>How will libertarians ever recover ?

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Other urls found in this thread:

qch.on.ca/uploads/Finance/Fees for Cdns without insurance.pdf


kill yourself shill rat

It is over.

Burgers are okay with shitposting about food prices in canada, but get triggered at this. How does it feel faggots?

>Politician in favor of for profit hospitals gets treated at for profit hospital

He is traveling to a private care clinic though.
Libertarians are retarded, but he isn't going there for the canadian healthcare system, he is just seeing a single specialist who happens to live in Canada.

Attached: libertarianism.png (1050x1038, 700K)

We don’t have socialized medicine.

Eample #4641113757 why the leftist media is completely fake

Another example of click bait media lies

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Are you retarded? traveling to get treatment from prefered doctor isn't libertarian?

Literal fake news. like half of our surgeries are done by the US, and our gubmint just pays them instead... If he is coming up here then it is being done by a private hospital (yes, we have those as well).

isnt he going to a private clinic in canadia?

Man criticizes book industry but still reads! Talk about hypocrisy! *morning zoo radio sound effects play*

Pretty sure his insurance still pays and not Canadian tax payers so

Literally this.

Also, almost EVERY SINGLE AMERICAN HOSPITAL also accepts state-mandated healthcare. Since that's what most people use, it's probably the largest source of income from them. This is a result of government fiat, not any measure of efficiency of care or anything else.

Other countries get to cheaply enjoy the medical progress forged in America, that is priced mostly onto American consumers. This is partly, but not entirely, why our prices are so high.

Is this a new meme or are you a bot?
no one pointing out hes using a private clinic

This is a clickbait article, pushed by leftpol, on this board with seething smugness. Too bad they can't read. The clinc he's going to is Shouldice, which is apparently the top private hospital in the world for hernia surgeries. Apparently, they don't offer surgeries covered by your country's free healthcare. On top of that, he's getting an all expense paid trip over there, and the surgery paid for, by the guy who attacked him, thanks to the lawsuit.

Yeah except for the Canadians who come to chapel hill for medical treatment.

These people can't be this dumb. He's not using their socialized system. He's using a private doctor in Canada operating outside of their health system.

Big Insurance eternally BTFO’D

Geez you guys are absolute fucking morons. Every clinic in Canada and most hospital are private, i.e. privately managed. They are still publicly funded, and the hospital he's getting his treatment is no different. Keep grasping at straws faggots. pic related. Sit down niggers.

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Sorry forgot to include all of you fags, didn't realize there were so many morons here.

see and shut the fuck up niggers

DAmn that place must be shitting themselves, will they even know what to do with someone who can pay?

But it's still publicly funded...

It's like that in most places actually with universal healthcare.

So Canadians will pay for that guy's surgery? He's taking a risk of becoming the next victim of some random poodoc to save some money.

I guess the morons at that news outlet don’t realize Canada also has a private sector for those who don’t want to wait for regular healthcare and have the cash to pay.

Seems like they know how to do something that your great healthcare system can't.

I don't think you know what "libertarians" means. This is a liberal false equivalency. Liberals do not equal libertarians you stupid fucking mutt.

He's paying for it and suing his neighbor for the cost.

What you just posted means he's doing it privately. Having shit healthcare doesn't mean every doctor is shit. Just most.

>muh private clinic
ironically it still benefits from socialized healthcare, since it gets the same pricing that public hospitals pay.

if anything it's an even bigger argument for universal health care, you can still have private facilities with no waiting and they'll also be cheaper.

My favourite part about all this is how mutts think it changes things that it was a private hospital. Nigga we got both options and were comfy as fuck. Meanwhile all you have is shitty shitty private sector that tries to milk you for money and pull your leg at every step.

Lmao do you even know what the fuck you're talking about? The only fucking difference between the canadian healthcare system and the US system is that over here, the government pays for the medical bill instead of a third party kike insurer. If that somehow makes the system shitty, it sure as hell ain't the government's fault but the private healthcare providers who can't do their jobs properly. Every time you criticize the canadian government, you're looking right in the mirror. The government is not responsible for the care provided, the kikes running the hospitals and the doctors who own their own clinics are, same as the US. The only difference is that people can afford it.

meant criticize the canadian healthcare not canadian government. eitherway, you're a faggot.

This is proof Canadian hospital care is better. SAD!

