Start dating girl

>start dating girl
>Girl dumps me before we have sex
>Spend the next two weeks hooking up with different girls and planning dates
>Ex gf wants to come over and talk
>Let her over
>She asks me if I've been seeing anyone since her
>Say no
>Have sex for the first time
>She unloads about wanting to get back together and shit
>Still have date planned for tomorrow night with other girl

Not really sure what to do here. I'd be happy to get back with her, and stay consistent, but I feel bad about lying about the chicks I've hooked up with since she ended things. I also feel bad kicking th girl I'm supposed to take out tomorrow to the curb now. What's the proper course of action here? Do I just take the other girl out, not tell my ex, and maybe see about restarting things after? It's not really a matter of cheating but I know if she ever found out she'd be pretty upset.

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Yes, yes and yes

Meet the girl and tell her you got back with your ex. Say sorry and pay for the food etc

Or tell her through text. Anyways let the girl know.

And yeah hide it from ex

To stop dating is an absolute
You should not be with this girl.

I dont understand why people for an example think "taking a break" is a solution to their relationship issue

A relationship should be able to hold 24/7 if the issue was solved by not being together for a time then that issue is going to turn up again

Im of course not saying giving space is wrong but that is not a break its just about cooling down for a short time (less than a day) and then returning to resolve differences.

first, she wasn't your gf but a girl you were dating so there was no dumping involved.
second, she stopped going out with you because there was another guy she wanted to date.
you don't owe her a damn thing but really surprised you didn't ask her who she went out with
this is classic for a girl to redirect and try to make you the bad one to cover for her misdeeds.

So you're saying still take the girl our, but don't like, fuck her or anything right?

I mean the whole situation is complicated, we were never really officially together anyway, but exclusivity was always kinda an implied thing while we were seeing eachotjer, and when she ended things I just kinda went on a fuck rampage. I've literally fucked 2 girls this week before her and now I feel kinda bad about it. I'd just like things to go back to they way they were with her, I kinda enjoyed our casual thing we had before she ended it, I just feel guilty about lying about the other girls.

I don't think there was another guy but I should ask for sure. It's only been like 3 weeks since she ended things up to tonight when we got together and "got together" for the first time.

Yeah take the girl out, just friend zone her.

>"taking a break"
translation; I've met a hot guy and my pussy is engorged with blood and I'm gonna move heaven and earth to have his dick inside me but just in case its not as good as I fantasize I can slither right back and we can proceed as if nothing happened.

She didn't "take a break" she ended things because they were "getting too serious" for her, we talked nonstop after said end anyway, via Snapchat and I pretty much had her whereabouts and activities day and night the whole time, so no there is not another guy and honestly if there was that would just help me anyway cuz it would me she too lied to me.

>I don't think there was another guy
My point OP is you shouldn't feel guilty at all. You don't owe her anything. She wasn't your gf in the first place really and damn sure not when she ran off. I was being facetious when suggesting you ask her if she hooked up, you don't have to but you should point out her you didn't ask, yet she asked. Anyway if you ask she will lie just as you did. What you should do is keep your eyes and ears open because there's another guy lurking out there, just as there are girls lurking out there for you.

>I pretty much had her whereabouts and activities day and night the whole time
so you monitored her and she didn't monitor you and thats how you had so much free time to fuck all those bitches?

Come on OP. You have got to know deep down what she was also up to. She took a break to fuck and you were hurt so you retaliated by going out and fucking.

You shouldn't have lied but don't get back together with your ex. You want stability in your relationship. That she tried to get back together with you shows that she shouldn't be dating anyone at all(not saying people can't break off a relationship, but they shouldn't come back to the same person 2 weeks later), least of all you.

>she ended things because they were "getting too serious" for her
She's either broken or in her heart of hearts does not want to be with you. I've seen this same story play out in so many guys lives in including my own

how did you find so many girls? are you goodl ooking ? or funny?

I get what you're saying now. Maybe idk. I just feel bad not being honest with her if I continued to see her, even casually, but I don't really owe her anything.

I mean yeah, I was fucking other women to get over her I'll be upfront about that. I just don't want to be upfront with her about it, it seems unnecessary, she'll never find out.

So here's the kinda trick, I'm not intending on getting back with her for a serious relationship in fact when we were first dating for a few months it was never intended to be serious either, on account that I'm moving out of state by the end of the year. So I'm not trying to set up anything stable with her RN, I just would like to continue the casual relationship we had before she ended it, now with actual sex, but I just feel a bit bad about not being upfront with the other women I'd been with in that break time.

I would say I'm pretty average looking. The main girl in question I met at school, the others I met on tinder, through friends, etc. Look I'm floored by it too, I went from 4 years of no sex to 3 girls in a 4 day span. I used to think I was gonna die alone lmao

man im so happy for you user, now just find a cute girl that you dig and the she likes you too and do da thing :D

Thanks user. I'd actually really rather be with someone I really care about than any of this, this whole hookup thing has been a bit strange to me, even a tad uneasy. the best of it all was definitely the girl I had been with before just on the basis that I do have feelings for her, but the rest of it is just kinda messy, and meaningless, and doesn't really feel "me" ya know. Just all happened so fast lol

She probably dumped you for chad, got banged out and chad never called her again. Thats why shes back with you.

yes user i understand, well can you give us more details, like where did you go on the dates with those girls and what you did and did it help you gain more experience

this is the correct decision

So still take other girl out, then attempt to reset things with my ex, and never tell her about any of it?

I just took them out places to eat and then watched movies back at their houses which inevitably led to sex. I've figured out pretty much if a girl is down to go back to her house after a date, you're in, and there's no harm in asking.
Idk its been a good experience. I kinda feel for the first time that I'm actually worth something and that I don't need to feel validated by female attention, because it's really not that hard to get.

i had a similar experience a couple of months ago, went on a date with a chick had coffe and ended up kissing in the beach, but after that she seemed not interested and i dont know if i did something wrong

Sometimes it happens. A lot of women just aren't willing on their first date. One of the chicks I hooked up with let me take her top off and gave me a bj, but not until the second time out did she let me fuck, which she did with almost no effort. It's just avoiding "fuck on the first date" stigma I think.

ill try to go on another date this month maybe after college girls end exams i could find one, what would you recommend me to do or not

Tinder. And when using it don't waste time trying to get to know the girl or really talking to much. Make a joke, make a few more, suggest a hangout, plan the date for within the next 3 days. You should only get to know women in person, never via text, it's boring and it reveals yourself too quick.

Go on your other date. Enjoy other women who won't fuck around with stupid shit.

You're not official with this original broad, so see others until that happens.

If you want this relationship to be long term tell her you lied and that you slept around when you broke up. Get that out of the way so you can move on with the damn relationship.

If it was a clean break(and her who initiated it), she can't logically get mad. You were single and could fuck who you want. She can't break up with you than expect you to remain abstinent from sex. That isn't how breaking up works.

This is kinda what im seeing a lot here and it makes sense. I'd like to keep seeing the original chick casually but it's never been official anyway.

I don't really know if she wants to engage in a serious relationship at this point or just go back to being a casual thing, at which point I don't really feel the need to tell her about it, I just feel bad because I don't think she would've had sex with me last night had I told her I had been with other women recently, and so by lying I don't want her to think I did it just to get her to sleep with me, which wasn't the intention I just didn't wanna tell her about the other girls.