It's fucked up but it's true. Everytime I see a rape story in the news and the girl is actually attractive my first reaction is "fuck lucky guy"
Especially if it's a story like 'girl raped in front of husband' or some shit
Do I need therapy?
It's fucked up but it's true. Everytime I see a rape story in the news and the girl is actually attractive my first reaction is "fuck lucky guy"
Especially if it's a story like 'girl raped in front of husband' or some shit
Do I need therapy?
Other urls found in this thread:
You need euthanasia
You need to fucking kill yourself.
Based and redpilled
women leave
Why? Don't rape victims have orgasms from rape and have weird obsessions with their rapist?
There's so many recorded instances of girls masturbate to the rape or consistently referring to the rapist as "my" in the possessive like it's something they want to own
Yeah, people do a lot of fucked up shit to cope with trauma. Some rape victims become shut-ins that can't be near men, or turns to drugs/alcohol to cope, or kills themselves. There are plenty of terrible ways to try and cope.
Are you trying to imply women like to be raped and they don't want to admit it?
Because I think you might like getting fucked in the ass and see if you like it, wanna let me try against your will bucko?
Hey buddy we men didn't evolve to be raped
You need some psychological help. The lack of empathy is concerning.
>Don't rape victims have orgasms from rape and have weird obsessions with their rapist?
An orgasm is a physical response caused by stimulus. A female having an orgasm during a rape is no more a justification or minimization of rape anymore than a male having an erection during a rape is. The only reason you'd bring that up is to minimize the psychological devastation that rape causes which, obviously, makes you a fucking terrible human. I've worked as a crisis counselor for many years and I've never, ever in my professional career encountered an individual or heard of an individual who became obsessed with their rapist in any kind of positive context. I don't know where you kids get these memes from but it most certainly isn't real life.
>There's so many recorded instances of girls masturbate to the rape or consistently referring to the rapist as "my" in the possessive like it's something they want to own
I've never in my professional experience ever heard of any woman masturbating to the thought of being raped. That's an absolutely absurd, disgusting assertion. I'm not denying someone out there like that exists but in my nearly 15 years of mental health work have encountered someone like that. There are not "so many recorded" instances. The only instance I've ever heard of this occurring is in childhood sexual abuse survivors who reenact the conditions of their assaults in adulthood to try to exercise some kind of mastery over it.
As far as the "my" rapist terminology goes it is exceedingly common to use possessive vocabulary in order to regain control. Being raped is an utterly helpless experience. People who have been stripped of control in such a violating and violent manner typically find a kind of catharsis in taking that control back any way they can, even in acts as simple and innocuous as verbally taking possession of the rape itself.
Yes because they would tell you,someone that has their name and all the info you need to start rumors.
Don't appeal to biology to justify being a garbage sack of a human. You know as much about evolutionary biology as my pet turtle knows about astrophysics.
I married a rapist. The sex is bomb, yo.
I am not justifying it, I am just repeating what some women have admitted
Only beta males rape cause they can't get pussy
>Yes because they would tell you,someone that has their name and all the info you need to start rumors.
I don't think you understand how the medical field works, bucko. We're trained professionals bound by federal privacy laws who assist people in crisis, not a bunch of gossipy assholes in a high school locker room. We're not even allowed to speak about our respective clients with each other if we aren't in the same department and there is no professional purpose to sharing information. The assertion that there is secretly a giant population of women that actually enjoy being raped and don't tell their therapists and psychiatrists who treat them for the PTSD, panic disorders and other negative effects caused by their rape because they're afraid of rumors being spread has no basis in fact or reality.
>I've worked as a crisis counselor for many years and I've never, ever in my professional career encountered an individual or heard of an individual who became obsessed with their rapist in any kind of positive context.
You sound like a shit crisis counselor
Are you trying to imply women like to be raped and they don't want to admit it?
