Can a britfag explain wtf is going on w Brexit?

Are they pushing for another vote cuz the peons didn't vote the right way? Will exit vote happen again? Why can't you get your shut together? Also is the queen for or against Brexit?

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>what's going on with brexit
The same as always, fucking nothing.

I don’t understand why they’re allowed to not follow the vote. Like what’s the point of voting if liberals are just going to ignore the results?

>not wanting plastic ayyy face

>Like what’s the point of voting if liberals are just going to ignore the results?

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They never wanted it in first place and didnt expect we would vote for it. Otherwise they would never gave the vote

Once they realized they fucked up, they delayed every way possible so uncertainty and lack of progress would mess with the economy and makes things shitty for everyone.
This was in the hope we would demand 2nd vote and undo it

That failed and they were forced to try and actually offer a deal, so they pushed the worst shit they could, which is worse that staying in the EU, but thankfully it seems not every politician is a traitorous fuck and its being rejected
So may is having a meltdown and they pushing doomsday propaganda about how we will all rush supermarkets in desperate need as without a Brexit deal the country will collapse instantly

Theresa May is making the same mistakes as Chamberlain did in the 30s.

May’s government is gonna fall! Only her tears can sustain me!!! :D

So are you guys going to get some more conservative politicians? Also if there's a second vote now that everyone knows you'll lose your EU passport privileges and some old people die out will it pass again?
My impression in Bournemouth was "muh fucking dumb rednecks" & but my impression of Leominster is that they were as or more conservative than Oklahoma. Got drunk with old guys every night, first question was "You know where the SEALs came from?" As soon as they found out I knew the history of SAS I was virtually a celebrity

Thank you user. Can Nigel Farage be the next PM?

Let‘s hope so, at least Chamberlain wasn‘t a pussy

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Because apparently everyone who voted for Brexit is a stupid racist who doesn't know anything.

Muh democracy.

OK when is this shit going to finish? Its fucking embarassing that nothing has happened yet. When when when.

It's dead in the water, they will vote on it today and might vote on hard brexit and kill that as well, we are more likely to stay in that leave to be frank

Pretty much this.
I really hope it gets to French Revolution tier and we start removing people from power, permanently

Traitors first, then we can start to heal

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replicant splice of merckel and diana

government doesnt want to leave, people do

thats basically it

In short:

Theresa May has secured a """deal""" that is so unpalatable that not even anti-EU members of her own party want it. The """deal""" has to be passed by parliament. It is highly likely that MPs from all parties will vote it down in a majority.

Lefties are trying to push now for a 2nd referendum on Brexit because "the facts have changed". The leader of the opposition parry, Jeremy Corbyn, has yet to take this position.

If the deal is voted down, the default position is that come March, we leave without a deal and go out on WTO unless some other deal or alternative appears but as I say, the lefties are voting it down because they want to cancel Brexit entirely and the anti-EU MPs are voting it down because the deal is dogshit.

Just do a full break from the cancerous EU and remake trade deals with the USA. You'll be fine. Reach out to trade with Australia, Canada, New Zealand and Singapore too and you'll literally never ever need the continentals ever again.

We have far too much cancer in the top positions for rational, and intelligent leaders

Pretty much. Never met a leave voter who wasn’t at least one of:
Economic illiterate

Which are you? What’s sad is just how many of these fuckwits came out of the woodwork to vote for the first time ever. If they just got back under their rocks that’d be great.

MFW WTO rules aren't bad and fuck wits are salty they will have to spend 20 mins and 4 pounds on the internet to get a visa for Greece a week before departure. (yeah real fucking tragedy)

What was May thinking the deal was so fucking shit the only rational conclusion that can be drawn is an attempt at causing cassus belli forcing a second referendum

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>the conservatives are liberals

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And that's completely true

The question tho
what do british ppl want
yes brexit or no brexit

>Like what’s the point of voting if liberals are just going to ignore the results?
It's almost like they're asking for a violent reactionary revolution or something.
Also, nice digits.

>WTO rules aren’t bad

You’re an economic illiterate. There are no two countries trading on WTO rules with anything like the volume of trade between the UK and the EU. Not even close.

British people just want a fish supper

And when May's deal fails, should they block or stop Brexit, there will be riots. No exaggeration. If the largest vote in our country's history is so brazenly cast aside, people will lose all hope in democracy and there'll be panic on the streets of London.

Why would anyone want to go to greece?

Which brexit? We never got asked that.

If no deal terms were the official leave campaign they would have lost. If the May deal was the official leave campaign they would have lost.

Now we know what brexit is on the cards and don’t like it, having another vote is apparently a democratic outrage. If it’s still such a good idea surely it would win another vote hands down?

They unironically are though. There is no Right in this country.

No, I can't explain because I haven't been following the circus. I just know that the establishment never thought they would lose and have colluded to keep us in from the start. Cameron was a globalist puppet but even he didn't want to be the one that led this obvious stitch-up so the job was given to Treason May, who is a remainer

Because she wanted (and still wants) to stay in the EU, so she'll fuck us all out of spite.

