In a 'get it off your chest' thread yesterday, I talked about my not too recent break-up, and I was wondering if anyone has any ideas to get past the problem.
I usually make these little sketches when I'm in a relationship, and I don't want to tear them out of my notebook, basically I have a problem of collecting memories and its just dragging on my sadness.
So, what do
In a 'get it off your chest' thread yesterday, I talked about my not too recent break-up...
Aw kiddo
I don't meant to be dismissive but shit how can I not
Anyways I pitching near 35 these days
It sucks but here I am anyways
You're just a teen and I totally get how shit sucks. I've been there.,
I like your drawing though. The style is derivative, but the execution is functional. You did what you set out to do with that drawing.
Anyways kiddo, I'm drunk as fuck. If you want to talk, I'll talk.
>Anyways kiddo, I'm drunk as fuck.
actually got me to smile there
This drawing was just meant to be like, a cute scenario I guess, nothing too special.
Heart break sucks but there isn't any real "moving past it" except at your own pace. You deal with it every day and then one day it doesn't hurt as much any more and that's how you know you've gotten past it.
PS better to feel the pain and deal with it now than to switch it off because it will come back and bite you in the ass later.
I've noticed that I feel less like shit in the mornings, but it'll slowly set in throughout the day. Hell all of my dreams have been about her, I can't escape it
Exactly, it gets a little better every day, it's just a matter of time. After my first true heart break it still gave me a little pang of pain when I thought about her for nearly 2 years, but the bulk of the pain passed in the first couple of months.
I know you didn't (you) me bud
But I care about this subject
So I'll bother anyways.
What were we talking about?
>I usually make these little sketches
Is that another fucking dude in the drawing ?
Mate it's the year 2022, time to get with the gays-r-good program.
Just shit I guess, and sorry for forgetting the (you) first time around
When she split away she went with 'I love you but I don't love you enough', this was after two weeks of being ghosted and then hardly five days later she's with someone else.
Nah lad, she had short hair for a girl, and I've got long hair for a guy.
I'll post more sketches if I can find em
I do not like women
I like the idea of women.
But I have not yet seen that idea put into practice
What I have seen... Puts us here.
Oh I see, break ups take a long time to heal. Its no like you can make a thread and find a solution to solve the problem. It will take days, you just have to bring your mind off that train. Go outside, spend time with others.
Geez man isnt that the most accurate thing to say. I just feel like my time is wasted.
I would crack a joke about communism but I can't quite put it together.
Does sitting in the middle of the desert count? That's really all I've got for an outdoors
Stop being a cunt, go to a park--somewhere that has many people and you can strike random convos with.
Communism is absolute shit.
Never fall for it. It's like the woman thing. How can you trust everyone not to cheat everyone?
Anyways, for me, that pic is ancient. I got that feel like 10 years ago. There have been women that I have met that defy that.
Don't think that women are all monsters.
Maybe some of them are.
But there are some. There are some that are like us. There are some who feel alone and want just one person not to feel that way. They exist.
It's not guaranteed. I've met 2 or 3 of them. No marriage yet.
But mate there are women out there that aren't monsters
Probably rare. Despite my experience I still do not like women. I suck, I know. But here we are
Anyways, bite your belt. You're here for the long run. In the last 20 years of dating, I've met 3 women I really liked.
No need for insults my guy. And man did you expect me to not be an absolute shut-in? I could use the fresh air though.
I get you, but damn it's definitely hard to find anyone down in my age range that can think reasonably in relationships. Hell even I'm terrible, I'd take her back in a heartbeat and that's a terrible decision.
I've got this friend who is completely afraid of being alone and he'll go against his own morals and politics just to have say, even some ugly morbidly obese girl. He's like a flat 8 or 9/10 and he's just an impatient fuck.
Well lads, you've probably left. Thanks for talking with me. I'm gonna hit the hay.
Codeword is Roomba
>we were best friends
according to YOU not ME