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I liked to walk around the backyard naked ever since I was 14 but the neighbor lady saw me and never treated me the same since.

I have a thing for japs
I like traps
I have had two gay experiences
I recently got caught committing a crime

I fapped to AOC

I'm responsible for the collapse of European Democracy.

I once really wanted to steal a lego piece from my friend. But I knew it was wrong and didn't do it.

I'm completely without sin.

I got banned from /v/ for posting vids of Latina teenies. LOL!

I shidded my pants once when I was sick.

>literal faggot
Enjoy hell.

I fapped to Michael Obama while imagining having my dick sucked by him. No homo

I don’t know if I’m white by Jow Forums standards and it’s driving me up the fucking wall. Help me Padre

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Enjoy living without a central nervous system.

>I cannot stop fucking nigger and latina woman
>I like to sodomize then
>I'm 22 and never had a stable relationship
>will probably die alone without wife or children

Forgive me father

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I only have six in missionary for the sole purpose of procreation


You're cool man, not that this means much coming from a Brazilian, but take it as you want

I cheated on my girlfriend.

She still doesn't know, and I was very drunk. I don't want to be with the other girl and I don't want her to find out

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Do you have curly hair?

Hi, Angela
You unfuckable lardass

I’ll take it. Thank you Brazilian user for acknowledging my post(s).


Not curly at all. It comes in thick but straight.

You're cool man. an ethnostate in America could have afforded to be choosy 50 years ago but now as long as you're not outwardly a nigger yeah it'll be alright

Fear not, attempt to cultivate a loving relationship with a traditional woman and everything else Good Will Follow.

I refused to comply with Commifornia’s illegal gun laws.

I had 30 round mags and kept my bullet button in a box in the closet.

I live in a free state, now. So I try to red pill every person I meet about the dangers of leftism and I don’t hve to worry about those cockholsters, yet.

But I’m not inwardly a nigger though right? To be honest if it showed any kike at all I (and possibly my dad I can’t tell if he was being serious or not) might have ended it all.
I know the Irish (or in this case Irish American) aren’t high on the totem pole but I’m still white right?

Not that you have asked my opinion on the hair question, but I will say what I've seen in my life.
in general is really rare to non Europeans to have light hair when adult but here even some clearly nigger children have it but lost when grown up. About curly hair i really don't know, to my experience is a mostly mediterranean and celtic thing but have seen some non whites white curly hair too, but I suppose Brazil is just really mixed to say anything anyways.
Also in parallel to that, HOW THE FUCK ALL THOSE SHITSKINS HAVE GREEN EYES ?, serious I think there are more green eyed shitskins than whites, at least here.

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I did too. Not the worst thing I’ve fapped to but I still felt like shit.

Thou are’t forgiven. Sodomizing minorities is a luxury few can afford. But god damn it’s fun.

I always wanted to move back to my homeland in NYS and inherit property. I never thought I'd stay out because the laws were so bad.

It's really hard to find those were I live, and my personality is shit, I'm very arrogant, but I'm working on it user, thanks for the cheers.

I am the Messiah

I am hungry.

the first time I came it was on my living room sofa watching black bbw porn when I was 11. I feel this is an adequate confession for /pol.

Indeed it's, i feel superior in a strange way, guess I'm just sick fuck

I caught and tortured small animals when I was young.

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How old are you now? I figured out how to masturbate at about 12 or so cleaning myself in my grandma's bathub, but never shot a load until a few years later.

Not queer but just kind of curious how thing probably changed along the way.

I have wanted to be a girl since I hit puberty around 12. Its been hell. I even joined the Army, hoping they would sort me out. They did, to a point. I became more disciplined, but the issue would not go away. I went to college on the GI Bill, and subsequently had a mental breakdown. In desperation I married a girl, hiding my issues. Big mistake. Our relationship was dysfunctional from the start, but we had a daughter together anyway. Resort to alcohol to cope. Wife demands I do something, go to Veterans Affairs hospital. Diagnosed with Gender Dysphoria and alcohol dependency. Try to sort myself out. Fail. Going to start HRT in a week to begin transition from male to female. I feel like I am giving up, betraying my wife and daughter. But I am also such a mess as is

good taste for a wee lad

I'm 20. I masturbated earlier than puberty too so I guess I'm just weird in that.

traps and futas

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Don't do it.

Oh, we're probably something similar rather than weird. Unfortunately they have this dick-cutting thing here run by the Jews and I didn't know how to begin how to warm up to girls or even other guys until about 23.


