We need to brainstorm ways to reverse aging
We need to brainstorm ways to reverse aging
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Is that Hideo Kojima?
Just dont die nigga
Tell me when will you be mine?
Tell me Chuando Chuando Chuandooo
Kept you waiting, huh?
Nip idk why you are shilling threads so hard but go ask the jews how to tranfuse the blood of your youth
What the fuck is his secret?
Keanu's 54
Baste and leafpilled
i read s'porean as s'porn and i wondered what the hell is that
being Asian
reverse osmosis chemicals from your cells
Believing he is 52 without question.
What's his secret?
This only shows how bad chinese actors are so they can get anyone there
He looks better than me and is more than double my age. Confirmed not fake news.
We know of a way, it's just extremely amoral. And it only slows down aging somewhat.
men age well, news at 11
plastic surgery and being rich
thats it
This. Dying is cringe and blue pilled.
Lol! Take my upboat, good sir!
I read it as s'porean and still didn't know what it meant
Money, Time, and a healthy lifestyle.
he might look young on the outside, but his organs, liver, kidneys and heart are all in their 50's.
In the next 10 years he will feel IT.
>moves to china to go into acting.
>Drink water, lots of it
>Have a smaller feeding window than your fasting window (don't do the three meals and snacks, just eat once or twice a day withing a tight as possible window)
>Don`t eat processed foods
>Don't smoke
>Don't go sunbathing
>Have good genetics
>Eat plenty of veggies
>Don't use creams/soap or anything else than water on your face
>Lift weights
>Don`t do long cardio sessions
>Keep your facial muscles strong
I`m nearly 40 and look 25,
He uses steroids, but you got to give him credit for his good genetics.
>Eat plenty of veggies
not really
Not too badly filtered images, but it looks like he had a nose job. Any other way good for him for staying in shape and all. But why is this thread in politics? >>/b/
Steroids and hair dye
>it's another retards think this is natty episode
Steroids can actually make your skin looks far better if done right.
never getting dehydrated, sleeping enough and probably a lot of skin care.
He's 70.
>>Don't use creams/soap or anything else than water on your face
Without soap no cream could work, but if you dont' want to be dirty animal, you need something to moisturize
Agreed. The delts never lie when it comes to steroids.
Some People are blessed
Elizabeth Hurley is 52
>The power of SARMs
why haven't you bought your kit today goy
You dont want to die?
likely no smoking either and very limited drinking
no, we should start talking about why an apex predator: a human being, is 'programmed' genetically to die with the 'hayflick-limit', while the meaning of life, & the cells within this being is to live; when death is the most the tragic experience imaginable to this entity, but dies anyway beyond It's will, this is /x/ tier tho
This is the cure you incel faggots: A) Use Minoxidil daily once you hit 20 years old. B) Do IMF every morning and eat almost exclusively low fat meats and vegetables C) Go to the gym 2x per week for total body workout D) Do Thai boxing or boxing 2x per week for added cardio and self defense. E) Have a small wardrobe of very nice/expensive clothing not a large one with cheap shitty clothes. F) Keep good hygiene.
>Japs all look the same
They all are
and not getting ready for a movie role
That nigga is 33
I think that photo was from before he did Terminator 3. He did that frequently. Fell off the wagon and then went crazy to get back in shape for a new movie.
Foreskin cream
oldcucks btfo
Steroids, administered by as doctor for the purpose of extending the males vital years. It doesn't reverse age, and doesnt exactally stop it, but it's close. A man can take his condition in his 40s and extend that to almost 70 with diet and steroids. Maybe later.
Look at every " leading man" in Hollywood. The look at how fucking old they are. Compare them to the real world. They are all going to "anti aging" clinics that dress up in essential oils and seaweed but ate ultimately steroid clinics.
Unfortunately this doesnt work on women
But how do you shave if you refuse to use any skin care products, soap included?
She could use my forskin cream whenever she wanted
>very limited drinking
These are Asians you're talking about m8
>>Have good genetics
>all that shit list
It's completely genetic.
The eyes reveal his age.
Olive oil
Are you asian?
I can't personally differentiate between soul-less old and soul-less young.
>We need to brainstorm ways to reverse aging
Science will reverse aging in the next 10-15 years.
Why delts? Are they hard to get huge?
He has old man eyes. They look as off as putting human eyes on a dog.
Bumping. Age reversal is an unstoppable tech. Get used to lots of really really old boomers.
inb4 some rich chink's head will be installed on his shoulders
>Have good genetics
This should be step 1 because none of the other shit matters if you don't do this
>I`m nearly 40 and look 25,
Fucking prove it
photographer can afford Hollywood steroids treatment ?
They grow differently if you nat or drug.
Bumping. Age reversal is an unstoppable tech. Get used to lots of really really old JEWISH boomers.
Please god no.
Some people are blessed with great genes.
Anything else is simply coping strategies and tactics.
Some people don't care about their skin and teeth, yet don't have any problems and look all great.
Meanwhile some people need hundreds of creams just to get by.
Life has never been fair.
The concept of fairness is an exclusively social construct.
You are correct. It is purely genetic.
Lifestyle changes probably only account for less than 10% of it.
The only other thing that can help you look good that long is money. To afford to not stress