Be woman in the military

>be woman in the military
>told to do normal things
>start crying

They tried to have the drill instructor discharged for harassment..

How fucked is the west?

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Other urls found in this thread:

I see no proof that he was discharged. Quit making shit up, user

very fucked
females will never be warriors no matter how hard video game publishing jews or media jews want to prove otherwise

>Be Swedish lieutenant
>Come in to your trainee's barracks
>The place is a complete mess
>Yell at them to clean up, this is no pig house
>Loose one month payment

Who fucking cares really, our troops is for walking and taking part of some filthy pride-festival anyway. Feel sorry for the guy though, hope he told them to fuck off and went home, never to return.

American reading comprehension

says you goober

Imagine being Mexican


this is what happens when you let women make decisions, they're fucking idiots in general

>having a breakdown in the army
>not at least the marines
women everyone...

Is it that only western woman that are weak bitches?
I saw a lot of tough kurdish bitches

>tongue pierced
>in the army
uncle sam does NOT want you in the army

Maybe not, but uncle Shlomo on the hand

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Mind if we annex you?

Watching this made me want to get that bitch sent off to war so she could die knowing that what the Drill Instructor did was try to save her life.

Amazing how shes actually fighting for you losers while you sit on your fat asses talking shit. Grow up

>Dying for Israel in 2019

>ritual personality breakdown fails to work
>why u got hole in tounge?
stab, stab, stab, stab...shut, the, fuck, up, loud, cunt, no, brains.

Army fag here. We're literally fukd. military service here welfare+boyscouts but gayer. In before "how do you like dying for Israel".

don't ask

Yeah, it's not annexation if you have the permission. It's liberation.

We're pretty fucking fucked

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Whole thing is a result of beta cucks thinking they don’t have to fight and defend their home/family alone or with other men.

Yes thank you for destroying the middle east so that they flood European countries and destroy those places too
Thank you for being Jewish and destroying europa.

The officer should throw her down and impregnate her on the spot

This there is no fighting its boyscouts and vacuuming snow.

Fake news. The drill instructor released the video of her crying with her full name so people could harass her

>Boy Scouts.
I know their leadership sold them out and got pozzed, but before that Scouts was a legitimate way for boys to learn to survive in the woods, shoot guns and learn to function as a unit and learn leadership skills. The Nazis and the Soviets both thought of them as a paramilitary reserve unit in waiting when they appraised the US and UK.

Yeah thanks for destroying the middle east and sending the Muslim horde to Europe to rape and murder as they please.
I doubt you even shot a man.

how do you like dying for Israel

Reported for spamming.

Imagine being worse at reading English than a Mexican

>war on wamen so let's send wamen to actual warzones

Attached: Spider1.png (561x198, 68K)

>shes actually fighting for you

What the fuck is this shit, he isn't even screaming.

Mad lad quoting full metal jacket

Attached: women_in_the_military.webm (480x360, 783K)

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Please dont tell me this is real

>They tried
>They did
These are 2 different things.

old shit regurgitated

It was worth him saying it twice. Unfortunately, you are too stupid to absorb it after 2000 times.
Reported you for being an anti-liberty traitor.

Its real mate.

Based Captain Price

thought that was cringe as fuck

Reminder that the corporal was cleared and ended up being awarded an MBE.