ITT: Ask the opposite gender anything

Before you post a question, check the FAQ to see if it's already been answered.
Keep questions short for more answers.
If you're not going to like honest answers, don't ask your question.
And please no derailing arguments.

>Do girls/guys like ?
>What do girls/guys think about
There is no one answer. Preferences differ, but complexes are always a turn-off.

>I'm shy and afraid of people/rejection. What do I do?
Get over it by practising and exposing yourself to it, little by little, step by step. There is no single magical moment that will instantly change you forever.

>I like someone. What do I do?
>How can I tell if someone likes me?
Ask them out.

>Where do I meet girls/guys?
Anywhere outside. Or online.

>Someone did something insignificant. What does it mean?
Nothing significant. You're overthinking it.

>XYZ happened. Interpret this for me please
We're not in their head, we don't know.

>This person did something that hurt my feelings. Why do guys/girls do this?
Because shit people are shit people. It's not a gendered thing.

>Someone has made it super clear they're no longer interested in me. Do I still have a chance?

>Where do I go on a first (or subsequent) date?
Pick one or more of the following: coffee, lunch, dinner, drinks, ice cream, movies, zoo, aquarium, museum, art gallery, .

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Have you ever broken up with a guy and later got back together with him? If so, please explain why.

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>Have you ever broken up with a guy and later got back together with him? If so, please explain why.
Yes. Because I was severely depressed and didn't want to be lonely, I suppose. I knew the relationship wasn't good for me, but I needed something to hold on to.
I broke up for good when I decided to actually handle my depression and not use him as a crutch.

She's gone man. It's time to move on.

I would like to engage in coitus with a willing female from this thread. Please respond if you're interested. Thank you.

I didn't text a girl back for almost 24h because:
-I was busy
-I heard some people say it attracts girls more.
But now she hasn't replied to my text that I sent 6 hours ago. I'm getting a little bit worried if I fucked something up. I mean, she usually takes some hours to reply but not this long.

lol how u like it pussyboy cant handle it?

Jesus christ watta bitch

There's a board for that.

Not texting back for 24hrs because you're busy is fine. Trying to play games and then getting upset when the other person starts playing games in turn isn't.

Chances are she felt insecure/self-conscious during the time period and is now trying to not look "desperate" by stalling, just like you did. Reply normally when you get the chance from now on and hope it straightens out.

I'm not gay or a female so no. Sorry.

Turn off your phone and worry about something else, faggot

>I'm not gay
I don't believe you faggot.

This is the advice board, meetups belong on the cams & meetups board.

Heh. I didn't do it with malice, I realised later on that that's what I was doing and broke up for good. And apologised.

Alright I'm looking for a woman to give me advice on my technique while we engage in intercourse.

She said some stuff on the 4th date that just killed it for me.
Should I politely tell her i'm no longer interested or just quit texting

If you kissed or had sex, tell her.
Otherwise, ghost.

I can
Ok that makes sense, thank you!
I actually should do that too, I should be studying but I almost have no will for it.

Tell her you don't see it going anywhere, thank her for her time, end on an upbeat tone. Then nothing.

Don't feel tempted to give her a reason when she asks for it unless you really want to share it herself. 99% likely she will get defense, argue you, start shit flinging etc. People virtually never respond well to actually hearing a reason why someone lost interest.

We're still getting to know each other and recently I noticed a pattern in messaging each other, since its summer its the only form of communication we have until we see each other again since we live so far apart.

Anyway, I don't really like texting and limit my use of social media to a minimum but I noticed that if I don't send a message or try to get in touch in about two weeks or so, she tries to get my attention somehow. It started about a month ago when we really hit it off, then she tagged me into something, I replied, then 2 weeks later I didn't send a message and she tagged me in something again. She always tags me in things I'm interested in, or that she knows I'm interested in. But I don't know what to do about it. I don't know if she does it so I message her (she almost never starts conversations, its always me initiating) or if she just came across something I might like and thought "might tag him in, he might like it" without wanting me to message her. See, I don't want to come off desperate and as a loser, "oh she tagged me, it means she wants to talk" so i message her right after. I want to talk to her because I like her but don't know if its a good idea, and I don't even know what to say to her. I know its an awkward thing but how do I handle this? I always fear talking to my crush and over analyze everything I say so I don't actually know what to talk to her about

Yeah, we did one of those things.
The thing is i'm on a college campus, and it's dawned on me she might not be entirely stable. I'm 21 and too old for this..

