Josef Mengele

When we had the series of holocaust threads, you guys almost convinced me that it didn't happen.
But then I remembered that Josef Mengele famously said:
„Wenn die sowieso ins Gas gehen … die gibt es nie wieder, diese Chance.“
„They are going into get gas anyway... this chance will never appear again.“
So how do you reconcile this? And what about his experiments and their proven results? Did they not happen at all, or were his statements misrepresented?
And if his experiments happened but the Jews weren't supposed to be gassed at all, how do you rationalize this?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Mengele was a zionist

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So what about the medical experiments?
I mean, they produced results and its impossible to produce them without doing them, right?

Mengele went to extreme measures to destroy all evidence of the claims agaisnt him and replace them with work on vaccines.

However there was one thing he overlooked. The dwarves. They ALL SURVIVED AUSCHWITZ AND LATER WENT ON TO OWN A THEATER IN TEL AVIV

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Hm? Wann hat er das gesagt?

just for the record: of course the holocaust happened

"„They are going into get gas anyway... this chance will never appear again.“

I'm pretty hard core holocaust guy BUT..... there were jews who were gassed. Even David Irving believes so. They were treating jews like Anne Frank, however if a prisoner got terminal chronic disease like what RGB had what could you do? They were eugencists after all. About 10,000 jews were gassed, using carbon monoxide or something. They were often shipped FROM concentration camps to eugenic centers to be gassed. However Aushowitz had a very small facility (not the one the kikes claim, which was just a morgue)

He looks like a nice guy.

It's clear that mentally ill and disabled people were gassed. The whole holocaust denial claim is about the 6 million gassed jews figure.
And I do believe that millions of Jews died back then, but I'm not sure anymore if it was from typhus and forced labor or from being gassed, after I found out that there is not a single piece of physical evidence for the existence of large gas chambers.

>The holacawst happend bcuz this one quote I didn't even source..

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so they weren't genocided?

>I found out that there is not a single piece of physical evidence for the existence of large gas chambers.
Jews died because they refused work, just like all the gays and gypsies. Jews were a tribe and they banded together, refusing to work under slavery conditions because of "muh ancient Egyptian enslavement trauma". The camps were brutal and millions died - just not in gas chambers.

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If the quote is real and if that meant they were going to be killed anyway then Mengele only prolonged their lives for the advancement of knowledge. Wouldn't that make Mengele a Schindler of sorts?

Wow you almost convinced me that the holocaust was real and not some bullshit story concocted by the Russians and the Allies to cover their ass for obliterating Europe and turning half of it into Commie Hell.
And then I remembered Hitler saying the jews were lying filthy rats who make shit up so I decided not to trust you.

cite things.

You have to persuade me first that the character of Josef Mengele is real in the first place, F A G G O T.

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i wish the holohoax was real tho....

>When we had the series of holocaust threads, you guys almost convinced me that it didn't happen but...
True story, JIDF? Cool flag.

Understand the holohoax psyop and what jews have done to the West post-WW2.

Read through this thread, it's all there...

Redpilling normies is the ONLY battle that matters now. Redpill them and the rest will work itself out.

>Josef Mengele is real

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>Josef Mengele is real

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>Josef Mengele is real
Damn, Mengele got around.

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Yeah that’s the same reason why I love trump.
Remember when he said fuck niggers and jews let’s gas em

We truly live in ducked world. Thank God we have GEZ to teach us, Verfassungsschutz to protect us and Merkel to show us the right path to not end like USA with their freedom for every speech.

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Here is a picture of staff officers at aushowitz

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This guy knows what's up. I always did find it fishy how there's so little information available about the character of Josef Mengele in comparison to other prominent Reich officials. He also supposedly disappeared after the war, evading capture like Adolf. I am now somewhat confident that the guy is completely made up.

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Ignoring all the physical evidence.
Eye witness from millions of people is incorrect because why exactly?
Stop trying to gaslight us into not remembering 70 years ago

He was a good man who didn't do anything wrong.

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Where is the physical evidence? Every time I ask for it, people say: "The Nazis destroyed the evidence"
Eye witness evidence is worth literally nothing if you are talking about something like this and there are tons of fake stories floating around.

the holocaust was mean

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holocaust fake and gay

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Correct, it is fabrication. The "horrible" experiments he conducted are lampshade-tier ridiculous nonsense crafted from jewish neuroticism

Hitler was working for the Jews

>1 thing found to be fabricate therefore the entire holocaust must be faked

kek how much of a fucking retard do you have to be to have this line of logic.

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So no physical evidence of anyone being gassed with zyklon b?

Are you false flagging?
I'm not even denying it, I'm searching for the truth. And I know lots of those things in that picture.
How are Hitler's Reichstag speeches even indicating the holocaust?
I speak native German, I have listened to them. Never does he say that they are going to use gas them.
There is no voice record of any Nazi where he says that they are going to gas the jews. If there were, then it would be endlessly paraded around. So it's not like it is hidden or something. EVERY SINGLE DOCUMENTARY would have it.
How, oh how are mass graves in Ukraine related to the gassing of Jews?

