It was nice knowing ya
Goodnight, Drumpftards
All of the talent was sent to work on American Dad. This is just lame.
You can feel the lefty butthurt coming through the screen
you reek of delusion
They literally show peter griffin kissing nigger obama on the lips.
Can you imagine what was going through the mind of the person who wrote that?
It's one of those make the koreans animate a 15 minute fight so we don't have to write jokes episodes
Seth McFarlane? There is nothing going on in his mind.
Worst episode ever. Family guy is now on the list of liberal garbage i won't watch anymore. Politics have ruined movies and television.
I honestly like those though
I thought Family Guy ended when the Simpsons did
Leftist are such infants they think cartoons on the tele vision programming is ok
Okay i laughed a few times. Sue me.
you idiots, it was designed to get more libtards to watch so they could be slowly redpilled. Griffins are as republican as it can get
Didn't Peter say that he didn't like Obama in a previous episode?
And? No one watches television but libtards.
you reek of meme flag
The one night I miss the show, It's epic.
Trump ripped a picture of Obama and Peter fixed it and kissed it.
As a Redditor, I would like know where I can donate gold to the writers.
You guys don't get it, this is actually a shot at the liberal faggots who will eat it all up. The Griffin family are all retards and the left is projecting themselves onto them. Seth intentionally went as far as possible anti-trumping to the point it's bat shit insane. However they will eat it up like candy and use it like gospel making themselves look batshit insane.
I don't even know anymore. Seth is in a constant state of hard drugs I'd be surprised if he was even sober
>literally champion a show that depicts your side exactly as we call you cucked ready to kiss a niggers lips
What the fuck, the person who edited that video put the jokes before the relevant skits.
Fucking mouth breathers, I swear...
>Trump ripped a picture of Obama and Peter fixed it and kissed it.
remember the very first episode of family guy when peter commits welfare fraud
Anybody that watches family guy these days is either too stupid to breathe or too high to think
I know, but still...
Funny, Family Guy does occasionally knock both sides in what I've seen, but they definitely knock the right more. The jokes are clearly written by different people too
>Joke for the Cons
>an actual joke, maybe not great, but a joke
>Joke for the Libs
>Deadpan statement that Trump is a ____
That was actually pretty funny. You can tell it's not pushing an agenda because Trudeau saved them in the end, kek.
so much fucking cringe
i can't believe they need this to cope so hard
Hopefully. Do these people even look at pictures of Trump, or just drawings they've made of him?
>to cope so hard
that isn't how the word cope is used
>Canada is the safety net that saves America whenever we fuck up.
This is so true.
Thanks, Canadians. Sorry about our President.
Unironically one of the funniest things I've seen today.
orange man bad canada good haha nice how do i upvote
I'm surprised someone probably spent a couple thousand dollars and probably a week to produce this.
I feel the quality has dropped
Couple of chuckles, but other than that Meh. Trump comedy is pretty tired and lazy, if you ask me... But nobody asked me, so fuck off.
A jew writes it. What else do you expect? It's full of nihilist, Marxist, and pure kike degeneracy.
>bumbling retard hates brumph
What did they mean by this?
HAHAHA Drumpf. Orange man bad and stupid. Anyone else hear about orange man?
Does anyone still watch Family Guy? Or any of the Flintstones-model animated sitcoms?
I thought everyone moved on to Archer, then Rick & Morty, then that show's autism killed adult animation.