Ain't proof of the healthcare system being better even though in reality it is slightly better than the us system, but it's definitely proof that the politicians are hypocrites.

why though?

Because its a world renowned hospital, and significantly cheaper than anything you'd find in the US

he's going to a private hospital and paying for it

Stfu. The hospital is not private in the way you think.

texas is slacking off?

Don’t bother. My country is full of morons who are brainwashed to think any social benefit or worker’s rights are “communist.”

>Don’t bother
I'll always bother, because even one mind changed is a win in my book.

Name some of those social benefits, commie.

Five weeks minimum vacation, universal healthcare, strong unions, etc.

>People call my ideas communist!
>Two of his talking points are parroted by actual communists
Gee I wonder why

socialized medicine for me but not for thee.

libertarianism is the superior ideology for an unindustrialized society, but it is incompatible with an industrialized society

>Burgers are okay with shitposting about food prices in canada, but get triggered at this
b-b-but we were just p-p-playing. the truth is, we laugh at you, because to be able to afford to eat all you have to do is go south of the border and buy some foods for prices that are actually affordable.
also, going to another country for cheaper/better healthcare is the most lolbertarian thing i ever heard of
fukken based rand

So the story is he's paying for medical care at a facility that specializes in a specific hernia surgery?

Go lick some boot elsewhere. Not every American is as cucked on social issues as you

>So the story is he's paying for medical care at a facility that specializes in a specific hernia surgery?
the real story is the number of faggots who think healthcare is a right to provided or subsidized by the government.

The story is he is using the services in a single payer healthcare nation, while being vehemently against the same system in America. It is the same as living in a gated neighborhood, but being for open borders.

Pretty sure Rand Paul is not happy with the way US healthcare is designed though. Black or white fallacy.

>Voluntarily paying for needed medical treatment
>Obviously he now supports taxing everyone for medical treatments whether they need it or not

He's paying for them, though. He's not covered under their insurance. That doesn't mean anything. It's like being anti-open boarders and living inside a country.

We can afford to eat just fine. Hopefully this confirmation takes a load off your chest.

He's been LEAFED, it is over for him.

Isnt he paying for it at a private facility? Or does he somehow get to abuse the Canadian healthcare system.

He didn’t go there because he can’t afford care here in the US. He went to this hospital because it’s a top hospital in the specific care that he needs. A privately run, family owned entity developed the approach that made this hospital so great. Not some shitty band of bureaucrats.

The story is he shits on Canadian healthcare system on a daily basis, saying how bad it is, and then flies over when he needs care. Seems like all of this goes above your head, don't worry it comes with the republicanism.

He is going to the same hospital, being seen by the same doctors as a regular Canadian. So obviously the system is not crumbling

it'd be funny if the Canadian (((doctor))) killed him via malpractice

That receives reimbursement from the Canadian government for 99% of the services they provide

I know you're shilling, but you understand arguments are more nuanced than "hurr their healthcare sucks" right? You're intelligent, right?

>He is scheduled to have the outpatient operation at the privately adminstered Shouldice Hernia Hospital in Thornhill, Ontario
>private hospital
This is why they are called fake news.

>1 post by this ID
He’s going to a private clinic. He is not using Canada’s socialized medical system. But you knew that, it’s why you chickened out and won’t post again.

Right right because good care is only good care if it’s publicly funded. I can publicly fund my toilet too doesn’t make it a good place to treat your hernia though does it

>We don't want a national healthcare
>Look at canada, they have long dead lists bad care and the list goes on
>oh imma go get my surgery in canada el oh el
I have yet to meet a republican that understands how the canadian healthcare system works.

Not an argument. Insurance companies and outrageous costs are obvious not necessary to provide world class treatment. How hard is that to understand?

>Right right because good care is only good care if it’s publicly funded
The point is not about good care, which both the US and Canada has, it's about accessibility. US healthcare accessibility is horrendous, and when people want to move to the public system, you falsely bring up the wait time argument without understand how any of it works.

So, what, you think he thinks he's better than a regular Canadian?
We may hate leaves here (and rightfully so) but a good number of Americans have a misguided positive outlook on your country and its inhabitants.
This is a privately owned healthcare facility that is one of the best in the world for this type of care. He is paying for it from his own volition, not being compelled to via taxes. It does not violate his principles in the least.
Has he ever specifically said the quality of the care is bad, or is his problem that the citizens are forced to pay for it?

probably friend of his dad who best in his field.
if you got money you can do shit like that. probably convalesffee in a log cabin looking at snow out the window while his wife hunts caribou.
cozy rand

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Figured, literally no reason to use our public health care.


