

Attached: slitwrist.jpg (960x960, 72K)

Other urls found in this thread:


nah, im gonna buy the cheaper, more effective brand because im not a baby raging faggot incel like the wannabe neo nazi alt right

Did you see this from Eeeid from The Outer Light?

The weak must fear the strong

Attached: swole left.webm (640x800, 2.38M)

You wish. Actually a guy trying really hard to stay in the middle of the road. Shit like this constantly pounded into my face, is starting to push me off my path. YOU DON'T WANT TO LOSE GUYS LIKE ME!

P.S. The "incel" who's fucked over 100 women. 100 women who wanted me to fuck them...

Attached: jimmy.jpg (1280x720, 68K)

Attached: gillette.jpg (500x750, 140K)

Can someone post the 4-panel meme/comic that shows a proposal for hamburger marketing that involves interracial kissing, and ends with "will this help us sell burgers?" "Burgers?"

Attached: alt-left master race.jpg (640x480, 47K)

That thing looks like its about to snap in two

Attached: really nigga.jpg (1875x1779, 1015K)

>ad showing mature strong men that are secure with themselves and have values showing other men how to better themselves

you all are thick in the head

Shave you dick right off then!

Literally, if women dont shave their pits and pussy now, they are against feminism.

Time to kick them while they are down


Attached: tumblr_mkpkpnuZsS1s5hfnpo2_500.jpg (479x328, 44K)


Cheaper, dude your flushing your money down the toilet paying for a company's marketing budget.

Attached: 20190114_184015.jpg (3456x2268, 3.06M)

>still not boycotting P&G brands

this is the gayest fucking commercial. Fuck the world really is going to shit, it's not just a meme.

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Is there a webm? I'm not watching an ad to watch an ad and give an ad ad revenue.

Faggot leaf
Isn't 7 fucking threads about gillette razors enough? Sage

>I'm not watching an ad
Use an ad blocker
I use youtube forgiving likes / dislikes.
For watching videos without interaction, mpv+youtubedl, especially now that hooktube is ded

You missed the point. I'm not clicking on an ad and increasing it's viewership.

this post reeks of toxic masculinity

face it, the world is changing

it will be green, inclusive and pro LGBTQIA+

sorry sweetie

the time of cis white males is OVER


Fuck you. If you can't see how important this is, then fuck off back into your little hole worm.

FYI dickface, I've made one fucking thread

yass slay queen

Attached: 1542166344815.jpg (438x503, 69K)

REMEMBER - Gillette is owned by Proctor & Gamble - boycott wisely and go to the top of the corporate chain.

oh. the marginal price of a +1 view is lower than the one of a -1 vote.
I watched it for the meme, but only once so I can contribute to downvote

Hooktube is ded. Not it just embed the youtbe player.

Somebody should put the feminist orc

Disliked as well. What was the smooth testicles comment? I'm curious now.

What happened to hooktube?

I noticed a lot of jews in the that ad

that photo makes me throw up in my mouth a little every time I see it.

Anyone remember when the p&g logo was identified as containing 666. Moon n stars n the devil. P&G

This is easy as fuck boycott for me. Literally the only thing I buy from this list is Gillete proglide razor blades.

Is there a Jow Forums approved list of companies that need to be avoided like Gilette and Ben & Jerry's?
Reasons why they need to be avoided would be worthwhile to. I might start compiling a list if people throw out some names and the faggotry they did. Including the parent company would be beneficial too.

You'll notice a lot of jews in every kind of (((media))), be it film, television or advertising. Those industries are as kosher as matzo and communism.

Attached: hollywooddiversity.jpg (1024x577, 88K)

It got too popular so youtube made it impossible to access the videos directly without going through the youtube player.
Before, youtube was a way to watch youtbe content without increasing the (you) counter and without advertisement.
Now hooktube is just a front page to youtube, and just embed the official youtube player. This means views get registered and ads delivered if you don't block them
The hooktube player was superior to the official youtube one. Now I just use mpv + youtubedl for streaming

Jews have convinced men to shave their beards so they can keep their magical beard powers for themselves. WAKE UP AND STOP SHAVING

I don't get it. Who is this ad suppose to appeal to? Women? Women don't buy men's razors.

can we please start killing niggers and feminists

Attached: 48422833_1840129502763214_7579185275213971456_n.jpg (552x441, 20K)

I can't believe I'm going to have start to use BIC razors.


not using based DSC with their laughable degenerates in their commercials.

Söyboys presumably but they grow raggedy beards and don't shave so I have no fucking idea who they thought this would actually appeal to. Certainly not their primary demographic.
They're just fucking retarded. Let them sit back and watch as sales for Schick and Dollar Shave Club. Fuck, I'll bet you'll see a surge in sales of old school type razors based on this.

Attached: soy_nuwars.gif (800x371, 105K)

I have a safety razor and bought a tons of blades once years ago for like $10 that will probably last until I'm 50. Stop buying plastic garbage.

