Can I kill myself with a full bottle of Tylenol?

Can I kill myself with a full bottle of Tylenol?

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Pills are for weak women that are too scared to commit to a gun shot

I don't have a gun or way of getting one

Start studying and get your license. Save up a couple hundred dollars.

I don't have time I want it done today

Only your liver.

So with what I have around the house what can I use? Bleach?

This, it’s a slow painful death.

it would be extremely painful

for real tho. your liver will shut down and you will be in agony for almost a week before you die

This. It’s a really painful way to go. Also your parents would have enough time to get a liver section from one of them so you’d get a transplant (since you don’t need a fresh cadaver liver). You’d rack up hundreds of thousands in medical bills, still be alive, you’d have a guardianship, and you’d get to be in a psych ward.

No, you’ll just fuck up your liver. You’d be better off taking anti-vomiting drugs and drinking a fatal amount of alcohol.

Very painful and slow.

I honestly can recommend a healthy dose of manning the fuck up. Nothing you have is gonna kill you fast or painlessly.

That’s not quite true. Jumping from heights over four stories is almost always fatal and quick. You can also buy nembutal illegally. Take an anti-vomit drug, the bottle, and some liquor and you’ll just pass away.

There’s always jumping off a pier with a heavy weight.

There are always options. The only question is how much worse living is by comparison.

> hundreds of thousands
Somewhere between 20 and 60. If he did something violent that required emergency surgery, easily in the hundreds of thousands

T. Presented at the ER with obsessive suicidal thoughts, racked up 32 with just a ICU stay and an endoscopy to check for blood loss.

It's a plea for help, it's so my girlfriend the mother of my two boys that are twins, takes me back. We broke up 2 months ago and she started seeing someone then we got back together for a month, and now she says she's still thinking about the other person and is not giving me 100% so she's cutting me loose, she's not cutting me loose for that reason alone she needs to work on herself and be in charge of the house and being a mom.

She's not doing it to replace me, she's not doing it to get back with him, she wants to take responsibility for how shity she's been on her responsibilities at home and the time she doesn't spend with the kids. And I can work with that but when she says she's still thinking about him is what I don't get.

>get in car
>go real fuckin fast
>crash into a large tree

Pretty easy desu

Well he said he’s gonna take a whole bottle of Tylenol. I’m saying he’ll probably have a relative that’ll donate a section of liver. That’ll get into the 100k region easily.

Drown yourself in a bathtub. Worked for my uncle.

This is what I would do. Get unconcious drunk so you don't feel anything and you'll just fall asleep head first in a tub

but for me I would rather drown in a river.

cough syrup is better but it will still take at least a few days of pain

dont do it man, think about your kids.

Pills and ingestion in general is probably the worst idea. I don't recommend suicide of course, but when I think about how I'd do it, I get terrified at the idea of only "almost" succeeding and being horribly handicapped aftwards, perhaps even so bad that it's beyond my power to try again. You don't want to take a bunch of pills and bleach, then wake up in the hospital with half your intestines gone and told you can't have solid food anymore (and hospital bills for your senpai). You don't want to try to hang or drown yourself and get "rescued" with brain damage. If you can't get a gun, just get a crazy number stories up and jump. Something that can only end in all or nothing. Maybe get totally blitzed before too so you can't start freaking out with regrets during the fall.

I went to see my friend and it helped, I want to do it but get rescued, so she can see I'm not playing.

thats weak, man. there must be a better way. also, not sure what country, but you might not be legally allowed to take care of your children alone if youre pronounced insane due to suicide attempt, also there are other inevitable issues other anons have mentioned. dont try to do that
