.

I ran an experiment with my coworkers once, seeing what they would do if they had exactly 10 years to live. All of them had the same response, which was either 'visit a foreign country' or 'see the world'. I didn't understand the appeal of it. I asked them what they would do then, and almost everyone just didn't know.

What I got out of it is that most people don't know what they would do with themselves in situations like these. I'd recommend you spend at least a bit of time figuring out what you /really/ want out of the world before the lights shut off.

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>only neets understand how basic probability work
damn college really has gone to shit.

Get healthy weight.
Backpack yurp for a summer. (Need money)
Tonight is my first night sober in months.
Plan is to keep it up save money and calories and by this time next year when my lease is up I'll either be on a plane with saved money or I'll off myself.

Does that mean, as the only person who wants to go and indiscriminately kill bantu and feel the catharsis and aliveness of combat, I am special?

Nothing. Maybe hang myself to speed up the process.