Ameribros,, has your circumcision affected your political view or made you hate the jews?

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I have a partial cut with my frenulum intact and I despise this barbaric ritual. I want this to be banned immediately everywhere

I’m whole and I would be enraged if I was deprived of it.

It is the sole thing thar convinced me jews are worse than niggers.

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Not in the least bit. I don’t care that I’m circumsized.

>have healthy functional body parts cut off of you meaninglessly at birth
>I dont care
Good goyim

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>canadanon chiming in with his worthless opinion

No, but I pretend it does :)
It's a funny self deprecating thing to joke about and you can easily segway a circumcision joke any direction you want. You can say and talk about anything so long as people are laughing.

I really dont find infant genital mutilation very funny. Call me crazy.

>burgerfat cant handle banter

Color me surprised

>lol your genitals are mutilated! HILARIOUS

Wow so funny dude you got me good!

>I asked my mummy, I asks her;
>"Mom, why'd you get me circumcised?"
Anything you say after, guaranteed laughs.


My friend Billy didn't have a circumcision, and his dick tastes WAY better than my friend Tommy's..

Americans quick to dish it out but cant take it. Sad.

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I dont "dish" anything out. You honestly think someone that got mutilated in this backwards country is frequently dissing out criticism to other countries?

Shit happens. They’ll get their fair share soon enough

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I fucking hope so

And we need our "share" back

It does not fucking help one bit.

>You honestly think someone that got mutilated in this backwards country is frequently dissing out criticism to other countries?
It's like our unofficial national pastime, bro.

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I've never really had that much of a problem really. I've always look at it as "can't miss what youve never had" and while I know I had one, I have no memory of what it was like to have one. However after years of jerkin it (which I'm trying to amend) I've stretched the skin enough so that my gland is mostly covered. So I guess it's not that bad for me? I have no idea. But onto the second part, no, me being circumcised hasn't made me hate the jews more, although the practice itself is disgusting. When I have children, if I have a boy he will not be circumcised.

I dont make fun of other countries since I would have preferred to be born in many different ones so I wouldnt have to be a mutilated jew slave

Us remorseful cutfags are growing, but we're still the vast majority of cutfags here. I've never had to argue against circumcision more with anyone like I do with, nor have gotten the kind of vehement ad hom responses from anyone else than I get with fellow male american cutfags.
It's like an autoimmune response to having to admit even to oneself that their dick's been fucked up.

Ive seen it from women too. Especially if they have cut kids.

Even younger ones though, like a friends fiance who thought it weird I even cared about it.

You know these hypocrite whores would sing a different tune if their clits were being cut. Fucking makes me sick


It was just another thing to add to a long list. It was added in the middle, but goes high up there in reasons to hate.

I have a bump on my dick from a botched circumcision
It doesn't affect sex but it's probably why I was Hitler fan since I was 13

They're going to regret planting jew hate in us so deeply in Minecraft

Our generation has to end this

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>but we're still the vast majority of cutfags here
God fucking damnit I meant minority. Probably sleepy time.
>like a friends fiance who thought it weird I even cared about it
I've gotten that bullshit so fucking much, from guys too, typically when they're in a corner they can't argue out of with it. Every now & then they'll attach some shit like "why do you care about THEIR dick so much" with that nice little tint of pedophilic implication if it's a male relative or a friend's son I'm trying to spare from having it done to.

No. I don't let my dick do my thinking for me. I would hate the heeb fucks with or without a cut cock.

Its such obvious cope. Its fucking pathetic. People need to wake the fuck up.

I'm empathetic at anyone who had it done, but if I can stand up and realize its wrong then they should be able to as well.

Women have no excuse. Theyre just stupid, evil, bandwagoning creatures.

I "get" the male pride thing that makes them want to defend the state of their own dicks, thus requiring defense of the practice itself & then eventually falling back on the whole "well I wouldn't know the difference anyway so the whole thing doesn't matter"; but it's predictable & exhausting in itself without the level of aggression & clear desperation many have.

Maybe the best course is to bring up solutions like foregen in argumentation?

If its something that they see as fixable they're more likely to accept it.

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I have a stupid thing about not intentionally misleading people in the name of positivity or positive reception; and that's not a viable option & might never be.
I just straight refuse to discuss it with anyone I really give a shit about anymore, as it's something which completely taints my view of that particular person, and two I've been foolish enough to go into my own difficulties & experiences with it have had pretty fucked up reactions I'm in no hurry to re-live with others.