>freedom of speech
Doesn't matter. USA is way more zogged than us and their show trials are even worse. As evidenced by James Fields.

>thinking that hard numbers can be disproven by the words of some dead dude

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Mazel Tov! At least I know now who the ((((Estonian))) is who posts all the jungle fever spam.

Shocking. Truly.

I'm willing to bet all those documents and diaries were made up and in the speeches Hitler and others never mentioned extermination of the Jewish race let alone gassing them.

BTW, are you Jewish?

So, OP, Mr. meme flag: in any case you mention the holocust, even if in good faith, should you actually have done that, your thread gets visits from JIDF. Make of that what you will.

>drawing this conclusion

you fags might be as autistic as finns but you aren't as smart

c'mon guys the holocaust was really mean for real

I wish you guys actually did do the lol-o-cost. I bet the roller coaster masturbation machines that gas you at the end would have been top notch.

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And i also bet the mass graves were of some other shit, nothing to do with the fabled Holocaust.

This. Hes a fucking smoking mirror

>Eye witness from millions of people
like those filmed by spielberg?

The USA military allowed the myth. They needed something to over shadow their war crimes . The bombing of women and children

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Thread theme

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Himmler's posen speech does you disingenuous faggot. He literally talks about exterminating the Jews in it

It doesn’t count if they’re German.

Himmler talks about exterminating the Jews in his posen speech. I mean if you guys were even slightly genuine about your Holocaust research you would ahve picked up a single book instead of just youtube videos that are just stormfront indoctrination videos.

it's not even possible that 200,000 people could be cremated in Dresden in a single night. not enough crematoriums!

>m-Mengele never existed! Nazi Germany wuz hollow! They faked the D-Day landing! f-FLuoride! false flag! crisis actors!

Jow Forumss schizophrenia never ceases to amaze me

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Lmao sure thing fritz try raising your arm vertically and getting fired from your job and your house raided

I've actually heard it in full over a decade ago.

Yes, JIDF, too bad that the victim number of Dresden and of the ethnic cleansing of Germans in Eastern Europe go down every five years, while those of the holocaust go up. And if you dare try to protest for the victims of Dresden, you will be labeled a Nazi, antifa will swarm you and the anti-German state might even shut you down.

Evidence and lack thereof sure seems to indicate the entire thing is a big fat lie. Sure, there were camps - everyone had camps. There was not a policy of extermination.

Prove to me he existed. No remains or record of him exists post or pre war

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>Himmler's posen speech does you disingenuous faggot.

Okay, post the video and tell me where in the video he says the German National Socialists are going to exterminate the entire Jewish race.

>He literally talks about exterminating the Jews in it

That doesn't mean anything, you mean he talks about specific plans the NS had for exterminating the entire Jewish race?

Or was he just like "i dunno dude, maybe this fucking Jews gotta go dude, what do you guys think?"

BTW, you didn't answer the question. Are you Jewish?

Nobody gives a shit you dumb normie leaf, prove us wrong or STFU.

After you, burger. And it won't happen to you. At best you get a 500€ fine, if at all. The fact that you are still in denial about your country is both embarrassing and pathetic. I mean, I knew the white nationalists were a weak fringe movement, but the absolute state of your nation, burger. The absolute state.

how come you have to talk about shit like that and can't prove it as easily as I can prove that katyn massacer happened. I would not be talking about how stalins minister once said in a speech something incriminatind, I would be showing actual evidence like pic related

Attached: 1943 exhumations at Katyn.jpg (750x500, 86K)

>prove us wrong that somebody never existed
umm that's not how the burden of proof works and I'm preeeetty sure you know that retards

Always dismiss this fucking idiots out of hand, they think they "know what's going on" because they're so "normal". You and i know just how fucking stupid and unaware the average NPC normie is, that's why we're here in the first place. Also, always suspect Canadians of being paid shills, i mean the horrendous quality of their posts is highly suspicious to say the least.

It doesn’t matter kraut
It literally doesn’t matter what you think you know, or how loud you scream at your computer or anything
Keep raging about ‘muh holohoax’ while you literally get demographically replaced all around you.

>”They are going into get gas anyway”
Nuremberg crooks couldn’t even hire proper translators

I don't give a shit how anything works, i haven't researched this topic yet but i wouldn't be surprised if Mengele was a paid actor or an agent or whatever. It's possible.

You have a very normie mainstream frankly NPC worldview, you have no idea the kind of fuckery high IQ people (mostly Jews) get up to. This fucking secret societies and secret agencies and shit, they fabricate all sorts of shit. It's disgusting.

sorry to be an npc. what's your political ideology?

I don't have any, i guess i lean right or far right.

nice straw man on the number of casualties. The number has been an estimate of around 5.9 million for 40 years now. It was Goebbels that claimed 200,000 died in Dresden, the city authorities themselves DURING NAZI GERMANY said 25,000, which the numbers were confirmed by studies as late as 2010.