Take test supplements and meditate.

Ayashcua and MDMA

Nice larp, but hypothetically, if I were talking to someone like this, I'd just tell you to go get a gun and end it all. the HRT won't solve a damn thing, and you know that.

When I was 16 my mom lost her job and the house and we moved into a section 8 apartment. There was little black girl probably 6 or 7 who I befriended because she like my soft yellow hair. Long story short I kinda raped her but not really, it was more like dry humping with my dick out.

wtf lol

Honestly, I should have done it after the initial breakdown before I ended up with even greater responsibilities. Like a child. The way I see it now, its better to just get it over with while she is young rather then traumatize her with it when she is older. My relationship with mom has been broken for 2 years now so that is no longer the primary concern. The only reason she has stuck around is because she cannot survive as a single mother. To be fair though, I never wanted this situation. I insisted on contraception before sex but she decided to stop taking birth control pills without telling me. Daughter is the happy "accident" which has prolonged the relationship far beyond what it should have been.

It won't solve anything, you know that.

Just fap to shemale porn, fuck. It ain't that hard, niggah!

Fell you bro, nearly fucked a feminine guy once, serious questioned my heterosexuality afterwards, but seems I really only like girls

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I do. I don't buy into the meme that I will ever be a woman in truth if not practice. I just can't escape the splinter in my mind though. I have tried so hard to. For almost 2 decades now. I am not getting any younger and the window is closing for me. The three ring circus around "transgender issues" has not helped one bit. I don't want to be an out and proud man in a dress. At this point I just want peace in my own head.

Honestly I’m surprised.

I grew up a life long Californian. You couldn’t pay me to go back...

I am addicted to pornography and mastrubation. I am starting to curb my daily pot intake to weekends only.
I otherwise live a good and moral life with my wonderful girlfriend, godwilling.
I hope to succeed in curbing down my pot intake and sexual excess.

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>happy accident
There is no accident about it. Don't transition though. You only feel this way because you feel your life would be better if you were someone else. You feel vulnerable and wish to be protected, like our society is supposed to do for good women. Most of us wish we could be somebody else. Work to become better than you are now. You cannot run away from yourself. Don't fall for the lies of psychiatry. I don't have to tell you who is behind that one.

My secret is that I've never had a girlfriend despite having an outwardly successful life. I have an advanced education, a house, and a car. I don't know how I turned out like this. I'm in my late 20s and am in good shape. I've even gotten cat called recently by groups of drunk chicks while bar hopping.

Surprised for what reason? Have you listened at all to Shmucked Shumer or NY Pelosi? Or looked at the tax situation there?

You might as well ask me why I don't move to Cali or Oregon to get the lucrative tech jobs there. Theses people are pure, unadulturated evil.

There is no peace from mental illness. Fix your mental illness, don't disfigure your body. Can't go back from that.

I stole books from a library and threw them at autistic people.

This is probably like half of Jow Forums. You find their secondary female sexual characteristics attractive. If you don't want to fuck Brad Pitt, then you're not gay. Just don't fall for the dick makes it better meme irl, real traps and trannies are mental wrecks and riddled with STDs.

The only way to do that is to accept that you are a man and get help or achieve peace with a gun.
I definitely do not support you hurting yourself ever, even if I wish you diddnt exist.
Please stop living this lie, you were born a man, you have a male skeleton, you have an X and a Y chromosome, you have male hands and hips, and a male brain. Hopefully you still have your male genetalia.
It's never too late to accept who you really are, not who cultural marxists have brainwashed you to be.
You have that strength within you.

None of you can beat my sins.
>supportive conservative Trumptard
>But highly hyprocritical
>Work a wageslave job
>But still live with my mother that's disabled and on welfare and foodstamps
>Use food stamps to buy food, even if it's junkfood
>also love traps
>actually just started to love guys in general, mainly muscular beefy guys like pic related

I've sinned heavily but I'm a poorfag. It's not like I'm a NEET though, if it makes the sin less grave. And I haven't engaged in gay sex either so it's not like I'm a total fag.

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Yeah, I don't know about that. In the trans community, as much as I have read about it, I am apparently truscum. I have an intractible case of dysphoria. The actual mental illness. And I know its an illness. Before I was even a Teenager, I wanted to be the opposite gender. My first crush on a girl was not "I want to bone her", it was "I want to BE her". To say its fucked me up is an understatement. And the modern political circus has not helped either. Especially since every other fetishist has latched onto the trend. Apparently people like me are also hated by the new moral virtue caste as we don't want to be out and proud.

