How do you keep your man chasing after you in a long-term relationship without it spiraling into drama or distancing or...

How do you keep your man chasing after you in a long-term relationship without it spiraling into drama or distancing or bitchiness? Whatever works for every user I'm curious

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Chloroform rag


I rubbed the fact I could easily cheat on him in his face but wont. Angry sex. LOTS of angry sex after that stunt. I wouldnt say it is drama free, kinda hard to have a thrill without drama.

Two things and both are related to having other men in your life.
Thing one. Make sure there is at least one guy he knows about that wants to fuck you.
Thing two. Have another guy in your life your bf or husband doesn't know about, that wants to fuck you and you want to fuck him.

you dont

I hope yous die

I dont think I can. I feel so alive I think I am immortal.

Lmao the first one can be implied if you are at least fairly attractive and know other men more or less your age group. The second thing doesnt help with anythung if he doesnt know about him. Shady , i say dont

Sprinkling some personality disorder will help keep him on his toes if you can provide reasonably satisfying and intense good moments for motivation.

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what do you mean by chasing, i might have the answer but im not sure what you mean by it, the children who posted here so far gave terrible advice

>Sprinkling some personality disorder will help keep him on his toes if you can provide reasonably satisfying and intense good moments for motivation
This so much. If you find the right kind of crazy, you will never go back or regret her. As long as she isnt TOO crazy, like kill my baby cray. The sex after an intense moment is fucking magic

Use sexy lengerie.
Learn sex techniques that spicecthings up.
Outside of sex
If you BF isnt a control freak, take the lead and find something you both find fun.

Not really. Its legit. Just don't carry through with actually cheating. The thought someone could replace him if he isnt giving it his all is a good motivator for most men who arent crippled by their insecurities. Also the sex after a fight is really... REALLY good. Just dont be fighting all the time. And dont manipulate him constantly only when you KNOW he is taking your relationship for granted.

please refrain posting about adult matters, your teenage messing around is not determined by your actions or thoughts but by your hormones, dumb little whore

You got it all wrong.

The Idea of being in a long term relationship is antithetical to the chase. Settling down is about being accepted for who you actually are, and how life actually is so you can collectively move forward.

That's what adults really want, people they can rely on enough to actually build a life.

I am serious. You are just one of those guys I mentioned earlier who is crippled by insecurity. If your lover isnt yours and only yours heart and mind, even though there are millions of people JUST like you and her, you can't stomach it. You're the child. You see love so naively, so black and white, and you have the audacity to say I am the teenager?

It is simple. Relationship is fizzling out because bf thinks his love is bullet proof when he is not even giving it his all anymore. Gf decides to show him how easy it would be to get a new man, bf realizes he has taken this for granted, wises up and fucks the gf into a coma with a new resparked passion. Ta-da! The thrill of the chase is back baby!

Tell him you deserve more, and then if he loves you he'll do something. Don't nag him though.

Let me explain.

Thing one. Every girl has at least one guy that is trying to fuck you and your bf/husband needs to know so it keeps him off balance.
Thing two. You do this for you so you know at any moment you can exit the relationship, a confidence builder, a back up plan. If your bf/husband mistreats you, if there is an impasse, if he is getting to close to some other bitch you can bounce with one text and he will never know. If your bf/husband doesn't know there is no drama created.

Here's mine
Thing one. My boss wants to fuck me sooooo bad he cannot cover it up even when my bf is around. I don't want to fuck him at all, my bf believes me when I tell him I'm not interested but we do spend a lot of time alone together.

Thing two. I have a guy that I always run to between relationships for consoling and mind blowing sex. He's not really relationship material but he is, well, incredible and available. No bf I have ever had knows about this little secret.

yes you are, shut up, ive said those things you are implying so again, shut up

the basic of a healthy relationship is that you know both of you can be replaced, this goes without saying, not testing the grounds if he forgot it, what we call you is virgin whore because you never put out but act like a whore with other men, and your boyfriend a slipper, kinda deserving eachother, just dont breed

Christ some girls should just be avoided like the plague.

No, fuck you. You manchild. You have no fucking authority here and you hate it.

If you honestly expect passion with safe vanilla shit then go for it, you WILL find someone who clicks with you on that. Thats how you want to live, I have no issues with it. But there are people in this world willing to live, to take risks. People who arent afraid to be hurt or hurt others because its just how life is. Those who push the envelope because why the fuck not. Those are the people who are actually living to me.