Yeah you are trained (((professionals)))... sure. Anyway, I bet they are too ashamed to tell you
Why don't you ask them about it schlomo?
Idk man Mohammad and Abdul seem to be alphas to me
You're like a cop telling me you always uphold the law and then when you get recorded you beat the shit out of people for 50 bucks lmao, the fact is you can do anything you want with that info and nobody would give a shit about a random goy or two
>The assertion that there is secretly a giant population of women that actually enjoy being raped and don't tell their therapists and psychiatrists who treat them for the PTSD, panic disorders and other negative effects caused by their rape because they're afraid of rumors being spread has no basis in fact or reality.
Ask their husbands and boyfriends.
>An orgasm is a physical response caused by stimulus. A female having an orgasm during a rape is no more a justification or minimization of rape anymore than a male having an erection during a rape is.
This is complete bullshit. If the female orgasm was something that was purely physical there wouldn't be legions of jealous and insecure husband's killing themselves or thousands of wives faking an orgasm for their men. It is NOT the same as a dude jerking off and jizzing everywhere. Women orgasms are more mental and STILL they get off during rape.
Hell senses of fear contribute to additional lubrication within the vagina. There are instances of women orgasming during rape BUT NOT WHEN MAKING LOVE TO THEIR ACTUAL PARTNERS.
you're a shill. Gtfo
>I am just repeating what some women have admitted
I'm a mental health professional and I've never heard of any such admittance. What you're repeating is not anything I've heard of nor, frankly, even relevant. In the event that any rape victim were to at some point reminisce fondly on her rape or develop a fantasy concerning her rape that would still be an inherently negative side effect. It would still be the result of psychological damage. Just because someone has developed odd, pleasure seeking pathology in response to intense trauma does not all minimize the impact of that trauma. A conversation about hypothetical, rare outliers is not logically or morally relevant in a discussion about the devastating impacts of rape.
>Only beta males rape cause they can't get pussy
That just isn't true. Rape is about power and control, not sex. Rapists typically aren't people who are desperate for sex. The act of overpowering someone and forcing yourself on them; taking ownership of their body against their is the complete antithesis of the "beta" construct you guys like to pedal so much. I think you should do some real research before you form your opinions on this topic because it seems as though you don't really know what you're talking about.
>Rape is about power and control, not sex
Sex is about power and control. Rape is the ultimate expression of male desire and men and women know this at a deep level, which is why women will orgasm with an alpha rapist and not their beta boyfriend who cuddles them at night
>Just because someone has developed odd, pleasure seeking pathology in response to intense trauma does not all minimize the impact of that trauma.
Yes it does.
The essence of a conspiracy theory is dismissing facts as fabricated or untrue in lieu of your own narrative. The whole "women actually enjoy rape" is nothing but a disgusting incel meme and has no basis in reality. This is the maximum amount of time or energy I will put into responding to your absurdness. The lot of you should consider getting some professional help.
That just isn't how reality works. I don't really understand what conspiracy you're referring to but nobody "does" anything with confidential patient information. There is no benefit or logical basis for professionals to spread illicit rumors about patients. That doesn't even make any sense.
You are misinformed and deeply disturbed on many levels. None of the things you think are even remotely true or based in reality. None of it is accurate and you have absolutely no information, anecdotal or otherwise to support it. You live in a redpilled meme and I hope you pry yourself away from the toxicity of this place and eventually look back on your thoughts and words with the same utter disgust that I am looking at them with now. You are a truly reprehensible human being, user, and I sincerely hope I am never met with the misfortune of meeting you.
>ad hominem and gaslighting in one post
Yes it is an expression of desire. And why do you desire it? (Not literally you dw) Because you dont have it. Why do you not have it? Because you're a beta. You force women to orgasm because you can't make them orgasm any other way.
Sorry we didn't give you any shekels
>You force women to orgasm because you can't make them orgasm any other way.
hey man if it cums it cums
I guess I came close to technically raping a girl, twice.
