Do Mods exist?

Is that the question?
And if so? If so?! Who answers? Who answers?!

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Other urls found in this thread:

The mods are the ones that spam these disgusting threads. The reason no action has been taken is because they'll all be going to prison when Mueller indicts them

Thanks, eddie.

Straight from tel aviv

this. mods will ban any nyannyancosplay threads on sight, but they let other gay trash up.

Attached: 1520822584388.webm (540x960, 2.77M)

anyways, dedicating this thread to nyannyan

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spread the love

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>pure autismo girl
>dressed modestly
>birthday on new years day
>no one shows up for her birthday
>still happy to spend it with her parents
>celebrates her birthday with a small cake in her kitchen
>instead of half-naked in a club dance floor sucking off 10 guys while everyone watches
Kat is perfection

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> people dont eat with parents and then go out

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MODs exist, and they ban you for free speech, but apparently not for scat porn on Jow Forums. Christ!

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Attached: modsrbiggay.gif (1418x952, 619K)

More often than not it’s simply disgusting to scroll down here

>thread another the British empire gets deleted in less than 30 minutes
>low effort baits, unnatural perverted porn, is s white shit stays for hours



thread about oil based wars and Nazi racial policy?

No fucking way we permit such filth to remain on our board

How many mods must be patrolling this board at the moment vs any other given moment?


you deserve it meme flag

They exist, user. They do a good job of stopping threads of possible consequence and those questioning why Hitler is said to have “started out” as a goberment plant.

They do but they're fucking stupid
I've been banned for two weeks for making 1 or 2 shitposts but they allow:
>spam threads,
>posts unrelated to anything political
>wank threads literally just dedicated to sexualizing a particular race of women

Also change the rule about asking "are certain group X white"?
That's a relevant political question

Inb4 I get banned again

Attached: 974624F6-2DD9-4702-B551-165DF6D8BE50.png (1078x1047, 1.15M)

>inb4 banned for complaints about mod n jannie
>3 days last time
also is wearechange talking to Q right now?
whats the going rate for a shitpost 3 days in the hole still?

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yuck that looks too femenine

10/10 trap.



No they were kidnapped and executed in a ditch. Then replaced by bots.

your post is a dream come true, wish im still alive to see this

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>i bequeath this to thee fren have a wonderful life live long and prosper out of curiosity from where comst thou?

Attached: thewholetruth.jpg (2040x2689, 2.45M)

Not a clue but jannie sure is up

Fucking copy paste that and make a new thread out of it.

Anyone notice how JIDF has suddenly stopped using meme flags and are now showing their geo flags and are trying to "engage" with the board? Israeli flags are up over 500% in the past month, which in turn was up greatly from the previous month.

Also notice the increase in all the "not all jews", "X jews are different from Y jews", "Israel is your friend", "jew women are hot" etc. posts and how they're now trying to "banter" and be accepted?

Jews are 2% of the US population and 0.25% of the world population, yet every thread is littered with Israel flags now... on the least jew-friendly somewhat mainstream board in existence.

What's going on? Why the change in tactics all of a sudden? Are they freaked out about the rise of JQ awareness among normies? Just tired of getting BTFO with their old methods? The Syria withdrawal? Something else?
Anonymous ID:gnTT0G7Y Tue 15 Jan 2019 20:46:22 No.199857201 Report
Jews need all the help they can get at this point.
Iran is coming.
Anonymous ID:5vFk27az Tue 15 Jan 2019 20:52:13 No.199857531 Report
No, you're just a paranoid psycho. Take your meds and never post on this website again

The fruit is missing, where it says HYKSOS

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lol you are an angel, They know their end is coming,

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