LARP it. LARP it off your chest. Now.

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lost bunch of weight
getting a lump poking through ribs
im hoping its cancer
im nearly 40
ive had a great life
ive done everything i want to do
never wanted kids
id happily tap out and soak up the terminal cancer from younger people kids in a ward amd give them a chance if it meant id die

I know you need me. I just wish you wanted me.

Why do I need you, boo?

I like a guy. He is nearly 10 years older and married. But I daydream of us being together every day for hours. I think I might be lovesick. And gay.

I will put my body through the most EXCRUCIATING pain imaginable if it means i could get one quick lick of your pussy

With every hangout I find myself falling for you more and more.
We've been friends for ten years though, so I doubt it could ever happen at this point. Your sister probably wouldn't approve and my best friend is either clueless or indifferent to the thought.

We've been getting a lot great these past few months, but I have to keep fighting these feelings. It would ruin the group dynamic if i acted on them.

You tell me

Show me

Cut contact half year ago, still got feelings, still checking social media. I cant stop, I know I have to but urge is too strong. I literally care about that person and would like to always help this person while knowing that's not worth it when someone doesnt care about you, and I also know why Im like that. I didnt have close relationships in my life, most of my childhood I was friendless, and my parents werent there too. Im not bitching, just thats the reason why Im growing so attached to people. For me to like a girl is enough when she texts me few times with 'whats up?'. Any span of someone being interested in me is like blessing and I try to hard to pay that back. Its really pathethic that I know why I do these things and still it doesnt change anything. I dont see clear solution to my problem. Last time Ive cut contact, I didn't ghost that person, explained it all and just said that I will be unhappy this way. This person didn't quite want to accept, but Ive kind of forced it. And here Im after half year of sleepless nights, projecting reunions, looking up social medias every other day. I just really would die for getting a one hug like that one 2 years ago.

I'm fucking tired of it all.

Today I had to go out to get the groceries because I was running out. A warm sunny day and I had to see all those fucking happy couples together. One couple in the store was the worst. The girl would just cling on to the guy so happily and they'd cuddle while standing right behind me in the line. They were discussing what food they'll be making together. Shit I've never experienced nor ever will.

To make things worse my fucking friend has just messaged me a pic of his new gf right in front of him in a restaurant. She's a real qt. He's attractive, good face, tall, good hair. He literally fucking approached her out of nowhere and asked for her number. She gave it to him and BAM they're a couple now. The weirdest part is that well the guy is kinda weird. Like seriously something is odd in the way he talks, especially to me. Like he came from a movie or some shit.

Meanwhile here I am, posting in a shitty fucking thread on a chinese imageboard, after the entire day of studying for an exam I'll most likely fail, and playing vidya. I tried so many times to get girls but every fucking way failed. Every single fucking time it was a "I've met someone, user", "We're not compatible you and I, user".

Just fucking kill me already. I want to die.

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No u
Youre the one who made such an arrogant statement ',:)

>arrogant statement
"I need you" -her

You're not her

In a dream, I saw the future,
In a dream, I saw the world.
Through a madman's eyes,
The Devil's point of view.

In a world of hate and anger, In a world of fear and pain,
There's no time for pride, no time to stand aside.

Call me a madman, call me insane.
I'll survive the storm, I'll take the pain.

Aww. How sweet. She probably didn't mean it when she said it though. Otherwise, why wouldnt she be with you?

Why are you trying to tear me down? I came here to get thoughts off my chest, not be crushed. She probably didn't mean it. She probably was just being led by her emotions like every other woman when they say things. Why do you care?

i just broke up with my gf of 12 years. i've been wanting to do it for ever but now i'm thinking I'm going to be alone for the rest of my life. Now im wondering if it was a huge mistake.

Dunno. I am just a bitch. >:)

Is going back an option?

>tfw through life full of failures with women I simply began preemptively telling them to fuck off when they appear interested

yall didnt want to get married?
If things werent working out, you did not make a mistake. I definitely felt like this too after ending a long relationship but the longer you are removed, the better you'll feel. You should try having some fun being single and then after you have had some time, go find a new girlfriend.

