Stick finger in back of mouth and smell it

>stick finger in back of mouth and smell it
>it fucking stinks
>back of tongue is coated in yellow-ish shit and I can't scrape it off
How do I make this shit go away? I also get tonsil stones frequently and removing them is annoying as fuck.
I only drink water and sugared tea (no coke or whatever), I don't smoke, don't drink alcohol, and my diet isn't great but it's not murrika-tier either. Pls help

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Bump because I have the same thing

Brush your fucking tongue.

it’s plaque buildup on your tongue. brush your tongue and teeth more often.

I literally said I couldn't scrape it off, genius.
I brush at least twice per day. Teeth, gums, cheeks and tongue. I still get that shit.

People brush their tongues? I've never brushed my tongue in my life and it's never gotten any plaque buildup and my breath doesn't stink.

Mouths are pretty gross, and will deteriorate in health and hygiene as you age, no matter what you do (though keeping up with your dental hygiene will help slow the process). There's nothing you can do to address these issues in a satisfactory way so just keep your teeth as clean as possible, eat healthily and live your life safe in the knowledge that everyone's mouths are pretty gross and yours could be a lot worse.

There's no way to remove the disgusting shit on the back of my tongue, or to prevent tonsil stones? I mean the worse thing is it gives me bad breath, otherwise I wouldn't mind that much

Considering that they're both caused by the accumulation of food and dead cells, your options are to stop eating or drinking (unrecommended), have your tonsils removed (which might be worthwhile if you're getting frequent tonsillitis), or just living with it like everyone else.

>living with it like everyone else.
Most people I know don't have bad breath though.
I'll consider tonsil removal if it's not a heavy procedure

thats thrush negro
get some antifungal shit from a doctor or blast your tongue with h2o2 a few times a day until its gone

>thats thrush negro

This is very unlikely. Oral thrush is painful and causes bleeding lesions, he would not be brushing his mouth without knowing something was up as soon as he spat out a mouthful of blood.

>>stick finger in back of mouth and smell it
>>it fucking stinks
Isn't that normal?

its not thrush (it could be but go to a doctor or dentist and ask about it)

what it most likely is is GERD or hiatal hernia.
acid reflux essentially.

I get this shit too. I simply brush it off everytime i'm brushing my teeth. Sometimes i go so deep and rough with my toothbrush that i'm starting to gag but it has to be done. If i don't remove the yellow shit off of the back of my tongue my breath starts to smell bad.

Any way to limit acid reflux without taking PPIs?

here's what you do OP, you're gonna order a shit ton of those warhead candies, like 100 or more, then you're gonna spend a day just popping those in your mouth and holding them on your tongue, for as long as it takes. The acid will destroy the fungus and the epidermis of the skin on your tongue and when that skin heals it should heal normally again. you gotta make sure you keep them on your tongue though until the sour goes away then discard and do it again.

Seems like a good way to fuck up your tongue and throat

yeah if you do it every single day

Crazy idea I know but check this, go to a fucking dentist