I can't live in ignorance about peoples responses to it. It has soured the relationships I have with people already but I just can't pretend that its something I can accept or that its a valid opinion to have.

Foregen is seemingly very promising. Even if not them someone else will hopefully take up the mantle. The tech is there, or will be soon, it just needs to be applied.

Nah, you cutfags are fucking delusional. No one likes your anteater dick. Plus I get that yuros are poor as fuck, but there are better alternatives to eating your dick cheese

All I want is to get revenge for all those who were mutilated against their will and not jews or muzzies.
How will that revenge look like? Hundreds of millions of gun toting, pissed off men that lack any empathy threatening the whole medical industry that if they don't fix what they broke none of them will wake up ever again

>dick cheese

Literally on queue the NPC lines

I think they should at least be forced to pay for reparations and research into stem cell regeneration. This is far worse than the japs being in concentration camps temporarily and they got reparations.

>I think they should at least be forced to pay for reparations and research into stem cell regeneration.
exactly, so with their lives on the line they'll expedite the research, produce a solution immediately and being the restoration at once.
You deserve to have what was stolen from you and I'll fight for that to happen

Thank you friend I hope we can amass enough men to force change soon.

It's all just rationalization. Everyone's an NPC when it comes to circumcision, and when they actually think about it they realize that it's fucked up. But nobody wants to think their dick is fucked up, or that they hurt their kids, so they rationalize it as not a big deal.

That would have the opposite effect. If it's reversible, why should we care?

Here's how it's going to start; in February the Danish government is going to vote to change their civil law in order to protect their newborns from this barbaric, brain damaging procedure because their scientists have also made the link between autism and circumcision. When that vote passes the rabbis and ADL will go into full swing against the Danish people and government like they threatened Iceland for attempting to do the same. This is where we come into play and start disseminating all info on how damaging this crap is on all social media, a blitz if you will, so that everyone simultaneously understands the damage it causes and vilifies the ADL and rabbi's. Next will be to pressure Trump directly on twatter to ban infant genital mutilation for the same reason and be unrelenting about it. The most important part is solidarity and continuing the fight without giving up, this is what they call "toxic masculinity" but in reality it's as natural as a foreskin

Because youre mutilating for no reason, causing mental harm etc.

I dont think it will have the opposite effect especially not if people can restore and see what theyre missing

I agree, just one nation setting things into motion can be big for igniting conversation. Hopefully it doesnt go the way of Iceland or Germany and others follow.

I dont know about trump though. Hopefully it won't be his choice.

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if he isn't made aware of it then to him it mean everyone accepts it as the norm, that has to change with a coordinated twatter storm at him. He might not react the way I hope but he fallout will expose the issue to more people than this site ever could

he fallout = the fallout*

I already disliked Jewish supremacists, but circumcision in this country was originated from radical Christians. I hate them just as much as kikes. I also hate how the rightist cuckholds support these "Christians". nu/pol/ is a festering sore of retarded boomer schizophrenia.

the bitter irony is that the bible that the evangelicals profess to live by tells them not to perform this barbaric act upon their baby boys, yet the pastors openly push for it and the followers listen

I dislike christians also. There are so many more here after the election.

Him having circumcised grandchildren and likely children will be a hard thing to overcome. Either way the info needs to get out there.

I think the lefty types , especially less mainstream left candidates, could be pushed easily into promoting intactivism.

I am 41 and was ignorant of what was done to me until i was in my twenties.

it underlined all my problems as a kid and i had no clue. dick pain, not able to get erections as an adolescent and the depression and negativity it brought to my life.

also from early age would get random cold sores . i never had any sexual contact with anyone in the 4th grade.

i think i got some shit from dirty scalpels or that board they strap babies to.

it has fucked me up royally

Sorry friend. Did you stretch ?

you're very much right, that's why I have my doubts but so does everyone who was mutilated and are still being told that it's an OK thing to do to babies. Eyes and minds need to be forced open and this is a topic that can do just that when delivered with the right information

this will stop, and the restoration will begin, all that's needed are all sides to come together to work toward that common goal. Maybe I'm too optimistic but it's better than accepting what they've done to you and are doing to millions of others as we speak

>>burgerfat cant handle banter
>Color me surprised
you are not funny just gay.