You, my friend, need a purpose.
What were you born to do?

im pretty sure if i said to her " i want to work it out" she would say ok. But i feel like it would be the same stuff all over again anyway...

The same thing all of us were born to do. To reproduce, user.

Now that I can accept who I really am... I am happy. Actually happy. And in love, actually in love.

I made it.

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What was it like before? What made you decide to leave?

i will willingly become a wizard so i can spend time practising majicks instead of banging hoes

i think youre going to use me as a rebound and that hurts because you let me believe it was real until you brought up your previous relationship that ended recently you "forgot" to mention

i recognised the way you spoke about him and i'm not stupid, for anyone else i'd take my self respect and leave but of course it'd be the one i'm most compatible with that fucking uses me

well a lot happened in these threads while I was crashed out for the last like 15 hours huh?

you, I miss the fuck out of you and love you.

to the piece of shit. the clock is officially ticking. it's all eyes on you faggot. just a matter of time now.

not really attracted to her, constant depression, haven't had sex in a year and half, always sad and worried.

Oh god its the guy cucked by the bikergang.

Yes, but what were YOU born to do, user?
Everyone is born with a purpose, something they were born to do.
Some are born to lead others. Some are born to teach the next generation. Others are born to protect.
So tell me, what is your purpose?

you know man, you're a real fucking special kinda retard. every time that I'm down or about to bow out, you fucking piss me off again and make it worse for yourself. you are your own cancer. it's fucking fascinating. like how have you not already been shot in the head by people you deal with? cause I'm about ready to save up and do it myself and I'm not even around you on a daily basis. how has she not already stabbed you in the carotid in your sleep?

you are such an insufferable fucking retarded faggot.

I'm a super kinky motherfucker but I'm also a virgin.
I wanna find someone to do the kink with but I don't wanna fug just anyone and I don't like online dating.
I'm gonna die alone

Has any of that changed since you left?

I don't really have a lifelong purpose. I've been studying to become a lawyer for 17 years (I'm 24) and I suppose I'm still on the way of it. I don't know what else can I tell you. My ultimate goal for the better part of my life was to get a decent education, decent job and create a happy family. So far there's about zero chances of me attaining that.

The best part is I get what I want no matter what the outcome is. Let the games continue.

it's the guy cucking the biker gang.

Why do women try to stay in contact with you when they resist your efforts to get close to them and you inevitably move on? What are they trying to accomplish?

no you don't. you really don't. you get all the most horrible outcomes I am capable of devising.

Is that what you tell yourself while she gets gangbanged by the gang?

Ego boost for low self esteem.

we broke up like 15 mins ago so no.

I don't know if you were ever here or not but this is the most fun I have ever had on fakechan. T sends his regards. Thanks for playing.

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I swear you remind me of brittany venti.

I don't know who you think you are but I'm the real happy one here. T and me will be together forever. J can suck a thousand dicks. I feel relief finally getting it all out.

I dont know or care who that is but she must be a crazy bitch. Full on whore or a halfway whore?

Hi, me. Watch any good anime today with T as well?

new job. back to making about what I used to when I had my own business.

everything done has been done with essentially no resources. none. now I have money, and they allow me to work as much fucking overtime as I want. tell me, you think things get better or worse from this point?

a high end .308 kit that's untraceable costs me 599.99. a 6.5 creedmoor barrel with matched bolt so we're playing with a truly long range round that doesn't care about wind so much is another like 180 for me. high end lower with match spec trigger group, call it 150. the parts to build a silencer large enough, like max 50 bucks from home depot.

one week. you have one week.

I'm so much better than most people.

I'm asexual, a minimalist, vegan, antinatalist/childfree, an environmentalist, general SJW. Fuck, I'm so much better than most people it's crazy. Most people should just die, to be honest. I'm not trolling or being ironic I'm objectively better than probably 70% of people and it's not even that hard. Most of my traits are things I choose to be. Most people are shit and should die

I know this is a troll but everyone is garbage. realize that. everyone.