I'm not an idiot. I know I will never be biologically female. But imagine going through your day. You see an attractive woman and the first thought that goes through your head "Why can't I be her". You look in the mirror and hate yourself.

Gender Dysphoria is no joke anons. I would not wish this on anyone. Its not something to be proud of either.

m8 get off the junkfood
we don't care if you like to slide your dick up into man-ass

... I know what you're going through. I have gender dysphoria too.

A real mother does what's best for her child, though.

There is nothing wrong with talking to your daughter to tell her what's wrong. There is absolutely something wrong if you just show up as her new 2nd mom. That will traumatize her regardless of her age.

Who knows. Maybe she won't mind the changes you want to make.

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I fucked my cousin for years.

faking like you are a girl will never bring you peace
peace can only come from God. you have to turn to God and abandon all sin. God can fix you.

I watched someone fall through the ice on a lake. They called out to me to help them. I did nothing and just left. I found out later he died when the news reported about a man being found frozen in the lake.

I feel nothing and this is what disturbs me.

I just cant stop looking up porn and fapping. Not happy with me or my wifes bodies.

Was she good? Or was it the other?

Just can't stop nutting to traps like this cleric.

It's all I fap to, and I have a wife. I probably shouldn't be worried if i can still perform well.

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Brain damage (the part where it processes threats) literally reduces your faith in God.

your attraction to men is based on what you see lacking in yourself. become the man you want to be. think about the noble virtues and try to encompass them. become fit. be the strong man you want to be.

Thanks, I always wanted a translation of your national anthem

I wish Jow Forums would Jamestown to increase the Stats on America's 'smart' board.

She was outstanding and I would still today given the chance.

Would be funnier if you weren't a memeflag desu

Be damned honest. Don't let her try to find out herself; confess it to her and abstain from alcohol. She WILL feel betrayed and will want some time alone, but if she comes back after a while, then you've found yourself a woman. Have faith that she is faithful, and do not let yourself stray again.


I’m a transsexual who’s secretly been on hormones for over a year now, but won’t ever come out or present as female as I’ll probably always look male.

I wish I was more like you, but fucking your cousin doesn't end well.

I fucked my gf's mom many times over a few years.

Only fags purity spiral that bad, ignore their opinions.

As a Floridian, I can relate. I've only ever been with hispanic women

I’ve been posting scat porn on here all night.

Several shrinks I have talked to before on this site have said that borderline personality disorder is a more apt diagnosis for transgenders. Almost all of them fit the label. Go take a self screener for BPD. I don't believe in mental disorders and mental health though. It was created by the usual suspects to replace religion as the guiding moral framework of our society. Stefan Molyneux has some great videos on this subject. Someone who can control their behavior in front of others is not crazy. I have a degree in psychology, it is the most pozzed profession that doesn't end in studies. It's filled with women and communist.

Also you must accept that you will not pass. Ever. You won't look like those women you see. Even with six figures worth of surgery, you won't pass. The shrinks have a multi million dollar industry built around the tranny meme. Those who want to speak out don't because their professional license could be jeopardized.

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You dindu nuffin. Move to ks, safer and whiter here.

Do you have blue or green eyes ? If you don’t your not white kek

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Does hazel count

Sure why the hell not

I've slowly started to develope a diaper fetish and it makes me want to kill myself when I think about it.

Only if you knock her up, you get caught or you think you can be accepted as a couple.
We knew why it had to stop. I still see her from time to time and I know she would again but I think its better to not now.

I avoid my drunk friend on discord after years of his alcoholism turning most play sessions that arn't in the early morning into tests of my own paitience for hanging out with a gud bro. He just gets super fucking ego trippy and lying about things. I love the guy but honestly after so many attempts of trying to help him see a psyche or get help in dealing with his depression it feels extremly tiring intreacting with him at all.

Looks female

Thats a shit deal bro, try some test supplements or try finding a non cucked psychologist or counselor, maybe a church.

I downloaded PUBG hacks and killed Shroud...twice. I feel fucking awful. I was drunk.

I'm not going to put you down if you maybe experimented wrong, but there's no way that would be acceptable in the long run.

I probably jack off too much and I'm currently installing Skyrim bestiality mods, and I browse /trash/

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I wish Kek but no, sadly I’m male and still read as such.