Late night thoughts

what are you thinking about user?

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How it's 6:30pm and not very latenight thoughts.

It's 330pm.

Also, I'm thinking about how shitty I am at my job and how fucking lazy I am. I'm going to tank a project, probably, because something is broken inside my brain. I have the absolute minimum amount of ambition and drive to do anything.

for me its 1 am

I am thinking about my girlfriend and the old times where everything seemed better. I feel like eberything lost its color i cant enjoy things and I feel like the world is against me

care too much about what people think and i feel insecure and i also think i can't handle the stress of modern life and i probably overthink too much

I feel the same. I wish I would be more like the people who dont overthink stuff. I just tend to think about 9282 different outcomes to a situation and mostly bad ones

How useless guys can be. I grew up thinking we were all supermen, we're the stronger, smarter of the two sexes, can do anything, protect wimmin and children. Then I met a lot of guys who ran at even the slightest shit hitting the fan, or couldn't look people in the eye after doing something cowardly. I met so many cowardly, mean-spirited guys it was sad, guys who carried themselves like tanks yet would kick a girl half their size over if it meant they could avoid some tiny responsibility or conflict.

Met so many dumbshits, by the barrel. It's dumb but it's been on my mind every night this week for whatever reason.

hey you got this. Start it for 10 min.

I just want to be me again :(


How jaded I am from my last relationship

If I'll ever look normal enough for people not to treat me differently and with more respect

Trying to figure out who I am. All these years and I've yet to settle on an identity.

It's sad that men are taught to uphold some kind of image of "masculinity". Especially because there are so many dumb fucking people people out there who never learned to think for themselves or question systems like these. Masculinity isn't some list of attributes to uphold, it's different for everyone. If someone can't admit their faults or own their emotions/flaws, that doesn't make them a man, just a bad person

You can thank women's brainwashing and social conditioning for that. They voted with their vaginas over the centuries and this is what we got out of it.

Well idk about that but I do know that working towards equality should mean tearing down expectation of both sexes, not just women's bodies, that's a bullshit agenda. Equality is not women above men just for the case of getting revenge for the past. The past should stay in the past.

8:30 on my end. Not late but whatever.

I'm thinking about how much of a loser I am and how I feel like I don't fit in or belong anywhere and wondering how my gf can even like someone like me. Even though I can get along with people just fine I always feel like I can't make a real connection with people, leading me to wonder how anyone can even like me. Somehow people think I'm cool and even tell me sometimes but I can't understand how. I don't talk much when with friends and don't have much in common with most people. Yet people still like me for some reason. And I cannot figure out why.

Do you find yourself acting like a different person towards different people too?

Almost 4am, can't sleep. No drive. So lonely. What's the point?


it's not late at all here but I'm thinking about the dream I had last night
I ran into some 6th grade crush and she had gotten thicc. The dream was flirty and towards the end I went in to make out and we did for a second, but I immediately knew something was off, and woke up.
Dreams like these always seem to hang over me for the rest of the day

1130 here
Kinda relieved. Told my therapist that I think cops are vampires and she told me it's not uncommon for people in my situation to think that. Don't feel so alone right now.

almost 1am
thinking about my last two months that have been a fucking rollercoaster of emotions for me, from realizing that I fucked up my ex mental health because i only used her for fucking every once in a while, to meeting a girl who is making me a better person, more empathetic with everyone and happier in general. but i can't lie, now i'm afraid whenever i talk to people because i realized that i can very easily hurt someone's feelings. I just hope I can become a good person and leave all those shitty things behind

thinkin' bout that one bitch I met in a thread yesterday...

Almost 2 AM. Thinking about how I used to be pretty 5 years and 30 lbs. ago, but now I'm just plain unattractive. Wish there was a button to instantly revert back to my old appearance, but instead I have to diet/exercise for at least 6 months before any noticeable changes. And to think I thought I was fat and ugly back then.

How old are you now? Post a pic I'll give feedback.

Nah, didn't come here for feedback. Just airing my frustrations into the abyss.

lI think I'll call out tomorrow and not leave the house. I haven't done that in months, I can't remember. I get close to people at work, and sometimes it legit scares me, the possiblities.

I miss my cat too. I couldnt bring him when I moved out

Just came back home from seeing my boyfriend.
I keep waking up and look for him in bed, but he's not here. I miss him so bad right now.

He's the only good thing I ever had.

about if you count as a roastie if you've only had sex with two guys and one of them is wasn't entirely consensual, and how unfair men and women are to each other and where the buck stops.

You know, same old same old. You?

Excited for a second date I have on Saturday

How to make friends in uni

Show up to things.

trying to keep the facade of having the greatest time of your life
>be me
>/mil/ fag
>traveling the world
>doing the minimum at everything
>everyone says im doing great
>getting awards/medals
>alot of female attention
>meaningless dates/outings
>family non existent
>lonely as fuck
>no real friends
>come home after long days work to empty apt
>what is life