3 times the missing persons cases than America despite being 3 time smaller

>3 times the missing persons cases than America despite being 3 time smaller
>countless people claiming they under report crime despite there being no youth to commit crime
>got reparation gibs for Japanese internment camps in America
>not even an official apology for Japanese POW camps despite 40% of prisoners dying
>ignore all claims by Dutch women that Japanese raped than during WWII
>always play the victim and get free gibs for it
>love rape

Why do people love these lying nip niggers? Because they make cartoon slideshows and aided the Nazis into losing in a bloodier fashion?

Attached: sdut-japanese-man-admits-to-raping-strangling-briton-2011jul03.jpg (512x320, 30K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>Why do people love these lying nip niggers? Because they make cartoon slideshows and aided the Nazis into losing in a bloodier fashion?
Pretty much, yeah.


still not nearly as bad as the Judeo-Christians nations. face it user you will never get a nip qt pie

>t. chang

Shut the fuck weebcuck, you would suicide bomb the west if Japan told you to.


commit die

t. brainwashed hentai addict

Find the bluepilled weaboo cucklet

Japs are your ordinary azn bugman insect people but manage to mask it with their wealth

Attached: Dirty_3d2120_626942.png (565x599, 96K)

>t. changs

they're good at drawing little white girls that I can masturbate to

Attached: loli.jpg (474x679, 39K)

yeah ok chankoro




Attached: e3808ce382b9e3839ee383a9e383b3e4ba8be4bbb6e3808d1.jpg (2592x1944, 2.16M)

>a weaboo faggot


Coz white closet pedos can't keep their dick soft in front of anime.


shows how much you know about japan when you can only associate anime and rape with japan. Japan tried to take out the chinese communist. but the good goys dropped a bomb on them.

>muh Gud guise vs bad guise
>muh chink vs jap paradigma
>not having whiter racial despisal towards azns
Not only a weaboo but stupid as well

Attached: hcrc7h4fkdvy.jpg (503x714, 98K)

japs are the worst east asians, its funny seeing nories rationalize mental illness of japs
>hehe they are weird like that
>haha that tentacle rape is just creativity
>loli rape is just their big non sexual love for children
>they are like moral christians like me

No, they tried to rape and murder everything in their path like raging chimps. Why else would they attack neutral and friendly groups and rape them?

>chinese communist
yeah all those women, children and elderly surely were suicide running at them with shovels n shiet

>builds cheap durable cars
>makes anime
>still no mass immigration despite years of strongly-worded angry-letters from the UN
>almost did the world a favor by attempting to holocaust the chinese insects
>gives my country free diesel trucks every year
>they make stomach-deformation femdom loli hentai
Nippon is based desu *dab*

That term is just as absurd as someone saying Islamic-Buddist or Hindu-Zoroastrian.

ok, pretend that the US wasn't hired as mercenaries backed by jews to destroy europe. but the japs are bad right? 1913, we are living in a judeo-christian nation

that's called collateral damage. US and EU is ok with it.

also dont forget they appointed a Class A war criminal as their PM, imagine germany making Goebbels or Himmler their Chancellor after the war

umm sweety its not about collateral damage, its about morality of a nation, if all your soldiers rape, its not cause of "collateral damage", its cuz you are fucked in the head nation with subhuman culture

Here we see the weebcuck desperately attacking from all opponents and bystanders to protect their Japanese masters.


this is obviously a liberal speaking.

i understand user. its hard to get a jap qt with a low iq and bad hygiene and unhealthy. i suggest thailand. its not the same but their bargirls wont say no when you show that bhat or better yet USD

you are obviously a newcunt, also your previous post "Japan tried to take out the chinese communist", China only became a communist nation in 1949, learn something new on Jow Forums everyday right?

Because China and North Korea are the bad guys now, so the war crimes Japan commited against them 70 years ago can be seen as preemptive.

i'd love to debate you but i literally have to leave the house to punch in to work for my actual japanese masters' company that is literally operating within the united states. im surrounded by japanese qts while you gay fags continue to be gay fags

And the rape of the Dutch or Filipinos?

Schlomo is upset he can't infiltrate Japan's ethnostate?

hello nipnigger immigrant or hentai addict

Hello soulless hand-rubbing grub, how much are you being paid if you don't mind talking money?

I'm not a Jew you delusional dumbass.
How much anime did you consume to become this fucking stupid and pathetic? Defending a bunch of lying pieces of shit.

He’s not a Jew but a butthurt chink for all the rape nips did to his pipl

They are making inroads.