Why do catholic heretics enjoy diddling kids and homosexuality so much?
Why do catholic heretics enjoy diddling kids and homosexuality so much?
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We had more KGB subversion whereas you guys were just controlled directly. Their favorite tactic was to convince fags to become priests. and commies to work their way up the hierarchy to be bishops.
It's called a demonic attack.
Only the One True Church gets these, you probably aren't familiar.
protestant shits will burn in hell too, dont get any wrong ideas, heretic
Satin's smoke has made it's way into the temple of God..."
damn, deep...
Go worship israel, heretic.
because Catholics don't believe in God
>Its not sex if you diddle kids and fuck men so we still keep purity
Based inflammatory Orthobro (prolly a kike desu)
That's what happened when you don't allow priest to marry. They'll end up fucking boys because they're weak and don't fight back. Catholicism must realize that sex is an important needs for a human.
Gays infiltrated the church because it was easy access to kids. The church doesn’t produce them, they just go to the church because of the kids. Also, statistically speaking Rabbis are far more likely to molest kids.
>Why do catholic heretics enjoy diddling kids and homosexuality so much?
feels good man
> geez, I can't get married becuase I'm a priest
> better start raping kids
Does anyone actually believe this? No normal person seriously decides that not getting laid is a great excuse to become a pedophile. If there is ANY problem with celibacy as a requirement, it might be that too many faithful normal men preferred to get married instead of becoming priests, and too many people who already had weird sexual desires ended up joining the priesthood. Even so, I think the problem could have been vastly reduced by 1. Having much more stringent investigation of men who would become priests and 2. Laicising/justly punishing those priests who are perverts and worse instead of trying to protect them. I am still fully convinced that celibacy is the ideal for priests, and that genuine celibate priests are a blessing, the only question is whether the RCC should allow married priests more generally simply because not enough men are willing to be celibate. But don't be fooled: un-repentant and active perverts/homosexuals/pedophiles will still be committing such sins regardless of whether they are able to marry. Only a genuine conversion can save such people.
Papist, please go (back to a third-world. Roman Catholic cesspool).
*too many people who already had weird sexual desires and NO intention of being celibate in practice ended up joining the priesthood
>Calling anybody heretics
Go worship your fucking icons you idolater
>worshipping semitic god instead of old god
fake bulgarian, you disgrace yourself and your people
This. Its a fucking gay problem but the MSM plays you all like a fiddle
seething pedo
jewsus didn't exist
they are probably jews
Literal retard.
homosexuals creates more homosexuals or heterosexual/ homosexual pedophiles
the absolute state of amerishart Jow Forumsyps
you should look outside the mainstream sources.
like maybe jewish bathhouses in new york
but if people said anything about that they'd just cry anti semitism
What's your opinion of Eastern Catholics?
Go listen to Evita again you dickshit that doesn’t know the difference between worship and veneration.
I think this explains it. Sorry for the shit koala tea.
I am one.
> Patriarch Bartholomew, the spiritual leader of Orthodox Christians, is urging Europe to stop trying to divide what he calls economic migrants from asylum seekers.
> Bartholomew is scheduled to visit the Greek island of Lesbos on Saturday along with Pope Francis, and Athens Archbishop Ieronymos, the head of the Church of Greece, to raise awareness about the troubled state of refugees and migrants in Europe.
> The symbolic visit is intended to reiterate the Christian moral duty to show hospitality to strangers, Bartholomew said in an interview published Friday. He added that countries in Europe should find inspiration in the generosity shown by Lesbos residents.
> Illegal immigrants make 10 % of the population of Greece
daily reminder that the orthodox patriarchs are exactly the same shit , and they have repeatly condemned right wing movements like Golden Dawn
But why would it be otherwise?
Christianity rejects all wordly concerns altogether
Did not read a single word btw, nerd
sure thing you pathetic fuck.
>I can't read :(
t. Nigger
Every post in this thread is retarded except for this one: Catholics are a traditional seat of power, and, as such, have learned to exploit it over time to do things that regular people could never get away with. Partially because they genuinely enjoy it, and partially because it makes them feel powerful. Epstein, the Clintons, et al are in a similar boat.
KYS macaco
Repent, heretics
/BTFO/ in previous thread, plus you sound ike a lunatic.
Hey rabbi,watcha doin
Based, Orthopilled.
That cope
With regards to the preisthood, I agree with your message. Have you considered what is being asked of the paritioners in the Church who are attracted to their own sex? We already share the thought that preisthood, at least in this climate, is not an appropriate vocation. Neither are they fit for marriage, blocking out the possibility of being fathers and starting a family of their own. This closes many paths a man who grew up in the Chirch would commonly adopt as their calling and find fufillment in service to God. It begs the question, "What is left for me to do? How am I to serve?" The reality is they are in a position with no pretty answer. The isolation it brings is akin to a devout spouse whose partner has secularly devorced them and remarried another.
>Go worship your fucking icons you idolater
by the way how no one is talking about GAY WEDDINGS that were so very popular in Orthodox chruch till the beginning of 20th century
You say Orthodox
I hear buttfucking
What weird shilling is this, turkish-kike faggot?