I swear to god this is just how I feel with zero filter or irony. I'm just morally superior to most people most of the time. Most people don't consciously think about their actions and how it affects others. Most people don't even read/engage with philosophy. They're just not human beings in the same way i am. They're animals who want big peepee touch and big capitalism cummies. It's repulsive.

I agree that everyone is garbage. I just think some people are more disgusting than others. There are things I think about myself that are imperfect or shitty or whatever. I'm not a narcissist. I just think that your morals, beliefs, and actions matter most and most people are just unthinking flesh machines because that's just who they choose to be

I finally don't feel like trash. Turns out it was the rest of the world that was trash the entire time.

fox and hound? funny. i hope you know i'm the only T really loves, will only, ever, have loved. you're just another fucking toy for him to abuse while he comes here to check up on me, heh. what a useless toy, too, funny how low he's sunk since losing me :) tony isn't his real name, but I guess you wouldn't know that

I am finally over you. I mean it. I feel free and no longer feel any guilt over leaving it the way we did. I think my feelings for you weren't real at all now. Huh. It was lust after all, back then I didn't know what that was so I mistook it for love. I am awake.

Lame copypasta.

Oh boy we got a larper. Tell me, why did he grow up with two names? What were they?

Are you the one that ended with him raping her? '',:^)

Clearly a troll. No one calls themself an SJW.

not a larper; the real deal. he didn't grow up with two names, I believe he picked that name because of something I did. can't rape the willing and all of that. the only reason he's toying with garbage like you, is because he doesn't want himself to be happy... with me. when he's done hating himself, there's only one... and it's not you

you miss my point.

Lots of people in the SJ scene refer to themselves as SJW. Reclaiming pejoratives is, like, our whole thing dude.
Are you so incapable of living without eight layers of irony that you can't see another person's sincere vulnerable thoughts as just that? Don't project your insipid Ready Player One epic meme vernacular on me please

2bqh I just assumed your point was a boring tepid "everyone's, like, the same, man" golden mean garbage. Feel free to actually articulate what you're thinking in something that isn't a smug soundbite if you're actually brave enough to do that on a chinese wok recipe forum

He grew up with two names, that is a fact. Your larp is ruined for me now :( awww

yous gonna get squished grrrrrllllll

With all yo squishyness and squishparts

I thicc

heh, not my fault if you don't know him as well as I do. he grew up with one name, and a nickname, both starting with the same letter, and neither of them begin with a "t". but maybe he told you something else, since you're stupid enough to believe he even gives two shits about you. no one knows him like I do, but to tell you everything I know would just remind him I'm still here when he reads it. then again, maybe he should realize how below me he is right now if you're on his current to-do list hahahahaha. if he's never told you about me, you aren't even on that, I guess...

Of course it was lust. You think I wanted to jump ship and you jump ship and we just crash and burn everything we've been building these many years?

Sorry, you soiled it. The key to larping with me is to keep it vague and let me fill in the blanks.

it's all fun and games until the door gets busted down and people realize I was never playing a game.

keep muddying waters. you think I didn't get it all from the start? please.

well, that's the difference, I guess, I really am not larping. poor thing

My roommate is great but I sincerely hope he leaves mid semester so I get the room to myself.

Meh... It could have been fun for a fuck at least but I am happy I saved my virginity for my SO. It was a funny twist in fate he found the stream we used to use again to message me during the peak of my lust for you. I am glad I took the chance to buy him a plane ticket instead of wasting another summer in your orbit. I am sure we will both be happier for this.

Dude I've seen it posted a few threads back. Word for fucking word. The fact that you're upset tells me I'm right.

so if the ex wife hates him that much? why'd you lie to the police? you're on my shitlist too. my suggestion? when the time comes you get a whole lot more compliant if you want full custody. or any custody.

I told you before, his kid is of zero importance to us. and that kid is still of zero importance to me. they'll be better off though, but I'm not planning around that. just so happens there's benefits for that kid as well with the completion of my goals.