It is absolute insanity to make a huge decision like Brexit with a one-time simple majority plebiscite. Compare the process involved with amending the Burgerstani "Constitution".

Same guy who posted this
Ignore the bait

>Why would anyone want to go to greece?
See the Parthenon
Cheap prostitutes
Drown a Fugee
Go to Sparta

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Why are you so naive?

Britain has no constitution
Whether to continue a diplomatic relationship with a foreign entity is a question of sovereignty
The USA doesnt need a constitutional amendment to impose embargoes on trade

>to make a huge decision like Brexit with a one-time simple majority plebiscite
Literally how we entered, excpt it was supposed to be a common market, not a US of E

It's becoming the only available option.

They're both controlled by Jews, they probably started thinking of ways to fuck the voters the moment the results came back "leave".

Break = damages the EU
The EU = the biggest institution in Europe to protect nonwhite subhumans mind NATO and the US mongrel military
Brexit = good

So are your politicians talking about a trade deal with america? Our economy is so massive we could absorb your exports (your entire economy is like a texas and an arkansas.) Like come on guys... we are rooting for you to succeed. You guys are our special allies. I havent heard a single thing about a possible deal with us.

With any luck they will Jew us out of Brexit entirely, irreparably damaging British (((democracy))) and taking us a step closer to DotR.

No it wasn't. The 1975 referendum was about continuing membership after we had already joined.

>it was supposed to be a common market, not a US of E
>1957 Treaty of Rome committed common market members to ever closer union

this... Mogg is our best bet for a sensible pro-Brexit Pm and there is a chance that he'll get into office.

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>the EU protects non-white subhumans
>British government imports 200,000 to 300,000 of them a year

What did they mean by this?

>there is a chance that he'll get into office

In which universe? He's a backbench MP with absolutely zero ministerial experience. Other than elbowing his way onto the telly a lot, he's an absolute nobody.


> Can't Barrage The Farage has been on an anti-EU trip since 1993, yelling into the wind
> Merkel opens the EU borders to rapefugees in 2014, Brits realise Farage was right all along
> PM David Cameron calls for a Brexit vote expecting to win in a landslide and thus shut Barrage up forever
> 2016 LOL NOPE .JPG
> Globalist Muh Poor Refugees Mudshark Lefties SEETHING
> Globalist Muh Slave Labour Businessmen Righties SEETHING
> Cameron realises he fucked up and fucks off
> Complete political chaos in days after vote, backroom deals, media assassinations, extremely boring May manages to come out on top basically by accident
> As a Seething Globalist she has no interest in leading Brexit negotiations competently
> Her and the other Seething Globalist politicians and media basically intentionally fuck up, trying to cast as much of a black cloud over Brexit that maybe they can convince the populace to a do-over
> May tries to put forward her milquetoast Brexit deal that's basically Brexit in name only
> Nationalist MPs REEEEEing that it's name-only Brexit, too globalist, will vote against
> Globalist MPs REEEEing that any Brexit, even in name only, is too anti-globalist, will vote against
> Leader of the opposition is from a tiny faction of anti-EU left, will vote against because he smells a chance to bring down the government
> Bantz will fly


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Because there is a clear, uninteruptted link between the Irish having to present their passport at a border and them bombing cafe's.

So a no-hard-border-in-Ireland solution is needed for Mick the Drunken Bog Troll.

You're preaching to the choir. We've already voted to leave. Now we have to make sure they follow through.

No, thanks.

All LibLabCon and KipGreenRespectEtc mongs should have been hanged a long time ago
You can’t be a member of the EU, if you have ethnically/racially discriminatory legal system in place. Also, half of the EU members are not even European in race

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Which EU member states aren't European?

The Queen should call in Theresa May and fire her bitch ass. And then the Queen should go to Parliament to give a speech about reclaiming British sovereignty. Done, hard Brexit and a new British empire.

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well on betting websites he's in the books alright I don't follow Westminster faggotry

This sounds a lot like negotiating with terrorists to me.
And anyway, now being blown up is just Part And Parcel of living in a big city, it's not like the IRA are really threatening any more. When Brits already live under the shadow of getting Paki Rape Gang'd or Truck Of Peace'd, the Potatoes threatening a couple of hotel bombings is not so much "omg avoid at all costs" as it is "quaint".

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Greece, Italy, Moortugal

Britbong here.

What´s going on with Brexit? Got no fucking idea.

What does her Maj want? Got no fucking idea, she has done the right thing and kept opinions private. AFAIK.

The "system" has to take us out of the EU, but the "system" wanted us in the EU in the first place, so it doesn´t really have much genuine drive to take us out.

Have the facts been explained to ordinary people? No fucking chance, I´m not an idiot, but i have no idea, it´s all been spin and propaganda since day one.

The "system" has been trying to disrail Brexit since the moment the vote took place.

It is a genuine concern that we might end up in a civil war situation, cos leave or stay 50% of the country will be unhappy.

I am totally ashamed of our management of the deal/process. We have been a bunch of disorganised pussies. But i also think that this might have been the plan along, present a deal SO bad to the population/parliament that we it can be leveraged into changing public opinion into staying.