One time we were still getting to know each other and we went out drinking with a bunch of people and when the night started she was already fucked up and like kept rubbing her ass on me and asking me if I was going to fuck her and I was like 'hell yeah dude'. Brought her back home later that night and she was barely able to stand up and shit but I still got her in ebd and went down on her for like 5 minutes and eventually she was like "no stop" and so I did and I went and jerked off in the washroom instead. the morning after she asked me what happened and if we had sex and I told what happened.
Then we did date and have sex for a while but it was an on-again off-again not-really-official thing.
Later another similar situation where she was fucked up and half-conscious and I was with and I was REALLY horny. She wasn't saying "no stop" but she wasn't saying or doing much of anything because of how fucked up she was. I was this close to just sticking it in her, but again I took a moment to realize just wtf I was doing.
Had I done it either of those times, it would have been one of those things that I would have taken to the grave and always felt terrible about. I would have probably killed myself. Luckily I had never had anything like that happen again.
Unless you're completely autistic or criminally retarded, rape is not something you should be jealous of so yeah you should get therapy my man
this never happens
Firstly, ad hominem and insults aren't the same thing. The foundation of my argument is based on my professional experience in working with actual rape victims versus these peoples' lack of experience and the fact that the claims they are making and cases they are citing aren't real. There is no science whatsoever to support their claims. The poster being a redpilled idiot is unrelated to the factual failings of his statement. Secondly, none of what I just said was gaslighting. I'm most certainly trying to get user to question his sanity because, realistically, his ideals are completely deluded and untethered to reality. Its not called gaslighting if the person doing it is actually correct. Brush up on your definitions, user.
Despite what society tells you brains are fucked up. If it wasnt this youd have some other dark ass evil thought. This is normal. Dont worry so much and just dont act on it.
>And why do you desire it? (Not literally you dw) Because you dont have it. Why do you not have it? Because you're a beta. You force women to orgasm because you can't make them orgasm any other way.
This is not an accurate interpretation. The goal of your average rapist is not to make their victim orgasm. The act of overpowering someone and dominating them is completely counter intuitive to the concept of being a "beta", which is a meme, by the way. No one uses the terms alpha or beta to discuss the psychological mechanics of rape.
Unless you're completely autistic or criminally retarded, rape is not something you should be jealous of so yeah you should get therapy my man
Bring held down and fucked in an ally way isn't the same as a drunk frat boy trying to rub his semi erect chode on a gender Studies majors face gtfo
Technically there's no such thing as rape in nature.
The purpose of man is to inseminste and make babies. The woman's purpose is to shit out babies. Women are dualistic in nature because they have to adapt to assimilating into their rapist/captors tribe and loving the sons and daughters they birth from that rape.
Everything else is pointless dick waving really.
whens the publish date?
Repeating what some women have admitted. So if some men like to get it up their ass all men like it as well?
Are you clinically retarded?
>muh women liek raep!
>I-I'm not muslim guys!
>women have orgasms when they get raep! So they must likeeet
Are you a nigger? A pajeet? A muslim? A spic?
Jesus christ you are a degenerate
You can't compare men and women, they are different and to do so is holding women to men's standards which is male-centric you're a fucking pig and a heathen.
If rape was so bad then women wouldn't be able to love their rape babies. Women wouldn't even be able to get pregnant from rape if that is not what God intended.
We are designed to do the things we do.
>Technically there's no such thing as rape in nature.
That is false. Human society is much more complicated and nuanced than just base, naturalistic rules. There is such thing as rape in society. This whole using evolutionary imperatives to explain modern day societal mechanics is mostly nonsensical. Not to mention the fact that you and I are both not evolutionary biologists. Even actual evolutionary biologists are hesitant to make such statements as their science is still very speculative.
The amount of mental gymnastics and logical fallacies you just spit fourth in one sentence is amazing.
