"I support her!"

>"I support her!"
>doesn't even vote in the US
Why Europeans do that?

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celebrities think their opinion matters, even if they arent from that country

because they need to escape their own reality and pretend they live in the US

Cuz they're full of shit. Just ask his buddy John Lennon, who sang about communism while living a luxurious, upper class lifestyle and making millions of dollars off of his songs about communism. They're just full of shit. It's short-sighted virtue signaling. They know they're going to profit off of the angry masses.
Lennon also beat women and abandoned his children for no valid reason. The song "Hey Jude" is actually about Lennon's kid who he abandoned. McCartney wrote it cuz he felt so bad about John being such a douche to the kid. So at least he is human in that regard. But he's still a phony entertainer.

money, favors

Paul also beat his wife user.

I support brexit. It's like saying if I was there you'd have my vote. This is where my ideas lay. It's more about letting your ideas be known.

Billy Shears knows about the Heath/Saville list.

Because they want to feel important but they gave away the power in their country to trotskyite jews who rig all the elections, so the only way to continue to feel important is to voice their opinion on one of the last western systems that haven't been completely subverted yet

Hes Knighted, that means hes probably a pedophile
Why do you think he supports them

I'd say from my perspective it's because it's what on the news, we're bombarded with trump here in Canada and instead of focusing on Justin's failures they talk about the Donald and the NPCs instead of thinking about the social issues here at home, they protest Kavanaugh because some (((journalist))) told them to

>The song ‘Imagine,’ which says, Imagine that there was no more religion, no more country, no more politics is virtually the communist manifesto, even though I am not particularly a communist and I do not belong to any movement. You see, ‘Imagine’ was exactly the same message, but sugar-coated. Now ‘Imagine’ is a big hit almost everywhere; anti-religious, anti-nationalistic, anti-conventional, anti-capitalistic song, but because it is sugar-coated it is accepted. Now I understand what you have to do

So, yes, he was a communist in the sense he held those beliefs (loosely-held?) and no, he didn't consider himself as part of any anarchist/libertarian or marxist movements. Bigots think communist/socialist/leftist means stalinist, but you should know that the USSR also persecuted them (left-wing), they are always the one fighting against the big guy crushing the little guy while being arrested, killed and publicly shamed for it, so good people like John Lennon has to sugar-coat reality to be accepted.

Also, no, he didn't live in a small farm and drive an old Beetle like José Mujica, but he was a communist, not a franciscan. He was just an individual who dared to dream, not Jesus Christ. A more elaborate explanation is that communism is a mode of production, a political view, not a lifestyle choice, so an individual do not live a mode of production, the mode of production is a political decision that is defined by the society according to the hegemonic thought.

Attempting to tell Americans what to do is a longstanding British tradition.

whats with the one eye not opening all the way?

heres bezo

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>Why Europeans do that?
i dont know why they do a lot of things.

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Because they're filthy cunts. They do more to influence any election than $10k worth of facebook ads ever could. Lock 'em all up

Yeah well like I said, he is full of shit. I never said he wasn't a massive hypocrite. All of these entertainer types were.
Ironically the only one of them who was a kind-of-decent human being later on in life at least was Eric Clapton, who ends up being the one that gets vilified because he once said that England should remain white. You know, he had a really sordid history too, but at least later on in life he devoted his time to decency, trying to get people off of heroin, and actual positive causes, unlike the rest of people in the (((entertainment industry))) who are just trying to sell you more drugs and degeneracy. And yes I know Clapton wrote "Cocaine" and other songs, but I am just saying later on in life he did eventually seem to straighten out. Can't say that about too many people from his line of work. They're mostly all snakes.

and schumer has the lazy eye thing too.
looks like paul has it as well, am i going crazy or is there something going on here.

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Because They think they live in America. Last time I was in Leafland their newspapers were entirely about the USA. Its like every other country is stalking us or something.

because all these rich fucks are globalists
they want a united world, where they get to have a say in all countries politics

"Revolution" is pretty anti-communist for me. I don't really think John was communist.

>clinton spends a fuckton buying stars, musicians, etc to support her
>trump shitposts
>trump win
what burguers mean by that

>Bigots think communist/socialist/leftist means stalinist,
oh boy we got a wild FAGGOT here boys

he actually did become a citizen like almost a decade ago

Well, it IS nice to see Paul next to a woman with a leg to stand on.

Dude you communists make the stupidest posts. Everytime. Like what does ANY of this have to do with anything that was said? What is your point?
You guys always do this, you substitute any kind of logic or rational sense with trivia and psuedo-academic posturing.

It's very simple. He sang about communism and literally lived in one of the most expensive apartments in the most expensive part in New York. Lol. He was a completely shit human being, as communists are 100% of the time.

Similar to how Obama came out as anti Brexit.

means no one gives a fuck about the political opinions of bon jovi and lebron james kek

Celebrities are beholden to their master Satan. In return for fame, money, and all the child prostitutes they could ever want, they made a shill pact, and it's for life.

shit, it might even be longer than that
his first wife was a US citizen and it's easy as fuck if you're married to one and have money.
Plus he lives over here for most of the year so he doesn't have to pay insane UK income taxes


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DoD secrets store on drive


Iran Indictment
Tuesday, June 26, 2018
USA v. AIR, et al

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