If the relationship is doomed, cheating wasnt the make or break, it was the swawn song to that relationship. Simple. If your relationship is on the fence when it comes to passion, I say fuck it, play some games. The thing is, you can dissolve and still come back together, if you are really right for each other your relationship can go through a lot of awful shit. How can you say you have a strong relationship if it gets blown down by a hurricane? You either dont live in a hurricane zone or enjoy the benefits of living life by the beach. There is nothing wrong with either choice, both have ups and downs.

And I am going to breed like a fucking rabbit with my husband. LOL stay fanny flustered.

This is the most neurotic red flag shit I've ever read. Were you trying to sound poetic?

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>You either dont live in a hurricane zone or enjoy the benefits of living life by the beach
lmao dumb american whore, you suck, you have no brain, and will never be happy, which is good because thats what you deserve

im older, more experienced than you and have a long standing successfull relationship after fucking dumb sluts like you, you never change and the funny thing is you believe you are some smart shit, átok

I don't even get pissed at any of this shit anymore.

I come here and am reminded there are people who think in these terms, and I'm eternally grateful that I feel so incredibly grounded in my identity and self I don't need any of it.

Super over it, happy with my books, music, and completely avoiding people who destabilize my life.

Was that really confusing to you, little brainlet? I feel incredibly smug knowing you had been so overwhelmed by my post that your brain is now turned off for if I shattered your world view you wouldnt be the same cuck.

Here is a tl;dr for someone of your wit

female autism is real

you are argueing with yourself now, nobody mentioned virgin women anywhere

>i have authority because blah blah blah
I am having fun, he is having fun, I didnt even cheat, but the game I played was a blast and we have never been closer. I know, I know. This warps your mind to the point you will be in denial a relationship could get hit by a storm and still be standing. Well it is, it always will. Me and mine are connected by fate and we both truly believe in, even when I had some doubts about his feelings for me they are more clear now than ever. We are more open to each other than ever. The threat of cheating was the best thing to happen to us actually. I would never do it again because I wont need to. ;)

This is like when you almost die and then look at life with a much grander appreciation than before.

Oh please, that was just a joke to trigger you betas.

Why would you do this? it doesn't seem fun for anyone. If you want some kind of sub/dom thing just do that together, without playing the misery card.

>Me and mine are connected by fate
>that was just a joke
okay stop LARPing Kyle


>This is like when you almost die and then look at life with a much grander appreciation than before

I'm with you on this one. However, depending on the person, there is much subtlety and caution needed here. Meaningful experiences, good and bad, do test and strengthen the bond between people so they're necessary in order to grow and maintain a relationship and life throws shit at you anyway. Some people can live jsut fine in bland relationships and others need some neuroticism in it. Or just some plain sexy lingerie once in a while, as some user said. Taking care of yourself and assuring you always put effort into woe-ing the other and also keeping a bit of mystery around your persona can do wonders. Stirring things some more can be risky.

My boyfriend has said a few times he wishes he can postpone our 'first fight" as much as possible, although he agrees that surviving conflict makes us stronger and the make up can be passionately worthy. What should I make up of this? He brought it up a couple of times and I don't understand why he would feel the need to say that. I asked him but he was way too vague, I take it he's had his fair share of conflicts with exes. How should I proceed with this? Not looking for arguments, but I'm kind of scared about the moment we don't see eye to eye comes.

Not larping. Sorry. Your world view was challenged and all you can do is scream that its just a lie. Pathetic. Thats just how you cope with it I suppose, but it doesn't change the facts it just helps you sleep at night.

My relationship being succesful after this trolls the FUCK out of you fags here. And the best part? It isnt a troll at all. LOL

you dont even know my worldview, you only vomit shit here that bothers you, while being a 19years old prostitute

Youre the only one here to spout shit, pal. Look at the nature of your posts to mine. You are only trying to attack and hurt when you post, that is your only goal. You are a sad bitter man.

not really, i said you are a child, which you are, to that you bursted into an autistic rage with beaches and tornadoes, kek

also post some stupid shit with a timestamp because i dont believe you arent a fat neckbeard

I am autistic, but you are certainly the bigger child than me if you are afraid of a little thunder.


>incel fantasies

Nice bumps but stop arguing you mofos and give advice, I want to know anons' opinions because people different

>not really
Everything you said to her has been an attack on her character with insults rather than what she was saying. Loser. Its embarrassing you are being cut down so hard by a slutty roastie.

One of the best ways to love life is to come close to death. Then you never doubt in life ever again. Same with love. I agree with the roastie, but I don't think you have to cheat to achieve this. There are many ways to experience a near death. She was one of the only ones here willing to be honest.