That's a good idea... this is more frightening than asking her out was haha. Especially because the things she told me were kinda told in confidence? So saying no right after is like saying "Woah, too much for me". There's something nerve wracking about that.

Still have to do it, thanks again

Actually wrote this reply assuming that she said something that made you realize you're not compatible or whatever (e.g. that she lived a wild past). If it's something like her being sick or caring for a sick family member I actually would try to go the extra mile and tell her "look, I feel like an asshole for this and I very much appreciate your honesty, but I'm not in the position to handle this and don't want to lead you on".

And yeah rejecting someone sucks, which is why ghosting is so common (or girls lying about a boyfriend or giving a false number etc). There's no magical way to tell someone into you that you're not into them where you both end up superhappy and on the same wavelength. But at least with a goodbye text you can tell yourself you acknowledged them as a person before breaking it off. And again, in my experience actually going into details requires a very very mature person on the other side. Most of the time people ask for a reason they're just looking for loopholes, not to actually be confronted with their behavior or whatever else. Best of luck.

Ok she has just messaged me and doesn't seem to be bothered by the fact that I didn't reply to her for almost a day.

I setup a date with this girl for the weekend. This will be or second date.
Should I be texting much in between?

Best way to give barista my number? She has the IOI's for sure but I don't want to make my self look like a fool too much.

I want to just give her my number and let her decide to contact me rather than asking for her number as it gives her to much pressure.

Think thats a good idea?

How do you break up with a guy you live with and been in a relationship with for almost ten years?

why do guys jizz into socks?

I never got the concept myself and I'm a guy. I tried it once but its hard to put your dick in a sock, you get this fluff all over and once you cum the shit oozes out from the tip anyway. Maybe I'm doing it wrong. I suppose guys do it because your dick fits right into it and guys get curious sometimes, I almost fucked a mattress once myself

Girls, what kind of style of clothes on young men
do you dislike or find repulsive? Is it bad for a guy to dress
pretty basically like classic jeans + t-shirt/shirt?
I hate the current faggot fashion for men, skinny jeans,
colored pants, white sneakers with anything.

I masturbated once in a sock but I didn't jizz in it

Why did she not answer my one text?

Only americans do that. Anyway we usually use tissues or
find 1 corner in the room and practise our shotgun aim.

why girls bum get pointy when she walks or leans on one leg?

Because its just a text message
Stop overthinking

>girl asks me out for coffee, she insisted on paying
>shes laughing, talking, keeping the conversation going, relaxed
>i know I have to make a move
>lightly touch her on her knee, she didn't move away or anything
>later touched her arm with my hand and kept it there for 5-8 seconds, she was looking at me but again didn't resist and stayed still
>when i was touching her I asked whats on her mind and she says "I dont know with a smile"
>when we were leaving i walked her to her bike and she hugged me quite hard and laughed and when i was leaving she said she wants to see me again

what do now, see if shes willing to go out again ?

I have a question for both genders.

How do you get over insecurity? I was in a relationship about 2 years ago and it was going perfect. I was confidence and improving my life and everything seemed like it was going 100% fantastic in the relationship. But then she cheated on me. It really came out of nowhere and was a complete curveball because to me I felt like everything was perfect. So I took a year off to be single. I got a promotion, lost 60 lbs, got a car and just improve my quality of life in general. So I got into a relationship 5 months ago. It's been going fantastic so far. We have spent a lot of time together and are growing closer by the day. But the main issue with my relationship is that I still have insecurities. Right now we are in a pretty big fight because I started to get in my own head about what she was up to despite the fact that she is giving me no reason not to trust her. I think the reason for this is because in my past relationships I have been 100% understanding and confidence and trusting only to get stabbed in the back. So it's hard for me to trust people when people can just be so shitty. Has anyone overcome something like this before?

I have a friend who is trying to help me with the girl (he suggested me to do that 24h pause) and he says that I should stop overthinking too.

Girls, do you have a sixth sense when someone is looking at your ass?

So I texted this girl Monday and asked if she ended up doing anything fun for labor day. She still hasn't answered, I cant tell if she just lost all interest in me and decided to stop talking to me or if she just forgot about my text. Do women sometimes just forget to text back or forget to even check there messages. Also her text doesn't say "read" it just says delivered but i feel like she saw the notification.