I expect every girl to really be a guy at this point. As long as they don't have a penis I am fine about it.

I like posting it sometimes because I can't admit it to the actual people in my life

yeah. that shut everyone the fuck up real quick didn't it.

Ayy. Another night full of love makin, sprite creatin, anime watchan and some shotpostin on the side. Love you T. We are two perfect devils together. ;)

you're on Jow Forums so no not really dude that's pretty pedestrian

Nah, we just ignore you and carry on. You nobody.

Oh boy, a medical assistance post!

It isn't possible to tell if I have blood sugar issues/hypoglycemia unless they take more blood samples, correct? A doctor earlier told me that I might be experiencing night sweats due to low blood sugar levels. That would also explain why I feel faint if I don't eat for a while. I fainted earlier when the doctor drew blood, and it might have been because of my low blood sugar, perhaps? They told me to fast before getting it done. However, I've had blood taken in the past without fainting and they told me that my sugar levels were fine despite this being an existing problem for years (night sweats are new though). My blood pressure has been consistently fine over the years too.

I really, really do not like getting my blood taken. And after today I would like to avoid fainting from these sorta tests being made again. What options do I have?
>Go to a doctor you faggot
I will but I just want to discuss this with someone first.

I mean they have to test your blood sugar breh, they can't exactly do that without getting to your, yknow, blood...

should be in reply to

Feels bad man. Where is my futuristic technology that tells you everything after a single scan or some shit.

Kiss kiss! Fall in love~

No worries bro.

I know, the worst part is if it's not your blood sugar they're hmmm and huh forever pulling random shit out of their ass because all modern medicine is, is educating guessing

we really are not as advanced as a society as we often want to believe

i daydream about being a girl and i cant stop it
im not trans and i dont want to be a girl but i cant help it

Today I realized that you taught me to treat people horribly. You taught me to fuck people and then kick them out of my life and ghost them and move on. You taught me so much about life, and then my ex taught me the rest.

Now I am as cruel as you are. You are just a joke to me now, as I was to you years ago.

If you ever see me again, do me a favor and smack me to the ground. Make it final. We are not of the same kind.

If man cant imagine a "how" we can never have. What limits us is the fact knowledge simply has its limits. How exactly would you tell blood sugar levels from a scan? Think of this and that is your first step to invention and innovation.

No we just got bored with you.

My fist will be like
your skull will be like

Welcome, glad you crossed through the gates of hell. Its warm here.

No, you’ll go to Hell for pulling an angel down to Earth. I will be set free from you once again, my love.

I have been in hell. I was born in it. Kekekekekekeke

And YOU an angel? Well. Shucks. Thats quite the achievement I have done as a devil. I didn't see any wings, gotta say. Fufufu

You hurt my feelings, and now yours are hurt too. Your deal with this devil is complete.

Going out with this girl from work.
Its going pretty well, been dating like 3 months.

This weekend she wants to go out with 2 female coworkers on our date. These girls are straight out the ghetto. I can tolerate them as coworkers, but I don't call myself friends with them. I never, ever text them. We're in a group chat in our department with other coworkers, and they constantly post immature shit like PENIS or NIGGER and think its funny.

I can almost picture it, my girlfriend and I being out and having a nice dinner acting all civil, and these two girls acting like teenagers in the mall. Loud, playing with the food (its an ethnic food place so new dishes to them, new silverware, etc). I already told my girlfriend I'd only pick her up, that they could meet us there. I'm already mad she invited them without asking me first.

How can I tell my girlfriend I don't want to go out with them?

And for the record, you will never be free of me, but thats not something I intended to happen. I am just that fucking memorable. Thats why you knew it was either I leave this town or you. Feh. So. Get out of my territory. RUFF RUFF

How do I get her out of my head?

Stop trying to and you will.

Find out why she is in your head in the first place.

You can't get me out of your head. I am burned into your mind. A scar that may fade but will always remain... but you will still live despite this.