Gillette gets woke af

So there I was, putting on my rape shoes, and practicing my sexual harassment pickup lines this morning. I just got done cyberbullying my coworkers. It was time to shave, I yelled at my wife to smile because I demand it, while pinching her butt right after she told me she didn't consent to it. Putting on the shaving cream and thinking about how I can get my son into a fight at the next BBQ, I replaced the worn Gillette brand Mach3 and began to chant "boys will be boys" as I started to shave. Then suddenly my daughter burst into the bathroom holding her phone. As I began to mansplain to her why she isn't smart enough to know my shaving time is my time she showed me the new Gillette ad. I realized how my every view and behavior I've ever held dear was wrong. I'm calling in sick at the toxic masculinity factory today and registering Democrat. Thanks Gillette, now excuse me while I help to impeach.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I actually enjoy the propaganda from the early twentieth century, at least it was somewhat self aware,
today's propaganda is just cringey garbage now, wasn't even clever or funny.


one word : yikes

Going to hide all the gillette products at the store I work at and cycle count to very high so it never gets ordered again.

God speed user

>Neanderthal men don't shave with the right mind-set
>only a Gillette man understands why he shaves

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I miss the days of slap a jap.

Found this image on it real?

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REMEMBER - Gillette is owned by Proctor & Gamble - boycott wisely and go to the top of the corporate chain.

>It's another episode of Romania has a racist problem

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Yeah, they’ve been deleting comments like crazy, but you see them all on archived threads.

Supposed to be rapist. Mobileshitting is inexcusable. I apologize.

can i get a summary on the commercial. cant watch shitty internet

Not shaving anymore.
Must sleep now going to wake up at 5am commute an hour listening to a Spengler book then lifting, then work. I am what I must be for myself and every generation after. There is a reason we are supreme. Good night good sirs. Tomorrow we fight anew.

>ad showing mature men that are secure with themselves and have values showing other men how to better themselves and respect others

you all are thick in the head

This has finalised it.

Im going to Mongolia to marry a Mongol chick.
I'm going to have two sons.
Im going to let them bash each other up everyday and teach them to hate fucking everyone and everything.
I'll let them run my company when I'm old and unleash the greatest psychopaths upon the world.
Fuck this shit, my kids are going to kill all your kids.
Especially faggot arse fudgepacking kids who worship gay shaving commercial.

Talks about "bullying" and uses fake tv shows to show women getting harassed. Makes fun of "boys will be boys" mentality (not even in regards to rapey shit, but just kids playing around at a barbecue) and shows suburban dads as weak. Shows a clip of Ana "Genocide Denier" Kasparian as some sort of liberal voice of reason. All around cringy as fuck.

you did gud op. you did .

I guess I'll be keeping the beard

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Kek! Thanks for the humor. Comedy gold!

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real and he has spoken

This pasta is FRESH! Get it while it's hot!
Nice digits
Tim Pool did a good vid about this. I'm ideological opposed to much of his mindset, but I think he will change as he gets older. He is one of the more sane and self aware liberals and is worth a watch.

You're supposed to wait until after they disable likes and comments shlomo

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What is with the war against beards. Almost every woman Ive talked to has said that they prefer a man who shaves their face as opposed to even stubble. What is wrong with women and why do you kowtow to their stupid whims? Why are women only atttacted to little boys and invirile males?

Don’t lose your job over it. That’s (((their))) plan. Divide people. And do it with the dumbest shit. Just don’t buy P&G goods and you’ll damage them. Also I’m prettt sure not many people are gonna be running out to buy Gillette stuff now.

Can someone explain the joke plz
T. Gillette's market team

fpfpfpfpfpfpf in the floor

He's implying he isn't the father of the child he's raising. Thus, he is a cuck.

same reason teachers prey on kids instead of getting a hookup at a bar
women are hungry for power, but they only seek the weakest prey
dont think that being in a relationship is something to be jealous of
80% of relationships the man is having his life force drained

The people who make this shit get off on the fact that its downvoted 10 to 1. To them it validates their perception that they're edgy and rebellious.

They're the kind of people who want to beat you to death but are only able to do so because their big brother is pointing a gun at you.

14K like
138K Dislike
I will be changing shavers now.

This actually isn't a bad idea. Of course the razors are kept under lock-and-key, but the Gillette shaving cream and aftershave might ride in my cart to the bedding section, or sporting goods behind the basketballs, or under the margerine.

dollar shave club my man, save money as well

And that's after taking the video down several times and reuploading it.

it is real

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Stop talking about this stupid commercial.

The spot is bait and all of you are taking it.

Has any true autist yet broken down the racial... er... breakdown of what # of BadMen are white?

I most vividly recall the black guy stopping a white guy from catcalling... youbknow, just like happens every day in real life.

There is a white dad who breaks up a fight/bullying - all white bullies.

Also a black dude says 'boys will be boys'

Even so... I gotta say... I think the anti-White thing is actually more the message here then the anti-Guy thing.

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Well... time to learn how to use an actual razor or start burning the stubble off with Listerine.

>if you ignore it it will go away goy
nice reddit spacing.

>look up the ad agency that produced this
>grey advertising
>look up founders
>both jewish
every. fucking. time.