Oh, I didn't mean to imply it HAD to be cheating tactics, just that its the easiest and most impactful way to do it. It will likely make or break your relationship. The ULTIMATE shit test, if you will.

Have fun playing games.

>the white knight
she will not fuck you Brandon because shes a John

What is with the names?? How do you prove my point about you even more with every post you make? Fascinating. Keep posting for science.


>i am 16 and use big words so i look more mature
>although ive never seen a vagina and only been catfished twice

ITT: Men larp as women to piss off underage faggots for (you)s

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This isnt the GIOYC thread buddy, wrong place to confess what a cuck you are.

I know this girl who is hugely into me, but from her past experiences (she's still married now too) it seems like your type. Extremely high in upkeep, but worth it if you can keep her happy. Like, she said everyone gets seduced at one point, so I told her I'd just do her with two guys at the same time and she was happy. It honestly feels like riding a wild bull and hoping you don't fall off.

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actually it literally is

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You all wish I was larping. You all wish I was jesting. I am not.

The results from it here are the same either way so enjoy the show.

What did he mean by this...?

This board should just be deleted. Fucking useless.

So. You are asking how to manipulate people without hurting them, yourself and others in some way? You won't be able to. Either accept the fact games can lead to booboos, or dont fucking play them at all.

Is she married to you or is it an open marriage??

the guy means well. he gets points for that at least.

Here, she's not married to me, no.

First, quit listening to these robots who have barely been in relationships before. The bulk of their advice comes from misinterpreted statistics and a hug box of a board.

In a long term relationship, it should never be about "keeping him chasing". If that's your end goal, the relationship will fail and he will leave you anyway.

Once you've reached a good stage in your relationship, you stop chasing one another. You get him to stop chasing you. Instead you now build a long term relationship with one another.

To start you will need lots of communication. This is someone who loves you, so you should not be afraid to communicate with them. Ask them what an ideal evening is. Ask them what a special evening entails. Etc. Then tell them what your ideal evenings are etc. Start planning out some special evening now and again, doing both style of evenings to keep you both happy.

Ask them how they feel loved, what specifically they would want from you. Then you think on it and tell them what chemically you would want from them. And then you do those things for one another.

You keep doing things like that, which helps to build a solid relationship. Because you are no longer in this stupid dating phase anymore. It clear that he likes you, and it's clear that you like him. Communicate and have fun. It's simple.

I can explain more of needed.

It's because Jow Forums has spread like a Cancer through a good portion of Jow Forums. Jow Forums has been having the same problem for awhile now. You can't simoly talk regular exercise anymore, now it's autistic shit, mixed with good ol Jow Forums genetic self pity.

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Not this.

>posts adventure time ship
Opinion discarded

I don't even watch adventure time. It was just from their outro song video or w/e cause the series ended.

So, it's cannon now? In which case, get fucked :>

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So wait. Are you cucking her husband or is he one of those types who loves to get cucked?

Black and white childish world view Ahoy.

It depends on the people involved. It always comes down to who they are. Some people can not handle spicy foods, others are addicted to them.

The one thing new couples give each other is attention and it's like of like a drug. Treat him like he's your crush. Flirt with him.

>Claims other people are presenting a black and white childish view
>Posts only black and white childish views

I can't actually believe people got riled up by your stupidity.

>make him feel like you're attracted to him.
No that could never work, you need to make him paranoid and resentful, that's how you maintain a real relationship.

How was anything I said black and white? I was saying people have different tastes and addictions. That addiction could be salty, spicy, sweet, ect maybe you like more than one and feel conflicted. Nothing black and white about that at all.

I would like to hear more if he, when asked, just states or shrugs his shoulders saying 'just chilling with you is fine or good enough'. Or something along the lines of not really doing much or anything special.

He's the type who enjoys himself a little too much, rarely struggles or puts effort into him and also keeps safe from stress. I think he's becoming too accustomed to good, relax times and while he may still find pleasure in them, it's not the same when there's no variation or comparison to lesser times. He's grown numb and it's just the norm for him, doesn't perhaps appreciate them as much.
My point is I'm afraid it may end up the same with us fi it's only good times. He's not very expressive so it's hard to tell if he's 'okay' with something or passionately enjoying it. I'm certain it has all the potential to be steady and stable, long term. But I don't want him to be 'okay' with him, not notice how the moments spent together pass by. I want to give him something to feel and think about and feel a pull towards me, whether that means adding more spice or some resolvable drama.

