Please help me

I'm 32 and I haven't had sex in 12 years.
I live with my parents and I'm miserable day in and day out. I've been told by my friends and some girls that I'm a 4-5/10 and I agree pretty much with that besides my weight.

Pic related: Me 2 months ago. I look pretty much the same now. What should I do to improve my looks/life? All advice is greatly appreciated

Attached: iYqOBZc.png (660x654, 189K)

google pentobarbital

you can easily get in shape in 1-2 years
it will instill good habits for the rest of your life
there is no quick way to fix this

> (OP)
>google pentobarbital

Fuck off. Why do you act like a son of a bitch when I honestly ask for help? I won't kill myself, ever. I will never give up.

Don't roll the dice if you can't pay the price.

Pic: me with beard

Attached: 2ogeaq5.png (658x642, 274K)

Is that a real pic

Yes, it was me 1-2 years ago when I grew a beard. I think it looked great because it covers my lack of chin/cheekbones.

Attached: 983693_690335574353770_527122511193283504_n.jpg (960x960, 56K)

Keep the beard.
You look like an 80s lesbian comedian without it.

Read. Trust me everyone wants to have sex with me once I start talking about all the shit I've read.

That sounds awesome. What do you recomend that I read?

Well I would recommend stuff that interests you but that might not always work. Go to /lit/ they have a top 100 read stuff from there that interests you some of the shit on there is ass but a lot of it will get you in

Honestly most of the time just start talking about crazy books you've read they won't know what talking about and just think you got your shit together or they will know what you're talking about and bond so win win

Lose weight. Shave the beard. Drink more water and sleep more to fix those dark circles under your eyes. Do those things and you'll be balls deep in pussy in no time.

Dude you look really fucking bizarre
Your eyes give me the impression of a holocaust survivor and your chin gives me the impression of a tub of lard whereas your face is just that of a dyke

hang out with ur bros again m8

Attached: Anything4views_chad_maxmoefoe_idubbbz_filthy_frank.png (571x600, 571K)

serious user no larp
I was you three years ago 5/10. shit I was doing wasn't working. got Jow Forums saved money and started eating right. Now 7-8/10.
user said read. Yep the sloots I'm interested have to be smart and have a decent job. Read the classics.
Stop drinking/drugs. Drink water 1 gallon or more a day. Do all of this for a will continue to do it after. Women will come but you have to invest your time. complaining doesn't work i tried for years.

>Please help me

Here's what worked for me (though full disclosure I'm 6/10 and highly emotionally intelligent. Buut on the other hand, I'm also a 5'7 Pajeet. So take that ss you will):

Mark Manson - Models (book) (cheap)
RSDMax - The Natural (video series) (expensive)

Clint Cornelius - Brain Over Brawn (book) (free)
Stronglifts 5x5 (website) (free)

I really really recommend Models. I wish Jow Forums had a sticky, and this was on it. This book directly deals with 90% of dudes' questions on Jow Forums ('how to gf').

Good luck mate. These are some extremely good resources - I honestly think if you apply them you can turn your life around.

It looks like you have a severe case of periorbital dark circles, why is that? Lack of sleep? medications?

Why are your eyes so dark

You need a better haircut my dude. Do you cut your own hair? And unironically consider a beard.

Any particular reason you’re in a shirt and tie? I hope to Christ this isn’t a dating profile pic. The filter and contrast you’re using makes you look a hundred times more pasty and horrible than you really are.

That facial expression makes you look fatter. It accentuates your jowls.

L I F T. Get a tan. Ask /fa/ for advice. Get money. Get manly hobbies. Act like you don't give a fuck.
You are welcome.

You need to lose a lot of fat. Try fasting and then picking up a meat only diet afterwards. I'm not even kidding.

You'd be in normie range attractiveness (read: good enough for an average gf) if you weren't so fat. Lose it.

Lose a bit off the jowls and sleep more than five hours in a night. Eat better, do more in a day, minimize timesinks like Jow Forums.

Half your problem is you're resigned to your lot as a 4/10 and that's fucking quitter talk for someone who says don't roll the dice if you can't pay the price.

Today's 4 just means you have 6 number grades you can ascend. Sounds like a lot of untapped potential lying in wait, mon ami.

Lose weight, go to the gym and lift weights, wear fitting clothing, devout yourself to a passion or hobby or whatever that gives you a sense of accomplishment

Honestly OP, stop wearing suits, hats and ties. Get a new casual wardrobe, it'll help your confidence - and confidence is 70% of getting laid.

I'm a straight male, and objectively I think you're more like a 6-7/10 and if you just had more self esteem you could get laid. Now, you're not gonna be banging supermodels, but I'll leave you with this piece of advice..

If you keep doing what you've always done, you'll keep getting what you've always got. So change something.

>32 years old
>lives with parents

There's your problem user

This. Losing weight is a good motivator and helps increase self esteem. You'll feel good about yourself when people start asking "have you lost weight?" Find hobbies. Books, tv shows, music, shit women like. You're your only obstacle

How tall are you? this is important

Is your name Mark and do you work as a Chevy Advisor at a dealer?

its your eyebrows. you look fine besides that. obviously you need to get out of your parents house. it is unreasonable to live at home at your age unless you are still in school.