>want to leave shitty small town
>keep trying to find jobs
>keep trying to save money
>everything is 40 miles away with nothing in between at all
>nothing to do
>finally get money saved up
>get arrested and my life is ruined on probation
>have to try and transfer but too retarded and idk what to do
Want to leave shitty small town
Stock up on food and water, isolate yourself from society, and go insane. Get admitted into an asylum where you get free meals, a free room, and free anti-psychotic medication
but I want to leave and not be country
Are you that dumb black guy who keeps posting this shitty thread? Fucking chug some bleach you dumb motherfucker.
>break law
>suddenly plans ruined
Wow I guess you shouldn’t have broken the law.
but my life shoudnt be over because of it
Why not?
I'm somewhat similar to you. I don't know what the solution is. You could try getting a bunch of relatively cheap certs like food handling and CPR and then try moving.
are you that upstate new york guy? good on you changing up your copy pasta
Dude, look into the French Foreign Legion. They don't care about drug related arrests and will basically give you a second chance.
I just want a job and an apartment in the city and serve out my probation sentence there. like a normal person.
I have money its just legal shit. im hoping if I find a job there somehow I can transfer my shit
Your life ain't over. If it was this post would disappear from my life.
I cant do anything I want. I just want to live in a city or something relevant I want to travel. I dont even care about the money I have I just want my freedom. all I want to do is be able to travel and shit and now its like impossible
DO NOT BOTHER TO REPLY TO THIS POST He has been posting the same query every day for two months or more. He got lots of good advice and ignored it all, as he will ignore anything you write. He is just addicted to posting.
>2 months or more
More like 2 or 3 years
no nigger I take advice and do everything I just get cock blocked and shot down every chance the world gets
im cursed as fuck dude
what did you do?
decided not to kill myself so this lifelong hell torture can go on
>complaining about life being shit
>commits a crime knowing that getting caught will make life even more shit and makes it harder to un-shit it
Your life isn't shit. Your problem is that you're an idiot.
dude it took me fucking forever to save up money and go and as soon as I did everything went to shit and I got stuck here in the worst way possible
there's no way thats a coincidence. there's no fucking way.
You could have killed someone driving on bars. You deserve it.
so? other people get duis they aren't forced to sit in bed and suffer like this they still get to live in a city and work at least
You need to accept that you're a piece of shit and society doesn't want you.
I didn't even get a dui and they took my license. I don't bitch about in on Jow Forums daily and I'm in the same situation, 40 miles to jobs, no ride or way to get out. Deal with it faggot. I'm one unlucky mother fucker to get arrested for drinking 2 months before I turned 21. 3 months mandatory suspension when I wasn't driving. Driving on Xanax and bitching about the outcome won't help you bud.
>apply to jobs in another town close by
>don't get taken seriously because not a local
oh fuck you you lost your license for 3 months mine has been suspended for my entire life FUCK YOU
and im not bitching about that i just fucking hate living in the middle of nowhere. i want my fucking freedom. i shouldn't even need a license i just want to live somewhere with public transportation but apparently thats a crime against humanity and god ignores all the starving africans and people dying to just strike me down and make my life hell for some reason