The only childish view itt is needing to prop up a relationship with vague threats of infidelity. Do you honestly think people with goals and shit to do have time for that crap?

uh, ok. what brought that on, exactly? you in pain, user? :^)

3/10 bait. Try again.

I wrote like a drunken person, hope you get the idea. If not, I will rephrase

It was a joke guys, I was making fun of all the retards in this thread who think having a side guy is a recipe for a successful relationship.

It sounds like he's just fine chilling and relaxing with you and you're getting antsy about that? If he says he's fine, then take him at his words.
user was very clearly parodying certain anons in this thread.

Who says it was propped up by it? I just did it to have more angry sex with him, but he needed a reason to have anger towards me like that in the first place. >:3 we both love it. It took no time or effort on my end to do or him either. Now the sex in the bedroom is incredibly kinky. Just what I always wanted. Ahahahahaha! Worth it.

As long as you're happy, then whatever works. However, it's irresponsible to give the sort of advice, which has a chance to go awry, to someone else.

I don't even know any of the psychos in this thread but I already despise you.

So two things then:

>The first
Maybe it's the way you put it, but he might be depressed. It sounds a bit like depression, and maybe that's what it is. Talk to him about it, see if that what the problem is. If he says yes, work on that first. If he says no, just tell him "alright, but if you ever do, or if anything like that happens, you can always talk to me."

Piggy backing off of that, if it isn't depression, that might just be who he is. Youll have to explain a bit more, because I'm unsure if it's a full problem for you. Does he lack enthusiasm in life, or just in outings? Does he lack enthusiasm in a relationship, or just when doing activities, etc. If here just that type of guy, then maybe the relationship isn't a good fit.

>Second thing
Assuming it's none of the above, and he just likes to chill/is a homebody. That's fine! Ask him again whatbhe likes to do, what he would really want to do on a serious level. If the anwser comes back to just chill or being with you, then that's great. Tell him what you want to do, then plan around it.

Have nights where you just chill, make popcorn, watch some dumb movies togeather and do nothing at all. Then have a night where you go out and do something you want to do! Rinse and repeat.

Doing this allows you to both have fun in the relationship, while also both getting what you want. All you have to do at that point is occasionally check in. Tastes change over time, and in a few months, he may want to do something else other than chill.

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Keep up what originally attracted him to you. My girlfriend is a sexy little Filipino sex kitten. Not going to lie, I am moving across the country to a better University to chase her ass. We've only been together 2 years, but it has been an amazing relationship despite the tiny fights caused by lack of communication.

How can YOU keep your man interested? Depends on the man. In my case, she is my best friend. I can spend every day of the week with her and not get bored or want space. We just enjoy each other's company, be it just laying in bed holding each other or going on adventures/hikes/food quests.

If he's a fuckboy maybe he needs looks. I don't know, some men are fickle creatures; I genuinely feel bad for women in your situation. Some men just aren't ready for long-term relationships.

from a better* University. My current one is top 10 public Universities in the US, hers is top 50.

Hey, that may be true. My advice is a bomb that is for damn sure. But its just a fun thought to throw around esp when 4channers get angry i spread it. Ufufufufufufu

And you gotta admit, a house that can last through a storm is just the better built house in comparison to those who lay their foundations in less risky areas and wouldn't last a second in a hurricane. Yours may be clean, it may be safe, but it will never survive a real storm. And if you never want to brave a storm, can I say I blame you? Hell naw. But I am someone who dances with death because its the most thrilling way to dance.

Whatever makes you happy.

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Going to be a judgmental asshole here: You sound like a trash tier girlfriend. Why not just talk to him and ask him if he also wants to spice things up? That's what my girlfriend and I did. Our sex has been great for 18 months since that talk now. You don't have to threaten a man, like a (high schooler/immature/trash-tier) woman would. That's some terrible advice you gave, and one I hope OP doesn't follow.

What she aught to do, and any rational person can agree, is talk to her man. Tell him she likes feeling chased/sought after. It's that simple. Don't do some high school mind game fuckery that would cause most sensible men to peace the hell out.

If a man is into you, he will hear what you say and commit to you. It's how men work. If he doesn't, and you can't handle his lack of commitment, leave the guy. He just isn't for you and that is how life works. A man will commit for a woman he wants to spend his life with.

I sure as fuck am committing to my girlfriend this coming year. Leaving my dream school, moving across my state, and why? To be with my Queen. Nothing makes me feel better in life than her smile and smelly little farts.