>not kissing her when she smiled at you with your hand on her
>not confirming second date in-person

nigga what the nelly

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Yeah, good idea. Just try to make small talk beforehand so she has more of an impression to work with than just your looks. Then when you go to pay, afterwards tell her you think she's cool and would love to get drinks sometime, give her a piece of paper with the number, a dazzling smile then wish her a good day and leave.

I don't care much as long as it's not visibly too big. Few guys take risks with fashion so if a guy wears something that's out of the comfort zone I do notice and appreciate it, but I don't expect it and am used to guys never wearing anything but jeans/shirts. It's more of a bonus than a requirement. Not a big fan of graphic shirts with comics/anime/whatever but those are acceptable, too.

I can make an educated guess but no sixth sense.

Sounds like you haven't 100% processed that she cheated on you, which is understandable. The thing about trust is that it's just that, it's not based on evidence or arguments, it's based on goodwill, good faith. Your girl can never constantly assure you of where she is and what she's about to do. So it's up to you to believe in her character and her choices. This is scary, yes, but that's part of dating another person you don't control. She might also fall out of love with you, also scary. The risk comes with the benefit, that you might lose something precious. But is it better to have nothing to lose to begin with? Most wouldn't think so.

If you really can't shake the feelings it's time for therapy, but I'd say try it a little longer first. Keep a good line of communication without making her responsible for your past experiences. And don't give in to urges to read her texts or check up on her, as those are a slippery slope. You'll feel good for a little while but nothing like that will ever 100% ascertain that nothing is up so it's better to not go there to begin with and try to shut that distrustful part of yourself down. Maybe also read up on healing from infidelity so you can hear account from people who have been in your position. Good luck!

Over-emotional bf or emotionless bf?

>that fucking image
Holy kek gets me every time.

Because the human body consists of muscle and fat that shifts and is manipulated when the body is moving. Just like breasts flatten and move towards the armpits when a girl lies down, her bum is changes when she moves. When a girl is standing normally the fat on the buttocks is all "bundled up" compared to e.g. being on all fours or lifting a leg.

Over-emotional. He might drive me insane, but I wouldn't get anywhere with an emotionless man to begin with. I need emotional intimacy to build a connection and that's not going to happen if someone doesn't have a tenth of my emotional life.

Also imo when people say over-emotional they're almost always talking about the way the emotions are handled, rather than having them in the first place. And there's a lot to gain there.

but men don't have it or is this because women usually wear tight pants?

>date girl for 5 years
>buy a house together
>get pets together
>always have matching halloween costumes together
>cheats on me, I immediately move out and get payed out for the mortgage

This was 5 months ago, and i'm mostly fine. it gets better man. You have to learn that not every girl is a cheater, although you do need to learn the red flags.

Having a new girl like you do also helps tremendously

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Men do have it, it's just less noticeable because their ass is usually flatter anyway which makes the difference less striking, and indeed they don't wear tight fitting clothes as often (and you probably don't watch their asses as closely).

okay, thank for the explanation

Its where they cut off their tail at birth, it gets exposed in the positions you mentioned, be aware of those girls tho, they have a tendency to talk backwards in Latin with a deep, growly voice when they sleep.
Shit wakes me up and I got work the next day baka

I've done this with a girl. I assume you've already pretty much tried doing everything you can think of to improve the relationship to where it works for you. If you haven't, might want to give that a shot first.

Otherwise, I think it's important to figure out what the logistics are going to be, keeping in mind both your and his wellbeing. Be ready to deal with any sort of outcome when it comes to your shared housing.

Sit him down and break up with him. Be kind, but also implacable in your decision.

If you need to continue sharing living quarters, don't backslide and fuck him if you're not ok with trying the relationship again. If you're already ready to date again, don't shove that in his face. Don't bring other people home to fuck. He may not have the same courtesy. Stop sharing living space as soon as you can.

We know the female redflags:
>tattoos, piercings
>daddy issues
>has many male friends
>uses tinder
>dated outside of her race
>1000 cock stare
What are the male redflags?

No problem! It's actually kind of crazy how different the same body can look.