Try harder you fucking faggot

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>You have a very normie mainstream frankly NPC worldview
> what's your political ideology?
>I don't have any, i guess i lean right or far right.

wew lad

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Nope. They spoke about expelling Jewery like the plague it is. It is a bug, like termites, that must be dealt with. They made numerous efforts to remove this menace without outright killing them. His statements alone does not have to then mean a policy of extermination by gassing.

Not Jewish. Not a single drop of Jewish blood to the best of my knowledge. In fact my Great-Grandfather was a prosecutor and Judge for Nazi Germany during the war I promise you that. No family members fought in the war because the men mostly died in WW1 at the front.

Go to youtube and search for Himmlers posen speech you fag

are you telling me there's no photos of the holocaust? lmao

"Wew" what faggot? is that all you have? you're a fucking idiot or a paid shill.

Leave Mengele alone, he did nothing wrong. There is nothing weong with performing medical experiments on Jews. Also, there was nothing wrong with the Holocaust either. Leave Hitler alone.

Let’s imagine for a second that “holocaust” happened..

Why the fuck should we care?

The jews and gypsies are not European

One European life worth more than all of Levant. Thinking otherwise is exactly the reason EVERY SINGLE European state has nonwhite subhumans as residents

If you don't know yet that the nazis were jewish shills I don't know what to tell you. If you want to take out the rich banker jews you don't do things incrimentally until all the rich jews have had a chance to get out of the country and then gas all the poor idiots. The holocaust is the reason the jews have 115 IQ. They killed all the 60-90 IQ nigger jews.

Post the video, and yeah i'm just gonna take your word for it cause Jews never lie and i'm a fucking idiot too.

>are you telling me there's no photos of the holocaust? lmao

Those fucking people never looked Jewish to me, i fucking knew something was wrong with those pics.

I like to believe he survived, cutting open Jews to this very day.


I just listened to the speech then he uses the words extermination of the Jews many times. He is outright discussing the mass murder of them.

Himmler was not one of the Nazis that wanted them deported to Madagascar or used as labor for the war effort, he was the mastermind behind the final solution.

I'm sure the retreating SS blew up the """""shower rooms"""" as they retreated the extermination camps for no reason then? :3

In that case I want to see rape kits proving that there was a single rape in Berlin by the Soviets. If you can't provide me rape kits then it didn't happen!!!!

Here is it:
Well, he indeed says: "The Jewish people will be exterminated", I am not going to deny this or say that the way he phrased it means something else in German, but it is not what the question is about.
You can exterminate them with just forced labor, no need for gassings.

I mistyped, sorry.

>who could it be...

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Don't worry user. His spirit lives on in all of us.

Have you actually read what I said in this thread?

>You and i know just how fucking stupid and unaware the average NPC normie is
>they think they "know what's going on"
>I don't give a shit how anything works
>>You have a very normie mainstream frankly NPC worldview
>I don't have any political ideology, i guess i lean right or far right.
>y-your an NPC
>you're a fucking idiot or a paid shill.

what did he mean by this

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what a handsome man

There never was a Mengele. Whole thing was made up.

Imagine if the evidence for your trial that ended in a death penalty for you was just this guy saying some shit about gassing Jews. That's basically what you're saying because remember that people hung for the 6 million that didn't exist.

>why the fuck should we care?

to avoid it happen again, so we don't get this kind of mentality;

>One European life worth more than all of Levant. Thinking otherwise is exactly the reason EVERY SINGLE European state has nonwhite subhumans as residents

If you unironically believe what you said you're a lost cause and I don't have anything to say to you. The only thing that eases me is that you're 99% likely to be an incel reject and your opinions don't have any consequences anyway.

Being against immigration is ok, you can do that without being a Nazi. Japan managed to keep themselves totally free of immigration and they don't LARP about the Edo period or Imperial Japan

Don't even give a shit about dead sandniggers, but why would turbo-efficient Germans of all people waste free labour during the war or deport jews to camps instead of shooting them on the spot

Was holocaust real, I would respect Hitler and SS even more.

user....the winners write the history books and Jews were the real winners of WW2

why reply with anything but this, fuck this nigger

what was the exact quote from Hitler?

look it up yourself you lazy nigger

It's really funny, you think I'm a denier, JIDF and that you still believe in Jow Forums memes from 3 years ago.

Nicely omitting the actual point, And one should believe, if someone actually briefed like yourself, he would immediately have the original sources right at hand, Monsieur le Juif. It is always good to know indeed that it was never about genocide or totalitarianism for you. Gilad Atzmon is 100% right about everything you do today.

And the fact that (((you))) purposefully false flag as an Estonian tells me everything I need to know about your truthfulness.

poor micki, chad trapped in that body, they cute tho

>turbo-efficiency of Germans
nice meme

If you had some genuine research on the Holocaust and not stuck to youtube stormfag videos you would know this