Diversity is wonderful

Diversity is wonderful.

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me don't like yellow and brown people

me country is white country

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t. abdul

average australian male

Diversity is Strength

is this be what you incels call 'mogged?'

doesnt look very asian tho

>new world cunt
who cares

All of the people are minding their own business, he is the one acting uncivilized and harassing them

He looks rather feminine being so triggered by his surroundings

Are there any non-new world cunts that aren't 3rd world shitholes?

that cute feminine girl can turn you into a pretzel, ling-ling

>feefees hewt

arabs hysterical as ever

link to the video? want to see if its as pathetic as that lauren southern video

>doesn't even say anything or touch anyone
>'harassing them'

fucking mudskins

haha yeah fucking pathetic blonde, european, white people haha

Well yeah

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SEETHING wh*Te ape

>See a non-white

>literally triggered


he literally looks like my relatives in Australia but shorter

It looks more like he's laughing. I do this too, it's kinda funny and sad to go out and see so many niggers and spics everywhere. This world really is going to shit, can't help but laugh.

>Goes back home and uploads the video for them to get spoken negatively against
Yeah, harassing them

yeah, I'M harassing them

not him

fucking retard

does anyone have the source of the video?

t. Joe Gómez

>It looks more like he's laughing. I do this too, it's kinda funny and sad to go out and see so many niggers and spics everywhere. This world really is going to shit, can't help but laugh.

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>that amerinigger pretending to be white

Why are non-whites so fucking small? You people look like midgets

Why is it ALWAYS monkey/spic infested shitholes?

>its an "amerimutt is obsessed with race" thread again

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Spics are so short (see ) that the average male height in the US is decreasing due to immigration.

I can't take spics seriously after realizing most of them are 5'5'' and under.

>tfw never go to the city anymore so I can pretend all the somalis don't exist

How can I not be when you shitskins are everywhere now?

I remember when I lived in a 95% white town, no one ever mentioned race.

to be smaller targets to evade bullets better from white school shooters

>expecting violent niggers
>just see a bunch of normal people buying groceries instead

Wow, is this what triggers the Jow Forumsfag?

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wtf? whats his problem?

100% chance someone got raped behind that grocery store later that night

i want to read the comments but i already expect them to be full of Jow Forums rhetoric

I know.. ugh just ugh they'd be like ugh just so ugh triggering to me ugh ugh ugh

yeah crazy rhetoric like "i don't like feeling like a foreigner in my own country" haha those crazy Jow Forumstards

I'm certainly whiter than you tho, DeShawn "The Sitting Bull" Pacito

Keep telling yourself that, Rafiki.

>Keep telling yourself that, Rafiki.
and whatcha gonna do if I do that, muttboi

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source pls

Keep laughing at you.

>Spics are so short that the average male height in the US is decreasing due to immigration. I can't take spics seriously after realizing most of them are 5'5'' and under.

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Like USA?

up here, miguel

lol he's the only one with a tattoo
only shit tier whites seem to complain about immigrants and muh white genocide conspiracy theory

is he wrong though?

>not even a three word sentence
>still gets it grammatically incorrect
ESLs can never get it right

Prove me wrong, spic. I lived in Arizona, I've seen you shitskins. You guys actually consider 5'10'' tall.

what's wrong, i'm 5'9 and never had a problem with my height, i don't play basketball and it's actually an advantage in soccer

>i don't play basketball and it's actually an advantage in soccer
not really, longer limbs let you cover more distance, and you can contest the ball in the air more easily

dont forget this



You cannot be a player like Messi if you are taller.

100% chance you post on reddit

>not even a three word sentence
>still gets it grammatically incorrect
I know it isn't grammatically correct, but who gives a shit to it? the important thing is that you can understand what I wad saying even if it is grammatically incorrect or you're too dumb to understand things when they aren't 100% grammatically correct? if it's possible to interpret the text correctly there is no need to make it 100% grammatically correct, now go fuck yourself, Juan.

having shorter legs makes controlling the ball easier, even though the difference is not that much, most of the best football players in history were below 6ft

>but who gives a shit to it?
I'm literally crying laughing right now. Where do you fucking ESL's come from?

>why are you hiding your face?
Probably cause he knew that irritating slag would follow him about lol

calm down, you ]ape

Can't you see the flag?

sure you can, if height was such an advantage all the top teams would select players based on how small they are


>A CIES Football Observatory study found the average height in 31 European top flights was just under 6ft (182.1cm).

As it stands the average professional player hovers around 6 ft, there is a reason for that

Drama queen soyboy

> if height was such an advantage
if a small height*


Imagine being a white guy. Must be nice to attract any nonwhite woman you desire with ease.

Imagine being a nonwhite guy. Must be nice to attract any white woman you desire with ease.

No, because it's rare to have the qualities that someone like Messi has in a smaller frame, but it is definitely one of his big advantages. You cannot be as agile as he is if you are big.

>As it stands the average professional player hovers around 6 ft, there is a reason for that

Because most people in their 20/30s hover around that height in general.

>Where do you fucking ESL's come from?

Are you retarded?

You're boring now. Go away, monkey.


It was rhetorical, dumb ESLs.


Make me, spicboy

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Are you fucking retarded? Do you know how many Chinese immigrants are in large Canadian cities?

Are Brazilians this retarded? Canada has an entire ESL region you fuckwit.


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t. former ESL

100% chance you post on reddit

Do you know how many immigrants are in large American cities?

Kek. It's lovely to see racists get triggered by this

Yes, that's why i avoid them like the plague. Subhumans like you are there.

>former ESL
>forgot the first language I learned

>You cannot be as agile as he is if you are big.
you can't be agile when you're small, short limbs can't cover as much distance

the fastest players atm are Inaki Williams, Orlando Berrio, Mbappe and Gareth Bale. None of them are under 5'10"

>Because most people in their 20/30s hover around that height in general.
not non-euros, and the leagues are full of them. yet it's still the tallest of them that are picked

Show proof you aren't one

I can't find the source with audio and context. Does anyone know where this comes from?

you stop being and ESL when you become proficient enough in English, and yes, i know ESL means English Second Language

says the country where tourists get groped and raped if they go out in public

then stop using the word wrong you retarded namenigger

ronaldo is literally 6'1" lmao


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The country is saying it?

You can be fast and you can be very explosive, which is more important than some arbitrary measure of speed. Agile is not just being fast in a dash, it relates to how quickly you can move with the ball and how much control you show. Here lower center of gravity is always an advantage and you lose control faster the higher you are. Messi can move like he does because of his height and probably would be inferior as a player if he was taller in this particular measure.

And it shows, all the best dribblers are typically smaller players because they have an easier time controlling the ball and use their agility.

>tfw chi
>tfw 5'4

Most white kids in California aren't that tall tho. Maybe 5'10 max.

Ronaldo is nowhere near Messi m8

Ronaldo is not a similar player to Messi in the way he plays.

Yours is uniquely terrible