
You're only White if you are able to produce children like pic in related.

Attached: 141414141414.jpg (1080x898, 98K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Is this some kind of cp?

who are these semen demons?

I have Mediterranean skin and middle Eastern pitch black eyes and pitch black wavy hair. In the summer I turn into a Syrian migrant. I'm full Sephardi looking like Emrata. Should I jump into a tank of peroxide?

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>reverse search that picture
>first page is full of archived threads from /tv/ and Jow Forums
Never change, Jow Forums.
Now on a serious note, apparently the picture is from a Russian child model Instagram account, similar to the ones the pedos on /tv/ follow.

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>this thread again

Attached: 1480816596476.jpg (3800x1904, 2.94M)

they probably like cute, swarthy italian boy feet

Attached: dark feets.jpg (634x474, 36K)


>all girls


Hapa does look white. In fact they look more attractive than whites or asian.


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Fuck off varg. Wadu hek has more subs than you.

i'd love to give these bitches my big black cock

How did you get that pic of my wives?

>that brown eyed one

Attached: index.jpg (225x225, 10K)

>nigger second from left

Green for Kekistan

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>that brown eyed one

Lmao I love Jow Forums

jk rowlling for 3

what is wrong with brown eyed girls with smelly feet?


>ywn be buried under an avalanche of sweet blonde lolis
>ywn be intoxicated by their sweet innocent giggles as they tickle and play with you
>ywn be able to show them that small tortured part of yourself that you keep pure just for such a magical occasion
I find it hard existing.

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Tfw no blonde daughter


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will I get vanned if I download this pic?

>You're only White if you are able to produce children like pic in related.

why do faggots make topics like this anyway? color doesn't matter, only culture matters. i'd rather be black farmer than a wigger.

>Imagine the smell


>All females

I'm white, but I am too high-test to produce anything other than sons.

only girl feet stink

I had blue eyes as a kid but they turned brown. Does that mean I can have blue eyed offspring?

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Asians are White.

Attached: 1527024367853.jpg (1381x882, 236K)

Jow Forums is blue pilled
8/pol/ is blue pilled
You know a website is blue pilled when they ban people for posting instagram pictures of children.
But what are some red pilled chan imageboards, you ask? They are here on this list.


If you dont think pic related is the most beautiful thing you are anti white.

STOP posting male feet!

swedegirls probably love dark italian feet

Attached: 1518754132732.gif (500x371, 280K)

the one with dark eyes is the prettiest
nazis btfo


brown feet > pale feet

Attached: francesca chillemi.jpg (624x368, 53K)

Every baby has blue eyes dumbass.

Attached: 1232132.jpg (1200x1601, 346K)

>Back to back world war losers
yeah ok

Yep, no problem. Obviously would need a chick who is fair enough.

Made my day.

Heya Hoya!

Attached: 142289.jpg (880x1137, 515K)

d&c memeflag. Reveal flag Moshe.

Asians are White.

Attached: 1545254739235.jpg (3024x4032, 1.46M)

beauty is subjective

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still sufficiently important to be targeted 24/7 by liberal propaganda

These are non-white Slav Children you fucking American Motherfucker.

>Yep, no problem.

>this is what MIXED Amerimutts actually believe

You realize that YOU are NOT white right?

Their hearts are hewn from the blackest jungle.

Hard to be sure they are white until we see the nipples.

Attached: JIDF4.png (476x340, 83K)

What do you mean?

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i got 3, all girls though

Im hispan my wife is white and my two kids both are the whitest looking kids
>I also find out my great grandfather was german who migrated to taco land after ww2

Oh fml. I am kill.

>whitest looking kids
In the neighborhood.

10PM in Vancouver. I doubt you'd be posting from Toronto, should this be even true.

Enjoy your ban, nigger

In the country

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Don’t agree. I’m what is called a silver aryan, definitely going gold. I’m 6ft blond hair green eyes, athletic body with no fat.
My it is way above average (last year gave 130), and I do have 2 kids with an aryan goddess.

Nonetheless my father has black hair and brown eyes, still he and my mother (also not blond, not sure her hair color is.. keeps changing.. but blue eyes) Had perfect aryan offspring.

The aryan dna, although not usually, can be asleep and skip one generation. Then reactivate with the next.

So for me ALL whites are white, they are just not all aryans. I draw the line at mutts like most Greek are, or south Italians, who are Arab rape babies.
Those disfigured inferior cucks should be exterminated to keep our races clean.

Which doesn’t mean that the aryan gene mutation doesn’t run in their families, there might have been one generations ago, and the holy dna might activate with the next generation

Lmfao! Da fuck is that? Some kind of gook sex bot?

10-15 years later they all will be featured on blacked.com homepage

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>linking triforce

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Yeah but that’s a transvestite dude, you Eastern faggot

Haha, I don't know her name.

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i am. not most likely result because of blonde hair being in 1/2 my grandparents, and then since then being parented by idiot socialists who fucked each other, brunettes. So... the blue eyes are more possible since they run in the family like a wild nigger, but I'll be rolling for those children with my Aryan girl friend, yes

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Da fuck you Talking about schindler?
Schön mit der Kirche im Dorf bleiben du jude.. welches neggerbaby ist je mit blauen Augen geboren? Außer ein Elternteil war weiß mit blauen Augen.
Ahmed oder shlomo, auf jeden Fall bist n witz

This picture serves as a great reminder for anyone who thinks that brown eyes people are “equal”.

Nice try but only blond hair and blue eyes are white. There are no exceptions.

fake hair

what is this degenerate shit

You have some odd pictures, friend.

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I think you're trying to say that Asians get a lot of plastic surgery?

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3 is a Goddess with the right makeup and hair.

Attached: ariana shilova.png (651x887, 629K)

Their rate is actually really close to other White women.

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Guys remember nobanchan?

If they so fucking stupid, that you need to remind them that, their children are doomed to a life as sex slaves and mindless worker drones anyways

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Just race mix and stop being a faggot. Asian mix babies are the future. Asian cuteness and intelligence + Western features and intelligence. How can you possibly go wrong?

God theyre all so cute

I need an lgf so bad

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Well, whatever. As long as you want to keep posting pictures of White women with me, that's fine.

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You can do whatever the fuck toy please, but you sure as fuck ain’t white.
From what you described, your middle eastern mutt, maybe partly white, but also partly shitskin..
so yeah... I guess you could do as a sextoy


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Same and sauce?