Fuck man this is insane the amount hospital.

Again, whether or not a hospital is publicly funded has NOTHING to do with its quality of care. This hospital did not become the top hospital in its treatment because it happens to be publicly funded. Why isn’t every hospital in Canada the best at everything then? You see why you’re a moron yet?

Private hospital

The US is far different than Canada. We have far more people to cover here and more medical issues. It wouldn't be the same as Sweden like everyone loves to say.

>Knows not to put shitty Chinese made mesh inside his body and gets operation done where they don't use it.


>Has he ever specifically said the quality of the care is bad, or is his problem that the citizens are forced to pay for it?
More than likely, he has problems with citizens forced to pay for it, but they cannot just go out there and say "we don't want it because citizens will be forced to pay for it". That wouldn't fly because a lot of people wouldn't mind paying for it, so instead they go with the "bad quality" health care, because it's more likely to persuade, even if they don't believe in that shit.

“Accessibility”? He’s paying for it himself.

Ayn Rand did the same fucking thing. Libertardians are the dumbest conservatives, which is impressive. How someone can full for such obvious grifters, it's no surprise most of them are underage.

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>The US is far different than Canada. We have far more people to cover here and more medical issues. It wouldn't be the same as Sweden like everyone loves to say.
You make the mistake of thinking that healthcare cannot be scaled up. If anything it's quite the opposite. It's harder to do it in Canada due to the size of the country and very small population. It would be a lot easier to do in the US.

He’s paying out of his pocket though

I don't think you understood what I was trying to say, you should probably go back and read up on what was exactly argued.

You mean universal. Not the same thing.
Universal means everybody pays the same, which is normally tax, there are no plans or different insurance options, it's universal, same pay. Universal isn't Socialized, since Socialized means people decide how much they pay and what they want to insure, for that they collect money, each collective different, where insurance companies don't exist. So Canada doesn't has universal, neither socialized, they just have government organizing finances for what is fully privatized medical system of private hospitals and private doctors, none of which is influenced by government or collective how to do their job.

At a fraction of the cost it would be in America

Scaled up in what way? It would be harder to treat 350 million people, most of whom have significant health problems. People clog up hospitals here all the time. I worked in a hospital for years doing triage. Most people coming are complaining about having gas because they ate taco Bell or did something incredibly stupid. The cost of treating half of these people is a lot higher than you might think.

So far all I’ve gathered is that Canada has the best system because rand Paul is paying out of pocket to go a top hospital in its treatment field which happens to be in Canada. I mean i guess only Canadian citizens have the right to pay out of pocket for the treatment they want? Well wow that just blows my mind

>Again, whether or not a hospital is publicly funded has NOTHING to do with its quality of care
WHICH IS EXACTLY WHAT I'VE BEEN SAYING. Whether the hospital is publicly funded has nothing to do with the quality. But that is not what republicans are saying. Everytime the subject comes up, republicans say "we should privatize, not go public, just look at how horrible canada's healthcare is" .They keep shitting on the quality of the canadian healthcare system JUST BECAUSE ITS PUBLICLY FUNDED. What I've been saying is exactly what you said, the quality has nothing to do with funding and therefore those politicians are morons. I don't know why you're arguing with me.

No, his argument is 'it would raise the tax rate by a huge amount.'
Rand has never been one for overblown scare tactics.


Quit playing dumb. The hospital is funded by the government primarily. Rand's own belief system dictates it's a trash tier hospital and he shouldn't wanna be caught dead inside of one. It's like me being a hardcore vegan but working in a butcher shop.

>private hospital


He's not getting it for free, idiots.

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He is going to a private hospital paying with his own money and not with socialism

Rand wants to pay less money on Canadian's tax payer accounts. If Canada had Socialized or Universal healthcare that would be impossible. Only those who pay tax can be covered, this is how it is here. If you don't pay tax you pay like you pay without insurance.

qch.on.ca/uploads/Finance/Fees for Cdns without insurance.pdf

Hey im not paying for Rand Paul’s healthcare.