This is 'okay' in america

THIS IS NOT OKAY. Why do americans need so many guns? Truth is, you DON'T. Your hillbilly 1000 guns will not stop the 'gubbamin' from carpet bombing your entire city you mutts.

Adopt the british model, fists to settle fights, not shooting up schools to compensate for tiny american dicks.

Attached: muh guns.png (791x536, 806K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Shouldn't you be fixing your own broken country?

if carpet bombing was effective and subjecting populations America would have one every war in the past half century.
not even a gun nut, nor do i own one, but you can't argue the fact that americans have more freedoms then most other people on earth and this is largely do to us having more guns than everyone else on earth combined.

>"gubment" carpet bombs American city
>Nothing of value was lost that day.

>hillbilly 1000 guns
...b-but muh freedumbs, muh demockery!

I don't remember it being called a Bill of Needs

Need is sufficient, but not necessary for rights.

The guns are for shooting the supporters of the tyrannical, leftist government. Kill all of its supporters, and the government will fall. We all have relatives, neighbors, and coworkers who we know are leftists. They are our targets.

You got a loicence for that butterknife there? Go throw some acid in your daughters face faggot.

Fuck you.

I have basically the same shit except my magazines are smaller until we get a better gov.Whats your problem cuck?

I want my cake back.

Attached: Illustrated-Guide-To-Gun-Control.png (750x3200, 204K)

Fucking British cocksucker. It's a shame our government wouldn't let Hitler didn't destroy your faggot country.

My American friends, may I apologize for this cheap bait by a salty remainer who can't understand the ability to defend yourself. He probably had too much cups of tea today.

Just because we won't let muzzies buttfuck our people doesn't give you a right to bitch about guns. Now go slice your bread with a spoon and shut the fuck up.

Attached: giphy.gif (500x269, 897K)

He doesn't have nearly enough ammo.

That reminds me. I really need to get me a tactical shotgun.

yu never learnd..bombos overtaking nothing

How could you say that this is not okay?

You gay?

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>one post by this ID

We don’t need to adopt the British anything. We threw you people out of here a long time ago.

Can somebody explain what was going on here in society

I get that his family was actually like deamons or whatever or like evil creatures that feed of humans but why did they like mush toegether and shit? And why would his dad’s face come out of his ass or was that his moms or sisters ass that the dad was eating out and his face like mushed into it?

It just seems like a a weird way to throw in a corny joke line that doesn’t really fit in isn’t the sexual melding you see in the rest of the movie

>our government carpetbombing our own cities .
It's good to know that the left and the right are thinking along the same lines

It's not your business what we do. My family literally has way more than this and we probably have less than most people, btw.

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Why are you fine with mudslimes raping your fellow citizens but so damn racist against America bing bong? I am reporting you for hate speech

Attached: blackgunracism.jpg (750x500, 28K)

why not, none of those are in the arms of criminals...

Its bill of rights not bill of needs

you get arrested for punching achmed btw

Attached: britain today.jpg (600x600, 67K)


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Historically, only the slaves are not allowed to have weapons, real citizens should have both the right and the obligation of having a capable weapon.

>We don’t need to adopt the British anything. We threw you people out of here a long time ago.

That's not quite true. The "Five Eyes" intelligence sharing agreement between the United States of America, Canada, Australia , New Zealand, and the United Kingdom has essentially integrated the United States into the UK's Commonwealth of Nations, and that includes the various trade agreements.

However, in this case, it's the US leading the pack. The UK is the follower.

I don't agree with OP.
The UK should have American style gun laws.

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it is called freedom britbongistani

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I'll fucking kill you if you break in into my house to take my guns

Why do we have so many guns in America?
Because fuck you, that's why.

The British allowed (((Them))) to take their guns, and now the British can't do a single thing as (((They))) take away their freedom of speech. One by one, your freedoms are being stripped from you--all because you gave up your guns.

You poor bastards. Come here where you at least still have the freedom to defend yourself.

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oh this thread again

Hope you got your wife a loicense to get raped by a refugee. You do not want the gov cracking down on her.

>smol peepee
Sigh. I thought maybe you were wanting an actual dialog on the differences in culture and why you could fuck off, but I can see you're retarded, so just fuck off.

fags can't meme.
neck yourself
oh... yeah, neck yourself with a paper napkin, faggot.

Don't you idiots pay a license to watch TV? Fucking superior English pricks. Get your teeth fixed and work on getting some of your freedoms back before you start questioning America you fucking pantywaists.

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learn the difference you pathetic 14 year old bastard

that's a man.

>1 post by this id
keep losing pol

Sub par B8 init M8

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>gubbamin' from carpet bombing your entire city

You do realize the moment the U.S. does this it is the moment it ceases to exist as a legitimate entity. We literally win then.

The guns are for protecting the country from the sneaky fucking British, always were. You might not have noticed but we don't pose that much of a threat anymore. You can put the guns back in the box now.

Are you new here? Or are you a genuine semen-shitting faggot?
To bad Bong's prowess on military sciences is as worthless as a 4-digit check from a Baltimore crack-nigger

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