Arguing with a really successful person

>arguing with guy in fb groupchat
>this was about veganism, started from a pic posted earlier
>try having serious debate
>every reply from him is just "meatretard virgin cope" "this is your brain on m*at" and other shitposts
>personal insults to half the people in the chat
>call him retarded and he just flexes his education/wealth, feel insecure

What are you actually meant to do in this situation? It's happened before although not to do with me with the political parties in my country

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Don't argue with them you fucking retard

>the virgin op
>the chad vegan

I was supporting someone else and he just started insulting me. I wasn't trying to provoke him he just did it for no reason.

I'm not really awkward with women I justhaven't put much effort in yet. He's a degenerate who fucks prostitutes so can't really brag about being a chad

this is why i'm vegan

this isn't an argument; it's a contradiction!

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My god, Facebook is retarded.

You walk away and quit engaging with people who make you feel like shit, get back to living your life on your own terms, bettering yourself, and getting ahead.

Fucking millennials.

If someone is really just hellbent on annoying you, then you need to ban him or go somewhere he is not.

It was in a groupchat from my old high school. There's about 50 people in it and I don't want to leave

why don't you do some sneaky-girl-social- sabotage-whatever-the-fuck.

Also, I promise you, by the time you hit 30 these people will absolutely not matter to you.

>>every reply from him is just "meatretard virgin cope" "this is your brain on m*at" and other shitposts
>>personal insults to half the people in the chat
>He's a degenerate who fucks prostitutes so can't really brag about being a chad

Honestly sounds based

>being on FB after it became public knowledge they perform social experiments without consent.
>being in a group with anyone from high school
Holy fuck, move on you meat-tard.

If you really want to debate vegans, ask them if they'll eat cheese, milk and eggs made ethically.

>trying to have an actual debate on Facebook instead of trolling

You ARE retarded, OP

why do meat eaters always want to start debates about it? so tiring

Because vegans support industrial farming.

>arguing with guy in fb groupchat
Found your problem

>If you really want to debate vegans, ask them if they'll eat cheese, milk and eggs made ethically.
I eat eggs from my granny's farm because those chickens are free but I don't know if it's ethical enough for most vegans. Those chickens have a pathetic life just walking around freely all the time but never leaving the farm because of their chicken brains.

The chickens would make the eggs regardless of whether or not they ever get fertilized. Similarly cows make so much milk they'd suffer if they weren't relieved occasionally. So if someone is claiming they're vegan, but rejects ethically produced eggs/milk/milk products, then their veganism is a sham.

There's a point to be made about animal abuse, that's the whole thing that separates a vegan from a vegetarian. But if a "vegan" isn't onboard with eating milk/eggs that are produced ethically (good animal husbandry vs factory farming), then they're not a vegan. They're just a vegetarian.

So ethically produced milk would be if a free cow had a baby, but the baby cow got killed by another animal so the mother cow needs a human to take her milk?

Veganism is a moral choice not a health one. You can still eat unhealthy as fuck and be vegan. The guy is a fucking tool. Yeah, he might make money and have an education but that doesn't mean he knows everything. I've seen people on the Mensa forums who are "certified genius" yet fail at basic operation and troubleshooting of a computer.

Just forget about this guy, user. It's not worth it. Yeah it sucks when people you don't like are more successful than you but that's life. You're going to face this again in the future so learn now how to deal with it.

>Veganism is a moral choice not a health one. You can still eat unhealthy as fuck and be vegan. The guy is a fucking tool. Yeah, he might make money and have an education but that doesn't mean he knows everything. I've seen people on the Mensa forums who are "certified genius" yet fail at basic operation and troubleshooting of a computer.

meatretard virgin cope

You really aren't supposed to get into internet arguments because chances are you're the one who gives a shit and the other person is there realizing full well they've gotten their ass handed to them, they just don't have to admit it with a screen between the two of you

It's never worth it. These are guys who stalk women online and stalk instagrams and shit, don't be tryna reason

>It's never worth it. These are guys who stalk women online and stalk instagrams and shit, don't be tryna reason

this is your brain on m*at

You don't seem to understand how cows work.

>arguing about eating differently to someone else
This was your mistake who gives a fuck

Tell us how cows work. I thought they only produced milk when calving and it would be strange to claim that they naturally evolved to overproduce milk to the point of it being a problem. Is that your claim? Calves don't drink enough of their mother's milk so it's only ethical for humans to step in and relieve the cow?

Former vegan here, and also former guy who used to argue politics and whatever else on the internet.

It's not worth it. Even if you ARE right, and you win the debate you're not gonna change their mind and they're gonna change yours. People are just gonna double down on their identity politics.

Just enjoy your life.

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you don't argue with people
agree and make him see inconsistencies on his own
he has to actively think and reason then
you won't change his mind otherwise

besides, why even bother?

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