It has also crossed my mind that this is somehow all about getting us into the Euro. If we leave, things go badly and we want to rejoin, we will have to surrender the Pound. Of course that is wild speculation.

All i really know is that the people will never be asked important again.

I really don´t know if Farage will turn out to one of Britains biggest heros or villains. Time will tell i guess.

If we have to have a general election, it will be a total nightmare. There will be no one worth voting for, Tories have fucked up Brexit, I don´t trust Labour not to fuck up the rest of the country/economy. Lib Dems are just too weak to really stand for anything.

May so fucked up calling that snap election and ending up having to make a deal with the DUP, who have got us by the bollox now.

>some degenerate bet on him being PM because of maymays so there's a chance!

he's clearly not the best option but who else is likely at all to get in?


You know THESE nations we all think off when purity of blood gets questioned. You know Poland, Czech Republic, Latvia... natural born shitskin mutts

How can Aryans in Cyprus, Greece, Romania, Bulgaria, Italy, Spain, Portugal and a good half of France even share a union with those genetic abominations?
who cares? fuck em all

fuck off juan

>It has also crossed my mind that this is somehow all about getting us into the Euro. If we leave, things go badly and we want to rejoin, we will have to surrender the Pound. Of course that is wild speculation

This has been my speculation as well. Make leaving such a disaster that we rejoin. With the Euro. With Schengen. With no rebate.

I didn't bet on him, I don't bet and I only vote Ukip... from what I've seen he has a chance to get in but obviously I'm incorrect.



>Why can't we just leave
Is what the Queen said to Cameron before the referendum. So what do you think.
Because parliament is sovereign so when they asked the people's opinion in a referendum some of them think they can safely ignore it.
>Also if there's a second vote
First that's very unlikely. Second if it did happen there would be turmoil.
>might vote on hard brexit
How exactly do they do that user?
>Britain has no constitution
user, please. Go read Dicey.
>Mogg for PM
Choose again.

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I live in bongland and haven't heard anyone discuss Brexit, noone seems to give a kek here, it must a London thing.

>I didn't get on him

Never said you did

>I onky vote UKIP

Ah, suddenly the illiteracy and complete lack of understanding of real world politics makes sense.


because some votes are more equal than others

>Ah, suddenly the illiteracy and complete lack of understanding of real world politics makes sense.


Seriously, why didn't you all listen to Enoch Powell and Nick Griffin.

>thinks JRM has any chance of being PM

First get your white bitches in check then maybe you can start about conquering the world, you fucking spastic lard.

>We have been a bunch of disorganised pussies. But i also think that this might have been the plan along, present a deal SO bad to the population/parliament that we it can be leveraged into changing public opinion into staying.
Of course that was the plan from the start, am I the only one who saw how obvious this is. The plan is to make us vote again after a 2 year barrage of propaganda like the Brexit movie and the "we didn't know what we were voting for" meme. This is exactly what previous EU referendums have done so they're following the playbook. The 2nd referendum will be heavily rigged just to make sure but a good percentage of leave voters probably won't even show up after the 1st one was ignored. The only way out is an uprising

>owned by jews
>filters results as well
i fucking hate search engines in 2015+
it wasnt that long ago when they actually didnt hide results you want that they dont like. there is no search engine on the market that doesnt do this now.


As long as Britons, Franks and Russians are a relative majority in their own homes, there is a chance for the revival of the European race. One successful coup and we have our hands on the arsenal to guarantee a peaceful repatriation of all subhumans/mongrels back to their homelands
A good third of modern Westerners are degenerate regardless of gender. As far as racial loyalty goes, Whites, Jews and Asians are doing best in terms of the in-group preferences

For many years I thought we should join the Euro. But I was being a dumb cunt. Kudos to GBrown for not taking us in, the one decent thing he ever did.


>Treaty of Rome committed common market members to ever closer union
Except as has since been admitted / boasted most of that "treaty" was blank pages
And it's all a jewish plot.
Fuck the EU, fuck the kikes and fuck any faux conservative faggot cunt who tries to impose still more tyranny on England, the mother of the modern world.
Exterminate all enemies of Brexit and JUST. FUCKING. LEAVE.
Trump would welcome a liberated Great Britain and help it bigly.

Nobody cares, a tiny pathetic island country, totally irrelevant.

Well there is alot of truth in the "didn´t know what i was voting for" I didn´t have a clue. It was lies and spin on all sides. I still don´t know what I have really voted for.

I voted leave not based on any argument or fact only because I knew that we would never be asked again.

>has since been admitted / boasted most of that "treaty" was blank pages

Citation needed

>muh trump

Trump who's advisor said Brexit is a great time to fuck over British companies?


Are the such things as British companies anymore? Thought we had sold them all.

Why doesn't the Queen just dissolve parliament lmao she can do that right?

Racist mate :)

P a k i r a p e g a n g s

Charles I told the Queen better not.

She can but leaving the EU isn't important enough for that.

of course they are following the vote
all this bullshit is just about the how of it


keep seething faggot

>who to vote for

retard spotted
not worth educating scum, just fuckoff and die or better, move to the EU they are taking in 1000's low IQ niggers right now, bye