Why do liberals teach partisan politics to their children?

Why do liberals teach partisan politics to their children?
Growing up my parents made a point not to discuss politics with their children

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When i was growing up my dad and I watched Jim Davidson.

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sounds like my sister in law taking to her grandkids. basically training them to hate trump, rather than letting them make up their own minds or even just keeping her mouth shut cause they're not old enough to give a shit anyway.

They're children themselves and don't know any better

When I was growing up my Dad and I watched The Apprentice. Feels good

Tell them how great Hitler was

I can't wait for my kids to kill her kids in the war.

I lel'd

Yes, teach them at an early age to throw tantrums to get what they want. That will get them everywhere in life.

It's how liberals reproduce, by indoctrinating their own children and other people's children through the education system. You might as well ask why homosexuals groom children.

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>I'm so proud of my children for mindlessly regurgitating my opinion!

Regardless of your political views, this kind of parenting should be repulsive to everyone.

>I love my communist kids.

>"what do we do when we dont get our way?"


I'm sure that happened

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>They're children themselves

This was a hard life lesson I learned about most adults

Most kids grow up to rebel what they were taught as kids, if they are taught to love trannies and gay I might be possible for all the straight kids to actually hate them when they grow up,

Conservatives would never

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I hope you didn't get your political views from a court jester...

they have to brainwash them early
no one with a brain can stomach this crap

My father taught me to create my own views in life.


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My 12, 10 and 7 year old sons listen to david duke

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Came here to say this. If someone doesn't have the mental aptitude for complex situations, they find comfort in numbers like themselves... it is often said that Jow Forums is an echo chamber, and it may just be, but it pales in comparison to any gathering of left-minded individuals

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fucking whitepilled

my dad always told me to vote for what i believe in. he told me the parties believe in what they believe in, and even if he doesn't agree with them, that doesn't mean they have any less of a right to run for office than any other party. i know it sounds like a hugbox explanation, but i was 6 at the time. he and i think differently on politics, but i am thankful that we still have a good family bond. lady in OP's pic is gonna have kids that leave her

>then everyone clapped

Lmao raising your kids to be whiny brats when they lose, nice.

Yup, they'll go through their teenage years and realize a lot of what their mum said was bullshit

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That kid looks like he gets drugged and fucked. Would not be surprised if he already had AIDS. Poor guy...

Raising chaos. That is worse than my fatherless free ranged generation, or perhaps the result of it.

>t. 1984 baby

NYC subway the other day a (jewish?) mother (where was dad) had her ~7 year old son's face shoved 2 inches from an iPad while she was on her phone. At the same time she wax explaining how there were "bad and good people in congress" that "every other country has free healthcare" and how obama tried to give everyone free healthcare but bad people took it away.

>living in nyc

Kys faggots. Kemp jew'd his way to governor but you suck his cock anyway for
>muh liberal tears lel
You mouthbreathers should be put down

Same, user. Feelsgoodman

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Growing up my mom exclusively taught me republican politics
What the fuck are you on about, OP?

>spineless cuckservatives fret at passing on their tribe's core values
>quivering cuckservatives tremble at spook of "unbiased parenting"
>ashamed cuckservatives lack the confidence to even tell their own sons what they believe in

Yeah, us progressives own the future. "Snowflake" my ass

Stacey, you lost. Get over it. Get some dental work, try to not shit on South Georgia. Please Stacey, move on.

I tell my kids about jews all the time. they have understood what jews are from a young age because they had already heard the stories about the pharisees killing jesus in school and I just made the connection between modern jews and the pharisees

I grew up with my mom telling me that republicans were actual sub-humans.

It took one tranny thread and a thread of the homeless black woman protecting the Trump star to make me realize that was bullshit.

Literally none of those posts are talking about Kemp, you illiterate nigger.

The irony is when anyone did this when Obama was first elected was automatically branded a racist. Even if it was based on actual policies of his administration

It's not jut liberals. I remember my dad was really into Fox News and talk radio and tried pushing all that shit on me. He wanted me to read Mark Levin and Glenn Beck and shit.

>Leftists are teaching their kids how to protest
>I'm teaching my kids how to handle firearms
So this war's gonna be pretty quick, is that what you're getting at?

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If they found it repulsive, they wouldn't be liberals.

im going to start doing this to my nephew

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I live in GA and all the kids in the neighborhood were excited about Kemp being elected. It was pretty epic.