>You can't compare men and women, they are different and to do so is holding women to men's standards
False comparison and reductionism. "You can't compare anything between men and women because men and women are different" is not even a remotely cohesive thought. Nothing so broad can even come close to being accurate.
>If rape was so bad then women wouldn't be able to love their rape babies
That doesn't make any sense.
>Women wouldn't even be able to get pregnant from rape if that is not what God intended.
This is also laughably absurd. Lets try these sentences; people wouldn't even be able to die from gunshots if that is not what God intended. Does that make any sense to you? Or is being wounded from a gunshot or impregnated by sperm a biological occurrence that is wholly unaffected and unconcerned with the method or intent upon which it is conducted?
>We are designed to do the things we do.
Another incredibly vapid appeal to nature. Jesus. Maybe I'm the asshole for spending so much time breaking this down but your entire post was fucking brainlet-tier garbage.
>hurr durr we live in a society
Evobios are scared to make these statements because the narrative and paradigm will fuck them in the ass if they publish anything close to the truth and they know it
Stick your head in the sand all you want little soiboi doesn't change the facts of life
This bait is shit.
Raping women or men is bad
Raping children is bad
Raping animals is bad
I wonder if you are too retarded to understand basic empathy, a psycho, or just plain bait.
If a dog mounts and fucks a consenting woman is it rape?
you clearly don't understand the meaning of the word consent
Neither does a wet vagina
wow is this thread going to be in the news later?
>appeal to nature
found the rapist
No one has yet to offer an explanation for women who orgasm during rape but not during consensual sex with their SOs EVER.
Maybe it's their bodies telling them not to get wet for a sack of generic beta or waste
Animals can't consent and a dog fucking a woman or viceversa is something animal abuse but I think you have serious autism. Like, deep ingrained autism, i hope you don't have offspring that inherit this atrocious autism of yours. It's peak autism, high level autism, super 1 of the 1 percentages of autismo.
But I kek'd I really hope this isn't real because if it is I bet you must be the awkward dude in the corner of every room at uni.
>what is the prostate
Time to bend over faggot
Even if you are correct with your logic anything a caveman did would be considered morally acceptable today.
In that case i'm gonna rip your throat out, eat your babies, and rape your women right before I burn down your village and kill off all of your tribesmen ending your genetic line. Cause it's all good right?
I think he may have been a rape baby himself and is searching for meaning. He is not to he bullied, only pitied
>Maybe it's their bodies telling them not to get wet for a sack of generic beta or waste
Or maybe you are taking that explanation out of you ass with no science behind it.
Do you know guys also get erections when being raped in the ass by other men against their will? I'm sure you passed that info or just ignored it. Yes, men who were raped also had erections while they were being raped.
Does that mean they were just closet faggots? And that probably all men want to be raped too?
Mmmm.... by your logic, everyone wants to be a fucking animal.
I wonder if you are just trying to cope with having the low IQ mind of a rapist or maybe just like being a nigger.
Men also sometimes orgasm during rape, I don't see you extrapolating pseudo science from that fun fact though.
Actually men have stronger orgasm when being boned in the ass.
That means men have evolved to have their ass plunged by other alpha men. (By OP's logic)
OP, just try prostate orgasm ok? But remember it has to be against your will.
Come back when you do it correctly so we can know if your theory is right
>remember it has to be against your will.
>caveman did would be considered morally acceptable today.
Considering we live in a world where it's ok for the state to tell little boys to neuter themselves and let women larp as CEOs cause GURL POWER
Is the caveman really that bad?
Here comes the homosex agenda like clockwork
>Considering we live in a world where it's ok for the state to tell little boys to neuter themselves and let women larp as CEOs cause GURL POWER
Muh women can't have riiiiights!!!!
Muh virgin bride. Muh I ain't an incel.
Muh 4chin and r9k is right! Reeeeeeee
Im just following the word of God man if you want to blaspheme that's on you
You mean the nigges united for rape agenda right?