>Watches first 20 seconds
>Oh it's just a run of the mill virtue signalling ad
>Watch the rest
>It's literally all black men stopping scuzzy-looking white men from raping women and telling them to be better fathers
Seems like somebody forgot to study their statistics

but then we'll be indirectly funding the opposition of the Gilets Jaunes

>using subhuman chink garbage razors

Schick razors are better and german good stuff

>Schick razors are better
They're shit. Buy a safety razor.

How often do you guys shave? I shave about twice a week, and by the time I do shave it's already kind of scraggly. I've never grown a beard. Kind of interested to see what I would look like with one.I'm fucking 30 at this point.I just checked and all my blades are gillete(kek). I shave so infrequently, that I've probably had this pack of blades for more than a year.

You know what. I think I'm going to go for it. I'm going to grow a beard. I even heard about this story this morning but I still shaved, probably out of habit. I want to see what I'd look like with a beard.

haven't shaved since Thanksgiving.
usually wear a beard through winter.
In the warmer months, I'll use a trimmer without the guard once or twice a week.
It's rare that I actually shave with a razor.
Razors are expensive and I have better things to spend my money on.

Make sure to wash your face thoroughly every day. A lot of guys don't realize their face can dry out and get dandruff.

I work In a small office, and I never have face to face contact with my vendors. I think I just do it out of habit. Like I said even this morning I heard about this story, but I still shaved for some reason. I'm just going to let it go. I always shave on thursday morning and monday morning. Basically as close to 1/2 a week as I could get. I'm just going to grow this shit out.

Dis what you wanted?

Attached: race-mixing-advertising-comic.png (1000x1000, 89K)

Is it possible to get dandruff on your cheeks?

The irony about male bullying vs female bullying is that male bullying will usually stop once the bullied stops being a douche or fights back.
Female bullying on the other hand will literally drive girls insane. Although the physical aspect is less intense the emotional aspect is far deeper than a black eye ever could be.

I was both bullied and the bully at some point in my life.

Attached: always do opposite of what Jews say.jpg (480x361, 20K)

are you saying trump changed the game for good

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Threadly reminder that a discord exists solely for the purpose of shitposting on Jow Forums, with specific targeting towards /ptg/ and /sg/. There exists a group of people who's life choices have led them to a point where shitposting on Jow Forums has become the highlight of their day, indeed their very reason for not just suckstarting the first shotgun they can find.

They are responsible for ---ALL--- AOC and Tulsi Gabbard threads. They create porn threads. They are responsible for the BLACKED spam. They are the ones creating the "Honest thoughts on X" threads, the "how do we solve the X problem" threads, the "What did X mean by this" threads, the blackpill threads, the consensus-breaking threads. The fake tweet threads. The Gillette spam threads. And above all anytime they are confronted they will immediately deny the existence of said Discord, despite multiple screencaps of it existing. They continue creating them because some of you simply cannot help yourselves when you see a shitpost and are unable to refrain from giving the shitposter a (You).

This is your reminder that each (You) you give them gives them a tiny bit of hope that their shitposting will change your mind, will affect your thinking. They cherish each (You) you give them so dearly that those (You)s are, in fact, the only thing keeping them alive at this point. They see you as easy marks because you've proven in the past you simply cannot help but shitpost when someone else shitposts.

user.. their existence is suffering. Pure, unfiltered, endless suffering. Haven't they suffered enough? Don't be selfish and give them (You)s to prolong their suffering for your enjoyment.

Withhold the (You)s. Don't reply to AOC or Tulsi Gabbard threads. Don't reply to shitposters. Let them finally realize the only way out is death. Let them find peace.

Show some restraint, faggots. They literally organized on a Discord and went full OpSec to try and continue shitposting and FAILED


Where does the dandruff come from? or is it just your skin getting dry on your cheeks?

>more effective
also kek, enjoy your skin irritation from the totally-not-offspec-deodorant they slap on the end of your $15 blade

>Mouth care: Bounce

Attached: bounce_outdoor_fresh_34ct.jpg (500x500, 48K)

>cheaper, more effective
pick none you dunce.

>The Gillette shaving business, in particular, is one of the most valuable in packaged goods, roughly twice as profitable as the rest of P&G's portfolio
“This cash cow is great but I think it’s time we stopped our focus on shaving and preached morals instead. We have a responsibility as marketers.”

>2019 not using a straight razor

Plebs keep wasting money

Can you fuxkers make American history x and skinhead March Gillette gifs.

I just need to shave, I don't need a new hobby.

So I see you are also joining the straight razor master race

so you don't buy gillette then

>Squats on a Smith machine

Not even an OATS AND SQUATS Jow Forumsizen, but this angers me.

KEK this is actually a great idea.

>Skinheads; the best a man can get

(((company))) that created the ad

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That’s what I noticed too; it’s not just saying all men are nasty rapist scum, just that white men are and need to be kept in check by virtuous blacks.
Fuck Gillette. At least they’re getting torn up in the comments.

>kasparian in the ad

Holy shit this was so much more political and awful than I assumed it would be.

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That's right, with hair follicles poking through it. If you don't take care of your skin, you should expect it to have problems.

Go bang your sister you inbred leftist pos.