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Someone posted this on YOUTUBE:
Lets SPAM ads for their competitors!

>shaving is bad

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>mfw there's a Gillette social media team somewhere crying xir eyes out
now when does Gillette apologize to men?

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This is exactly what they want! They want to stir up as much attention as possible--both positive and negative. Having a 1:4 like/dislike ratio and 5mil views is much MUCH better than having 250,000 views!

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>grey advertising

Valenstein sounds Irish.

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>believing a comment with almost 1k upboats on a video with nearly universally negative reception is genuine


>1 post by this id
Sage this shit or stop replying
There's 10 active threads about this ongoing

Fuck Gillette and their emasculating cuck bullshit. Boycott them.

Good post my gypsy brother

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>the absolute state of mutts
top fucking kek just nuke them already

The PR was fucking desperate, so thirsty to find at least ONE positive comment he could pin then report to his manager he didn't took the time to understand the context.
Poor dude.

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>mfw I slap my girlfriend's ass regularly
>fondle tits too
>she slaps my ass too
>and puts her tits in my face if I'm sitting down playing vidya

are there really people out there in relationships with people they don't find physically attractive? whenever I see her ass, I want to touch it. sorry not sorry.

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Imagining the jewish feminist marketing team going into full mental breakdown at this moment is hilarious....especially funny considering they were most likely high fiving and feeling so proud of themselves prior to "debuting" this monstrosity.

A collective male conscioussness is finally becoming a real thing again---slapping jewish corporations shit when they get out of line is fun as fuck.

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Yes cucks.

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Fucking newfag snitches

From hearing the voices and watching mannerisms 0 men were in this video.

I know even nigger males were supporting a white dad protecting his family from a pack of wild sheboons.


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have a link to the thread?

I never watched the ad I just read descriptions of it, however I did hit dislike and had fun in the comments. It hit their stock value and plenty of people are obviously serious about their intent to boycott. This isn't a "any attention is good attention" thing for them. The left will probably respond to the right by signaling their intent to loyally boy Procstein and Gamblerg products, but that will be a smaller number of people who won't keep it up. Gillette has obviously suffered a hit to their brand.

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>The other founder's name is Arthur Fatt.

Seeing how he didn't become a middle linebacker or MMA fighter, just assume his lifetime of torment makes his only goal to see the whole world burn.

Gotta love how the fake sitcom depicted a white man grabbing a black woman's ass. As if this was ever a common thing, either on television or in real life

Meant to be a response to this comment:

>Look guys! We downvoted a terrible commercial!
>We're winning the culture war!

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”Gillette the best a cisgender onions boy can get.”


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Place your bets fine gentlemen---how far will P&G stocks nose dive when youtubers start making fun of this commercial?

It's alright bro.

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>when in doubt, buy store brand
people don't know "store brands" are white labeled name brand products?

I haven't been arsed for shaving since the start of November, and I look like a proper scruffy twat now. I was thinking about shaving, but not after this. Beards against Gillette.

Nearly all Mongol women are wife-tier.

Old Spice
Pepto Bismol
Head and Shoulders

>1 post by this ID

Lol they'll probably put this on their resume as an achievement. They dared to stand up to toxic masculinity and in return they were targeted by online harassment.

Keep deleting his comment. More people will post it Gillette is owned by Procter & Gamble. Below is a list of other P&G brands to avoid. -Always menstrual hygiene products -Ariel laundry detergent -Bounty paper towels, sold in the United States and Canada -Charmin bathroom tissue and moist towelettes -Crest toothpaste -Clancy's Potato Chips, Stackerz, etc... -Dawn dishwashing -Downy fabric softener and dryer sheets -Fairy washing up liquid -Febreze odor eliminator -Gain laundry detergents, liquid fabric softener, dryer sheets and dish washing liquid -Gillette razors, shaving soap, shaving cream, body wash, shampoo, deodorant and anti-perspirant -Head & Shoulders shampoo -Olay personal and beauty products -Oral-B inter-dental products, such as Oral-B Glide -Pampers & Pampers Kandoo disposable diapers and moist towelettes. The 2014 Financial Report lists Pampers as Procter & Gamble's largest brand.[2] -Pantene haircare products -SK-II beauty products -Tide laundry detergents and products -Vicks cough and cold products


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It was up to 120k dislikes and now it's down to 12k. Did they take the video down and reupload? What the fuck is this?

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What if I identify as a toxic masculine male?
What I do?
I'm to be celebrated as both brave and beautiful, am I not?

Crest? Never heard of it, guvna


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Styx showed up very early on in the day.

CLankitty CLANK

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nuh uh

You lucky bastard. I had no idea bongs still had relationships like that. I would love to get a motorboat offer while I'm reading or playing vidya. You better hold on to her or wife her up.

Wtf I love occultism now

ok, they just uploaded it a second time (?) the original no longer pops up when you search only the new one. This is some shit.

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Blimey, you limey.
Ur a right smarmy beast now aintcha?

It's Littlefoot!

Here's Nike's stock value for the 1 month after the Colin Kaepernick ad

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disinfo, but here's an archive link just in case they do... keep an eye on it

I'm going to buy a 34 c Merkur safety razor now. Gillette is never getting my business back