Climate change strikes again, parts of Austria experience historic snow heights

7 meter of snow in 7 days. This is 22 feet of sniw in 7 days.

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>truck says nigger on it

In my village, relatives that live there spoke of 1.5-2 meter snow over the last weeks. It's a village in the mountainous area of Central Greece. Not that snow is uncommon but usually it's like 0.5-1 meter during January.

(((global warming)))

>central europe gets multiple meters of snow
>we get at best 15cm

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Always remember the 7gorllion jews who died inthe snowstorm too.

This post is in honor of Austrians who got all the snow that I didn't have to shovel off my driveway


False, it's summer in Australia right now.

where my niggers at

Yes massa?

Killing sisters in Vienna

Fake news. It's 8C right now in the middle of Jan.
In the past we used to have frozen canals. Now we don't even come close to freezing temps.

Meanwhile in Australia:

Toothpasteland has an oceanic climate, cuck. You don't get frozen canals.

We get snow here once every 5 to 7 years. Rubbish.

>be Estonia
>complain bc only 15cm snow
>be hungarian
>no snow since 2001

It has to get colder before it gets hotter.
Just like "We have to pass it to find out what's in it"

That's what the get for 49

>global warming
>more snow

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Not anymore, but we used to.
50 years ago kids would go ice skating in winter. Now they go swimming.

I just want snow bros, it’s not fair

Fuck snow and fuck cold weather.

Meanwhile in carinthia. No snow at all.

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Big deal.
utica new york 1966. only took 5 days to get this high.
and we didnt feel to the need to make a fucking cause of it.

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heard of the "Elfstedentocht" dipshit? Literal yearly ice skating event, Used to participate but it hasnt happened in 8 years. Our ice skaters are some of the best in the world, Win gold medals at the olympics every time.

Silly boy it's the summer in Australia.

shut the fuck up boomer

im not a boomer you dumb fucking leaf.
we have snowfalls in america but we dont start threads implying its our fault on pol.

>In my village

>I was alive in 1966
>I was not a boomer
what are you then like 75?

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Back in my day I walked to school uphill backwards in 6 nigger-lengths of snow with no boots, and my pappy beat me with a tree branch the whole way there.

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I used to be a skeptic but I'm convinced Climate Change is real. I swear the weather now seems to change every season.

Heard of oceanic currents and westerlies, Ahmed?

>it snows in the mountains
news at 11...

Central West Alberta here, we're lacking too. I still see grain/canola stems poking out from the snow, they should be buried multiple times over.

We had tougher winters before your country even existed.

Imagine living in a multicultural and racial melting pot shit hole and laughing at a homogeneous ethnostate village with no modern degeneracy. this is the modern American.

my mother became really wet between her legs when my biological father removed kebabsnow like pic in op related :)
that was somewhat 30 years ago......

>parts of Austria experience historic snow heights

Please don’t believe the media, Hans. The alpine regions around Kärnten have this much snow every year, only this time it came all at once. It used to be even more back in 2005 but then came the heatwaves from 2011-2017 and now that there’s been actually normal amounts of snow again people act like it’s the end of the world.

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Muh Greatest Generation

On the porch, shooting birds with snowballs

Forecast says it should snow here tomorrow.
Pic related is 2013

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are they ok?!

I'll honestly be glad if there's no snow this winter.
I used to love it back in my snowboarding days but these days it's just a massive fucking cold ballache.

This is proof that golbal warming is real

no shit hans. that's not whats being debated here.

140 million people's global warming lives are threatened by this - oil fracking and the Koch brothers don't give a damn, emerrgency services are bursting, will they pay more taxes or destroy the world ?!?!!

You've never studied the global warming minimum.

Meanwhile we hadn't had snow in years at 30 meters above sea level, up in the mid-north-west

In Germany of course

oh the faggot leaf can't admit global warming existed before he became a fag ...


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Guess you'll be needing US congress to give you larpers snow plows with bazookas on them

looks comfy senpai

like anyone really believes the siberian ice sheet was that tiny - another revisionist

I've lived in Florida my whole life and never seen snow. People usually judge me when I say this. Am I really missing out? I don't like the cold

based my dude

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>But dude lmao it liked snowed in winter how is climate change even real XD

>Be in southernburgerland
>Haven't seen ice all year
>Haven't seen ice in the past 3 years
>Saw snow once in 2012

man up, pussies.
Not doubting climate change but these stories as "evidence" don't impress me, here's why:
I'm old af, and I have a LOT of memories of not being able to get out the front door because of the snow.
We'd have to go into the garage then slowly try to open the garage door, shoulder checking it hard (like in hockey) every couple of inches to knock the snow forward enough to get it raised another inch, rinse, repeat, until the garage door was open.
Then run off to school because we were probably late after spending 15 minutes just getting out of the house.
After school, first thing we had to do was get the shovels out of the garage and make a path to the front door so we could get out the next morning - if it didn't snow overnight.

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Only in the mountains. Here in Linz is nothing but rain and wind and like a few days with minimal snow. Guess we just can't have a real winter anymore.

Shiet, nigga

oh my god boomer stories, your tale of shoveling snow has just ended the climate change debate once and for all thank you

this just happened as soon the pole shift started

trump is the last presidant

there is more snow coming

eu is becoming the new antarctis

connect the dots, it is happening for real this time


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Kys faggot.

snow? what's that?

Who would have thought it would snow in winter. Imagine my shock.

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lol, fake news, we dont even have 10 cm of snow here in braunau

climate warming is fake
it's fucking minus 10 outside

Lol,you serious,heard from some Bulgarian annon no snow in Bulgaria either, meanwhile here the smallest snow layer it's 10cm in the hottest regions. This year I think it was a record,snow got 1m where i live

And I don't want to live somewhere where it's routinely over 85 F. It's all good user, tell them to go eat some yellow snow.

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Sure, Adolf

Why did kill it? Why cutie girl policewoman not like shootin in picture?

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you just have to put lots of clothes on.
i wouldnt want to live anywhere i needed AC to breath

There’s a lot of snow in Australia, and there’s like no snow here in Wisconsin.
It can’t be global warming and global cooling at the same time you asshole


>global WARMING causes fucking snow

Climatards really are like a fucking cult holy shit

Didn't your fucking grandparents use to talk about this happening? I know my parents did.

What happened to global warming?

yes it can that's what happens when the sun begins to turn off nigger lover.

Isn’t braunau where Hitler was born?

Everyone seems to forget, North America climate has changed since we were kids (assume you're mid 20's 30's like me). Winter isn't November-February anymore. Winter doesn't happen anymore until mid January for most of the North East. December is now considered late fall up here.

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>I'm convinced Climate Change is real
no one doubts change. that's like saying no one can read a thermometer anymore. People argue over the cause.

It's ok, we can sell you some salt if we don't leave.
Or we do.
Either way.

now that is some damn fine train porn. can a brother get a sauce?

Public education in full glory

Got her sleeves rolled up...


Probably a mercy kill.

looks comfy

Nonwhites wouldn't understand.

You're making us look bad. They are right in the middle of upsidedown winter. Also their snow falls counter clockwise.

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Was going to reply to this thread showing global data, not just regional to show that November and December both have had above average arctic temperatures, as well as most regions of the world being above average outside of some parts of continental Europe and the US. At the same time the Southern hemisphere is breaking summer temperature records, especially in countries such as Australia where they have had record heat waves all over the country the past 2 months.

But because of the shutdown I can't access the data. Thanks Trump.

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