My red flags are more about troublesome behavior than a certain look. But I've never met a guy who made a big deal about keeping sunglasses on indoors who wasn't a douche.

we weren't really on a date but more of a "coffe" date

i was too scared she would've moved away and embarrass myself

I could tell she was a bit stumbled when i first touched her ,which was the main move on her, she said well deff. see each other soon, but she was in a hurry so i didnt bother her with that then,we were together for almost 2 hours talking, we partially did confirm or at-least she said that well deff. see each other soon

I used to talk to this friend almost everyday, via messages because we lived in different cities and now I moved back to my country. We have nice conversations, I know he has a small crush on me even, but recently I feel like I'm the one who keeps the conversations going. Is it okay if I confront him about it? I don't want to be clingy, or to give him a wrong signal.

She's probably read it

Not much no, better quality over quantity

Reposting from another thread. Probably more fitting in this thread anyway.

I'm 22 and there's this 17 year old girl that I'm taking a liking to. Problems are, I'm her teacher's assistant and I personally feel in a weird spot because the class treats me as if I were a normal teacher. So it feels like we're in a teacher/student position and I feel a bit creepy because of it.
Other than that, I never had a gf and am a bit nervous that she might be a bit creeped out about this.
I'm not sure how to proceed.

some nice bait for your bait

>poor hygiene
>no life goals
>drugs, even pot
>spoiled, suburban, and white
>mommy issues or enables bad mother (you know those crazy MIL stories)
>hitler youth haircut

Granted, poor hygiene is probably a red flag for a gf too, though I know guys who like having a grungy dreadlocked side girl.

maybe she is just trying to take it slow because she figured out how you are. if you like her, absolutely talk to her. thats about all the advice you need, just talk to her if you really want to. if it really repeated many times and the posts werent bullshit then she most likely cares at least to a degree. id like to hear more about your story in the future lol

Thank you for these responses. I screenshotted so I can remind myself not to get in my own head so much. Were still pretty rocky right now but she told me she loves me and wants to work through this issue Im having. Im gonna do whatever I can to get out of this funk.

god this is like a fairytale. ive heard that men dont get hit on too much, dont know from experience though because no experience in anything at all. have fun but be sure to plan that second date soon or she may think youre not interested/lost interest or whatever

not sure about the kiss, but too bad about not planning the date right away for sure.

i cant fucking wrap my head around how this kind of shit happens, really. probs just because didnt experience anything myself, oh well. im fine.

i think that just asking about whatever is the easiest way to solve such problems. but thats how *i* am, so just a thought

Beaches and shores man, beaches and shores

why did i write 5 responses
thats many so probably shitty advice fuck

So I finally talked to her and I found out we have something in common: we both speak the same foreign language.
What next?

are you continuing a thread user or is it a new 'i dont have things to talk about with people' kind of message
if its the second ond then the only advice i have is talk with people when you want to - when a topic or question or whatever pops in your mind, dont force it i think

>>no life goals
So close to a pass.
What do you do after you get a degree and a good job? Houses cost so much and I know the bubbles going to burst.
Also a lot of really professional family man type dudes I work with have short on sides and slight combover on top.
Shits in now

are Dad bods more attractive to girls than Fit bods? Age 23-30

shes a qt and i want to make her mine

skinny jeans look godawful on everyone. they're right up there with septum piercings and shaving half of your head in the "mindless lemmings" department. wear what flatters your frame.

That's a meme made up by articles whose writers are either the owner of a dad bod, or the wife of a rich guy with a dad bod.
Chubby people are inherently less attractive than thin people, let alone fit people. The only exceptions to this are girls with a fat fetish, which is rare.

Do girls not like my bike cause its yellow or cause I'm autismo?

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>dated outside of her race
>being white is a red flag

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>tfw pretend to not have problems with mum to trick women
I hate being a liar but why do they have to value things so stupid

Girls, I can't date fat girls because I was fat when young and have PTSD. Is this a good reason?

You don't need a reason to not date people.

kek you will stay in your basement

I've been dating this girl for about 5 months. I like being with her except that I've seen her twice in these 5 months despite living in the same town as her. She has been busy for the entire time we've been dating so every time I tried to hang out with her she has told me not now. I finally met with her, which was an ordeal to organize since I had to schedule it like a formal meeting, to talk about seeing her more often. She told me that she's too busy on the weekends and evenings to hang out except for lunch once a week. She doesn't really like calling or texting so I'm stuck with seeing her once a week. I thought this would be nice since we can have a nice conversation but the more I talk with her the more I realize how much she likes to dominate conversations. She'll talk for the entire meal and I have to interrupt to say anything which really drains me.

