How do I get my future daughters from interacting with blacks?
How do I get my future daughters from interacting with blacks?
You don’t. Next thread.
Don't be an overbearing piece of shit who makes her feel guilty about any prevalent sexuality so she goes behind your back to do all the things you hate just to get back at you.
move to all white conservative area. if theres niggers that means you're in a liberal shithole and she will be brainwashed into thinking that black neighborhoods have bulletproof glass on kfc windows because rayciss
Exactly this. My gf's mother was a crazy racist bitch while my gf and her sisters were growing up. One ended up only fucking girls, one married an arab and the other is depressed as shit and only fucks niggers. She hangs around them so often that she speaks like a nigger too.
You're not going to get daughters, you will die a kissless virgin.
I already have a gf and we want kids once our situation stabilizes
You don't have to, it's statistically pretty unlikely she will get involved with niggers (given she's white ofc).
Move to South Africa and put her through an afrikaans school. You'll have the most racist redpilled boer daughter ever, and you'll barely have to do anything.
IF she gets out alive.
>having children
>raising daughters
All children go around your back and do the exact opposite of what you tell them is bad.
Harp on niggers long enough and she'll be mudsharking the second you look away.
Maybe you should discuss it with your gf then and see what she thinks :)
Push Asians and white-hispanics on her.
By the time she's old enough to live on her own and start fucking, white men will be the most hated demographic group in the US. You really can't win unless you move to an all-white area and keep her there, and good luck with that if you don't live in the PNW.
She's going to want to date exotic dick and might marry someone non-white. Your best bet is to give her to an Asian doctor or something. Asian men really do deserve white pussy anyways with the way their women jump on white cock
>By the time she's old enough to live on her own and start fucking, white men will be the most hated demographic group in the US.
What's funny is that Jow Forumstards and sjw tumblrfags alike actually believe this. Go out of your room for God's sake, in real life this is not happening.
US is going to be majority brown in 2050 and standards of beauty are gonna shift accordingly.
This won't change unless whites enact a genocide or something and that won't happen
Move to a place with very little or no black people, such as the upper portion of the US or Slavic places if you're European.
You realize that 2050 is in 30 years? You know how far that is in terms of making predictions?
I mean ok, let's say by some sort of magic, nothing changes at all, nothing happens in 30 years that's relevant to our subject and would affect it. So in 2050 whites would still be the predominant race in the US ("browns" only majoritary if you add up all other races) and more importantly, they'd still be way majoritary in terms of political representation, media, important posts, etc. (if you count jews as whites that is). Basically it wouldn't be much different from today, just that in some areas there will be a almost only hispanics, living poor lifes and keeping to themselves, and same for blacks.
Is there a book about raising daughters?? I have no fucking clue how to raise my daughter. I know how to raise boys but girls.... Nothing.
how sad a crazy bitch can fuck their daughers mind
electra complex or incest pal , thats the answer to your question
Teach her about the heritage of the white race. Teach her about how we way vikangz, teach her about how all blacks are buttblasted about slavery.
She will see blacks as beta slaves and whites as alpha slaveholders.
She'll smell her dad's insecurities and such off Jamal if he does that
Teach her about race and IQ
Don't have daughters.
move to faroe islands
live in a gated neighbourhood