Your logic is as follows:
There are bad people in this world
therefore rape is acceptable
do you ever listen to yourself?
So you are a muslim
I didnt say anything against homos. A girl can just as well rape you.
My logic is more like:
Might is right
Masculine men impregnate feminine women
If I can tie you up and impregnate your wife (in front of you for added keks), then you failed your masculine duty as a fighter and protector and I am rewarded the right to reproduce with your woman
i.e. you're a small minded amoral fucktard
that's fine, just don't pretend to be righteous when you're really just a stain on society
Sexual strategy is amoral and nobody plays by the rules
A lot of people play by the rules you sperg. One of those rules being don't rape
Muhammad is winning then
>Is jealous of rapists
>Is jealous of getting jail time
Excellent choice of partner; too bad marriage is a sham
>placing any system of values above morality.
Truly pathetic. Why even live at that point?
>being this right
>having so many people disagree with you
Remember, my alpha brother: alphas are alphas because they think differently than the majority.
Well, first - it doesn't matter. Sexual arousal doesn't mean consent, it doesn't make rape less horrible. Forcing yourself on someone else is disgusting.
Orgasm during rape, anyway, is something that happens for real, both to women and men. It's a physical, physiological response - your body responds to sexual stimulation and to fear (anxiety and pain can make some people more responsive to stimulation). Very intense emotions, even negative ones, enhance physical experiences.
Women get wet as an adaptive response to friction.
It does NOT mean that they enjoy it or desire it.
The reason why some women never experience orgasms with their SO but do during rape might be simply because they're receiving sexual stimulation while they have a very intense emotional state.
To give you a comparison, if you ever had sex on drugs it might feel similarly.
Damn so many beta cucks here coping
I had high hopes for this board....
I hate him. People automatically assume op and his friends must be weird uggos but usually that's not true..
Highly probably he looks normal on the outside. Or even a fucking chad.
This frustrates me so much...
for me rapist are scum but
I'm jealous of the teen boys every time a hot teacher gets busted for fucking them
I fucked a girl who looked almost exactly like this only with a bigger nose. She had turned 18 a week earlier.
sure you did faggot.
why not find a hot girl who is into rape fantasies OP? also honest question are you arab?
to rape girls and feel good.
>Sexual arousal doesn't mean consent, it doesn't make rape less horrible.
>being wet while you get diddled makes take worse
Whew lad
>The reason why some women never experience orgasms with their SO but do during rape might be simply because they're receiving sexual stimulation while they have a very intense emotional state.
This literally proves women are hardwired towards being raped
No, it doesn't. It just proves that if you have sex while you are in any intense emotional state, you're going to feel it more.
Like sex with a man you are crazy about, or sex while you're on drugs, or whatever really.
It doesn't make it worse, it doesn't make it better.
Well they're not and you're a fucking cuck.
Women are hardwired to respond positively to strong emotions
If you can't get her pissed or scared of you because you're such a flabby beta then idk bro sounds like you're better off dominating her than cuddling her at night like a faggot
公園いたずらシミュレータ ver. Mako
Well that's retarded. You should rather be jealous of guys who don't have to resort to rape to bang hot chicks.
Rapists are failed men, unfit by societal standards, who's only chance of having sex with an attractive female is to throw their life away and go to jail for 20 years after which they won't find a job and will die a hobbo, all of that for 10 minutes of uncomfortable, anxious coitus.
>you're better off dominating her than cuddling her at night like a faggot
You're supposed to do both, how hard can that be to understand?
>female is to throw their life away and go to jail for 20 years after which they won't find a job and will die a hobbo, all of that for 10 minutes of
Lol in Germany rapists get like 5 years tops
Do me a favor and look up your local sex offenders. Then tell me how many are Chads. You're somehow even more pathetic than he is.
Rape is the ultimate cope. You're taking something you can't get willingly
Here you go