Honestly, I don't know where to go. I like her but only being able to see her once a week sucks and when I do see her I have to sit there and slowly lose my mind listening to an endless stream of words that flies my way. I really just want some quiet 1 on 1 time occasionally, and maybe do some fun activities with her like go hiking or watch a movie or whatever, but that seems out of the question for the known future. In fact, she'll be graduating in May and our relationship will be truly long distance after that point. How should I bring up the fact that 1) we meet once a week for lunch which makes it feel like we're in a long distance relationship and 2) whenever we are together she talks non-stop which exhausts me and makes the conversations feel one-sided? Would I be a piece of shit to break up with her for something like this, especially since I think she likes being with me a lot?

Guys Im feeling so fucking bad right now I need advice from both genders on how to deal with this
>work with girl, no worries shes leaving soon
>really like her, ask her out, she tells me she will think about it aka most likely no
>along the lines she said "we work together" as a reason, this will be relevant
>find out from friend coworker that she dated a coworker of ours for a week
>this coworker is literally known as rapist, cringy dude that hits on all of the girls in our workplace
>he fucks some of them but theyre usually ugly girls
>this dude doesnt even have game and she went out with him
>she most likely fucked a guy that considered borderline rapist
>they work together, yet she told me that as an excuse for a no

Im not mad at her Im just disappointed, very much. My friend was happy to hear I asked her out but regretted telling me that she dated our rapist coworker since I told him that bothered me highly.

Guys, what would you do in my shoes? I feel physically ill since I extremely like this girl. I cant even know if they fucked and I cant even ask her that. Girls what do you think about this situation? I havent felt emotionally this bad in a long long time...

Girls or guys with experience with this, is it weird to try to start talking to a girl over Facebook? A girl I liked in one of my classes last semester friend requested me earlier this week. I don't have many chances to talk to her in person, so I was thinking about accepting the request and trying to start a conversation over messenger. Is there any chance of this going over well or is it just asking for autism to strike? If it is possible to do well, any pointers on what sort of first message to send?

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>I don't have many chances to talk to her in person
Arrange a in person meeting
Also what the fuck is that picture

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It's just a picture to make you go "hmm." So is starting to talk on Facebook okay as long as I move toward meeting in person relatively quickly?

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>casual sex
>oil driller
>has a kid/kids
>"all my exes are crazy"
>secular muslim
>decidedly leftwing
>Nice Guy
>"the universe is against me" mentality
>prefers porn/vidya to you (this one might be a red flag for yourself too, mind)
>doesn't ever seem to disagree with you or outright tell you no (see above again)
>doesn't want to introduce you to his family
>face/throat tattoos
>""""open relationsip""""

bonus round: orange flags
>secretive (don't confuse with private)
>doesn't want to introduce you to his friends

Are there different types of charisma to attract people? My friends have described me as a goofball and it seems to work with most women, but some of them aren't interested in me and really only seem to like my "cool" friends.

mmm yellow on cars is a hard no but it works ok on a bike. would be a sin on a ducati though. not liking your bike may just be not liking bikes in general. how autismo are you? can you tell which it is?

i saw she was a bit overwhelmed when i started to touch her forearm and knee ( which is a big move) so i didn't push it after that, but she didnt flinch or move away so i dont know, time will tell

will wait a few days to let her think on it and if she doesn't text me i will text her for a quick lunch maybe, she did say that she wants to get together again

Girls have you ever had a guy with hairs growing on his dick?
Guys do you have this? Small thin hairs on the underside of the cock and then thick hairs in the first 1-2 inches of the cock.

I'm talking hairs on the dick, not just normal pubic hair.

m8 it straight up tells you it's a bait post. if you hate being a liar then stop being one

This guy I like who likes me will message me and text me. Sometimes I'll message him on insta and when he takes a while ( like he's been on but not seen my message) I feel as though I'm annoying him.
Is it all in my head? How can I tell if I was actually annoying him?

Assuming that both of you really do get along. Yes, you want to make this fast. You have to make it seem that you are interested, not just a friendly guy. Always be creating sexual tension since this is a man to woman relationship.

do woman like guys with traditionally manly hobbies like blacksmithing, woodworking etc? is the burly bearded blacksmith with asbestos hands something a woman would find attractive with any regularity?

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He might just not feel like talking. I obviously can't speak for him but there are times I avoid opening messages because I'm not in the mood to have a conversation with anyone, which with me is nothing personal.

As a guy where should I post my pics to get rated and understand what kind of people my face attracts and what it means to strangers?