gf told me her sexual history, fucked 18 guys before me, random hookups, "5 minutes in the bathroom" "never learned any names" etc. She was raped and was trying to desensitize herself to sex I think, which makes me empathize with but at the same time I'm disgusted with her past behavior despite whatever motivations may have been behind it. On the other hand, I do quite like almost everything else about her but i cant shake the feeling of being bothered by it. I'm not sure if my feelings are legit or just caused by my own slightly averse attitude towards sex because of childhood trauma, I don't have trouble with girls at all but only sleep with girls I seriously date (3 so far) so this isn't incel woes, I'm just not quite sure whether to break up with her because of this despite everything else being great or if this is something I just need to accept and get over, hence, this post.
Gf told me her sexual history, fucked 18 guys before me, random hookups...
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you're selfish and being a little bitch.
your girlfriend will end up with a man more deserving than you
thanks for the input
Your girlfriend is (or was) a whore. and you should maybe see her in this way from now on. No way a woman like this wouldn’t cheat or “be wooed” by some other guy.
think. if she was easily talked into a quickie in the bathroom, at a party. think how turned on she’ll get when some prick is whispering in her ear while you aren’t looking.
but honestly OP, you either need to get over it, or move on, harboring any sort of resentment is gonna kill your relationship.
you're setting yourself up for a pattern of never being happy if you don't learn how to overlook shit like this.
dont ask questions you dont want the answer to homie
what good could have come of this
if she just dumped this on you that's abusive and she shouldnaoughta done that
I'm not naive about that kind of thing, I've experienced it before on both sides, I'm fully aware of the possibility, can't afford to live in paranoia though and choose to hope for the best when it comes to that, isn't that what trust is?
thanks for the concise advice
I'm genuinely lookin for all opinions and points of view
yeah she dumped it on me about 3 months in, were at 9 now with no other real issues
I've dated a literal whore before.
Girls with sexual histories are coming with baggage. She'll appreciate a good guy and it's possible for her to be normal if you give her a reason to.
I broke up with that girl cause she was pretty cray cray though and their are some dime girls out there.
So yeah, it's not a crazy big deal or anything unless you're looking for a good Christian girl or something.
yeah she's pretty level headed which is one of the things I mainly like about her, we can actually have logical discussions over disagreements.
A good Christian girl would be nice but I feel pretty negatively towards Christianity having grown up in an extremely Christian family so I figure I can't go for one without expecting the religion to come along with it
Yeah the girl I was talking about definitely fucked more then 18 people. She has a lesbian vid on the net where the walls are covered in memes and they pour top ramen over each other.
It could be worse man.
hahahah you made me laugh into a coughing fit man, thanks bro
Buckle up faggot because I am about to teach you a lesson. You will never marry her. She will never respect you. She has trust issues. Whenever you want to fuck her she'll deflect with "B-but sex is a trigger!" Meanwhile she'll suck off Chad in the bathroom when you take her out for dinner. She is damaged goods and if you're dumb enough to keep damaged goods you deserve to get cucked
You can't fucking say that without a link.
you're wrong we fuck tons constantly. but I literally just remembered that I've compartmentalized and conveniently forgotten a lot of actually villainous and morally objectionable shit in the past myself relating to relationships so i should stfu and not judge others on their past, if she does cheat, I'll just move on to the next girl, done it before not hard at all, OP leaving the thread thanks for the input lads
seriously yeah man post the fucking link
Here you are gentlemen of the internet. My ex was the redhead btw.
This is something you need to accept and get over.
Every girl claims they were raped and uses it as an excuse for all sorts of abhorrent behaviour. She's probably full of shit and by the sounds of it a whore
your ex looks like and has the shoulder to waist ratios of a man, what were you doing?
>dont ask questions you dont want the answer to
This is such shit logic, are you supposed to just go through life never asking about anything for which a certain answer might be a problem for you?
good luck with that, sounds like a recipe for disaster.
She's a gym rat
t. Basedboy
Don't listen to this moron OP.
Fuck = yes
Casually date = yes
Seriously date = I’d have some serious doubts
Marry = hell no
I’d probably start looking for a replacement unless you are fan of being Captain Save-a-ho (some guys are, so if it’s your thing run with it!)
I don't think she is a prize and its not the number of men but the fact she is fucked up and no man will be able to save her from herself. I pity any man, including OP who fall in love with her and sucked into the abyss. Now I don't blame her for being raped but she needs professional help not a relationship.
>she was raped
Yeah buddy, every dirty whore out there was raped. Just dump her, she sounds like a dirty person with no self-control. Trust me on that, you don't want to get trapped in a relationship with someone like that
she told you why she did that and your first response is insecurity
If OP is telling the truth then this woman is going to definitely end up a lonely cat lady if he leaves her.
She gave an excuse and his first response was questioning the relationship, that's perfectly reasonable.
She's made it clear she has the capacity to go behind his back and blow some guy she doesn't know. Her choices were her own, "I was raped" isn't a free pass to do fucked up shit your whole life without consequence.
18 is nothing. she can find someone better so you should do it. ill take her and be able to actually please her without being a pussy.
I would have not gotten involved with a girl that promiscuous, no matter the reason behind that promiscuity. But that's just me, you do you.