Thanks doc. I am very happy, we were happy before its just he didnt get super into kinky sex until now. Now he gets to punish my ass in ways I never thought he would before.


It was more that I wanted him to amp up the possiveness he has naturally because that turns me on like crazy. I love thise cold and controlling men you see, and he loves to control me. And yes, we are both fucked up, but that is why we are perfect. Couldn't do it any other way, wouldn't do it any other way. Glad it turned out the way it did.

No, my relationship is not a normie one. But its the best I have ever had, and he really fucking loves me and I really love him too. We just like to mess with each other sometimes, get under the skin. We are simply D E V I O U S to each other sometimes. But FUCK that gets me hot.

Its a LOT of fun, and he wants to even make me have his kids. He is my best friend, my husband, my nemesis. I love him so So SO much

I cant tell if he's depressed. He hasn't been that open to me yet. He has his interests that he talks about passionately and he is indeed more of a homebody. Other than that, he seems to be lacking enthusiasm generally, even his demeanour is very chill, almost rudely chill. Sometimes I feel insecure that if I can't ignite his enthusiasm in life by being and doing things with him, then maybe there isn't passion in his feelings towards me either. But I cant lie, there are moments when he's either in a good mood or doesn't lack energy and expresses, scarcely but genuinely ,quite a deep interest in me. That gets my hopes up.

Also the second part is good advice and could apply, have already been trying to switch between nights out and nights in. I'm scared of how even this could fall into a rut and be fairly predictable and us getting used to it. But thank tou!

You. You stop it now

It's making me envious of your relationship

Shucks you will make me blush. Me and him are like two loner devils who happened to find each other. Now we get to spend our lives in sheer entertainment. I am in heaven even though I should be damned to hell for my sins. Or maybe hell is just heaven to me.

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Sorry for the late reply. He doesn't know.

I would really like to give it a shot, as in getting into a proper relationship. But I'm aware it'll be like driving without a steering wheel.

Question for you: if tomorrow your significant other can't keep up with you anymore. Would you be heartbroken? It's like you love him dearly, but he's also disposable at the same time.

pff any man would just break up if their whore girlfriend told them they would cheat. Whores can cheat around until a certain age and then they will regret leaving the guy they truly liked, the guy can always find another young pretty girlfriend

pff any man would just break up if their whore girlfriend told them they would cheat. Whores can cheat around until a certain age and then they will regret leaving the guy they truly liked, the guy can always find another young pretty girlfriend

I am the one who can't keep up with him, actually. You think I am being devious? Lol he is King in this little slice of heavenly hell. He doesnt use the threat of cheating because he doesnt have to. I am lesser than him intellectually(blatantly being honest, i value my mind so that is a hard thing for me to ever admit) so I have to use more bitchy tactics to get under his skin because those bitchy tactics are the last thing he would expect from me(because it isnt me, it was just testing the waters) as I am soooo above it, NE? HANII??

If we broke up... that would be ok, I would be able to move on, he would too. I think I feel that because we have grown a lot over the years. I wouldn't be the same person without him in my world. So if he stays, if he goes, I will still be here standing and flipping the bird to the world and I would have him to thank for being able to stand on my own at all. I wont leave him, that will be his choice. And that man is still a bit of a mystery to me and I would be lying if I said I didnt have doubts. So far, he has made it very clear he doesnt find any women attractive but me mind and body wise. Its hilarious how cold he is to other women but sweet he is to me... all within the same ten minute conversation. That man knows how to FUCK with me. I can do it back too, darling~

Fuck off psycho-Rachel, no one cares about your justifications for staying in an abusive relationship. Which is what it is. Get help. Do better.

So basically, you want to steal crazy wife from her husband? Damn lad. LOL

I wouldn't. I mean, I would if I were a different person who gave no fucks.

Fuck off, you don't know shit. You are just disturbed when two devils colide. As you should be. You think a devil like me should be among the saints? I refuse to be so dishonest with myself.


>. If your bf/husband doesn't know there is no drama created.
seek help

Do not listen to this faggot. You and your husband sound like you have a unique but good thing. Its just disturbing and you are clearly insane and autistic, but also hilariously chaotic.

How do you turn an angel into a devil? Ive been low key provoking him to romantically hurt me and have a twisted disturbed but very close and intense dark sexi affair in which we are emotionally spiritually and painfully bonded to each other?

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Op, did you really not know what you were doing when you posted this?

>incels triggering eachother: the thread