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Don't foreskins go for a good chunk of change too? Money that neither you or your parents see a cent of? Jews really are unbelievable.

that's right, $450 for a small cell culture which was harvested form 1% of the foreskin and the parents don't even see a penny of it, sometimes they have to pay for the procedure too so the hospital earns both ways

>That would have the opposite effect. If it's reversible, why should we care
Its not completely reversible it just makes it a little better.

Well foregens method is planned to be entirely reversible. Not just a little better.

Its all I hope for, if theres no hope of restoring theres no point.

i'm not quite sure what you mean. I have what everyone thinks is a normal looking penis. except the underside head is heavily scarred

Stretch the skin to form a "new" foreskin over your glands. Its pretty popular thing to do, I hear it is a pretty big improvement.

I don't know how good the recovery of the lost nerve endings works but the trauma inflicted upon you in your infancy won't get magically away

No, I will have to live with the mental trauma, I can handle that if I can become physically whole.

Iceland was going to be the first country to ban circumcision and it had huge support from medical professionals and the public here, but foreign religious lobbying prevented it from happening. It's horrifying to see how we bow to religionists over protection of children's rights.

good luck on your quest of restoring your cock
may kek be with you

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>It's horrifying to see how we bow to religionists over protection of children's rights.
the kvetchening was funny to watch.

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>foreign religious lobbying prevented it from happening.
Jews. It was Jews. Just say Jews.

Don't forget a bipartisan effort from the US Congress. They were going to take actual political action against us.

I'm fucking sick of abrahamic filth, sick to fucking death of it. At least you all tried, should've just said fuck off to the religious cunts, but I know adl was pushing as well.

Thank you

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They're compromised. You can't hate them more than we do. I shouldn't say here what I want to happen to them.

That pic doesn't tell the half of it. Even before they had a rabbi, Jews actually tried to get the state broadcaster to stop airing Psalm passages on Christmas because it made one mention of Jews crucifying Jesus. It was laughed off, naturally, but the sheer audacity of this community of 50 is incredible.

I really don't mind that I was circumcised although however my gf had thought uncircumcised dicks were completely disgusting and no man should be uncut and it was only after I told her how retarded such anti-uncut opinions are that she reigned them in

it's just like holy fuck no, you don't chop up infantile penises, that they look weird to you is what every fucking girl will say about every fucking dick whether cut or uncut, ergo not an argument, besides thankfully you don't have to worry about me being uncut, so just stop fucking thinking babies need this cruel treatment because they just fucking don't

it's just wrong

Look how few you have, now imagine what we have to put up with. Most of our people are so fucking brainwashed already its insane.

I cannot believe this sick shit isnt banned in more places.

Women need to look at their disgusting gaping predator mouths in the fucking mirror before saying dumb shit like that. The vagina is FAR more disgusting and gross than a penis objectively speaking. Its literally a dirty wet hole.

Nothing will make you more aware of the shallow nature of women than how cavalierly they dismiss male genital mutilation.

Its honestly made me hate women. Men all over rabidly defend girls basics rights but then there is barely a peep from women on this. Makes me fucking sick, then they have the nerve to talk about toxic masculinity, privilege , feminism, FUCK OFF .

GOD I FUCKING hate them

ADL and AIPAC were pulling the strings

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Should also note that the person who organized the conference on the IGM ban is a tranny that invited more pro-genital mutilators than ones who could speak against it, and the one who was in opposition couldn't even handle being in front of a crowd. A rando from the crowd who happened to be jewish asked the question why couldn't he decide whether or not to be mutilated but the rabbi's gave the same bullshit response of "it's a covenant"

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Yeah same, but I think also men allowing their daughters to just do whatever is also at fault. If they were raised traditionally it would be different. Unfortunately that's so hard in the modern world. I think the Amish will inherit the US eventually.

Its a dangerous game were playing trying to throw out the entire history of the way genders have always been and roles and natural order in favor of a hundred years of womyn empowerment.

Its happened the world over.

There's potentially a chance for it to be reversed, women might realize they're fucking themselves over just as much as men. It might take a while yet since they are effectively retarded. I've known some traditional women before though, and they can be very decent people.

I hope someday I find one. This sick act has just tainted my view on everything though. I'm not the same person I once was, nor is that person the person I'd be if it never happened.