Would you settle down with a woman who wants to put her degrenerate past behind her?

Would you settle down with a woman who wants to put her degrenerate past behind her?

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>Plz forget my degenerate whoring and coke binges I want be gud girl now


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I'll pass on Lindsay, but the other Lohan might be nice. You know, the one opposite her in The Parent Trap? I always thought she was cuter.

She was a child sex slave and needs years of treatment to un-fuck that

isn't she a muslima now?

user, she's dead

Lindsay Lohan is a mkultra victim. One session with her programmer could convince her she’d been a nun for the past decade

Settle? No. Promise I am serious just to dick her? Sure.

She had top tier titties before her crash. Sad.

No, used goods belong into trash

It depends on sincerity and just how bad of degeneracy we're talking, to be honest


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she wasnt that bad anyway

>Would you settle down with a woman who wants to put her degrenerate past behind her?
>Would you settle down with a woman who has a history of making bad decisions?
>Would you settle down with a woman who's core values are wildly different from your own?

Hey she could have had 30 years of bearing redheaded kids. Not my fault if she threw that away to be stretched out by jew dick

When idiots forget to the past. They are doomed to repeat it eternally, and it's like NY resolutions. They will say it for a while then relapse. Why even take that chance?

Is she still a Muslim? I thought it was hilarious when she “converted”. It goes to show that if a woman all of a sudden becomes religious you know she’s been fucked by everybody.

tell her to kill a producer or two

I wouldn't do it for your average thot, why would I do it for a complete degenerate thot like Lohan? They all do it

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wait did spielberg direct that one too?

It is over.

Oh. That's a shame. Hollywood strikes again.

If only you knew how she looks now.

How? She was a lesbian in her past and that's the only thing I cared about. If she goes back to being a lesbian and maybe do a remake of mean girls but make it a lesbian dominatrix porno than I'll be able to forget her past

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If there is no permanent damage then maybe. If an otherwise compatible woman's lowest point was lower than mine that doesn't mean we can't make a good family.

Being a broken person like Lindsay Lohan probably qualifies as permanent damage btw.

I almost felt bad for her, every single person I knew as a kid thought she was a disgusting meth head and we were all pretty sure he had (has?) herpes. She's fucking untouchable, I'll just say that.

You boys know you'd connect her freckles with a Sharpee, until she made you stop.
But "settle down"? No.

File this under:

Manlets want everyone to treat them like they are tall.

Nerds want everyone to treat them like they are jocks.

Sluts want everyone to think they are not sluts.

(user's, there are some mistakes that are so big, you don't get a second chance.)

Roastie getting toasty.

never heard of this bitch to begin with

>grow up on camera under papparazi
>no social net after u fuck up a few times
its for god to judge people. if we have chemistry and i like who she is and where shes going, who cares about the past? boogymen?

inb4 a “christian” board never forgives.


james dean plugged her angus

thass bullshit you fucking whore!

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>isn't she a muslima now?

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Settle means it is the best you can do
If you cant get a virgin then you have to settle

I'd kinda have to, considering I was a fucking huge manslag from ages 16 - 26... slept with around 100 women in 10 years.
It would be really fucking hypocritical of me to judge a woman for being a slag when I've been as bad, if not worse.

maybe if 10/10 genes for breeding desu.
But anything normal, who isn't virgin, not.

No. I'd wish her all the best in putting that herpes behind her.

it is your purpose to spread the genes.
would not be hypocritical in my opinion

I will remember how incredibly beautiful and so dearly loved moral behavior renders the physiology and time thought seconds of soul of lifetime canon.
Let all generations after Z rise above the mk ultra'd up influence that keeps alive the will to puke the kike.

Is she going to pay me? Forgiveness costs money. I'm not Jesus.

Women who sleep with lots of men have the oxytocin pair bonding mechanism in their brains permanently damaged. Settling down with a woman who has had more than 1 or 2 guys in her life is like playing a casino game with 70% odds you’ll lose everything.

I wouldn't settle down with a woman older than 13.

She used to seem so smart and attractive when she did mean girls. Then she became a druggie and now all you can see is the thousand cock stare of a woman with no hope.
I remember in school thinking that Lindsay Lohan and the woman who starred in mean girls were two entirely different people. That's how badly she ruined herself.

Why do women destroy their lives like this? Its depressing.

the damage is done and can't be undone

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Ranesh, is that you?

this post best post to be honest family

What do you want from me Lindsey?

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Would you settle down with a man who wants to put his child raping cannibalistic degrenerate past behind him?
Would you settle down with me after i kill your mother? It happened, next second is the future, past is behind us.
Faggot, past is always behind you.
This message is past and behind me.


Fuck no I wouldn’t marry that.
I’d still lick those armpits tho.

Didn't she try to kidnap some migrant kids?
Of course she wants people to forget her past.

I'd fuck her if she was between outbreaks and on a heavy dose of anti- retrovirals. I'd still wear my hazmat suit though, that pussy is a level 4 bio hazard

>Would you settle down with a woman who wants to put her degrenerate past behind her?

Would you pay for something that was free and widely distributed yesterday?

Women send these kinds of people love letters all the time

No, she should take responsibility for her own actions.

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If all women were that crazy we would long been extinct as white race. We are still here.

you've enslaved us for thousands of years and now you're asking why we can't manage our own affairs?

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What most of you are admitting is that none of you are man enough to make this young freak a proper woman. She was wild one, Hollywood just filmed her, now it's your turn to wrangle and saddle her. Step up cowboys.

Dicking 100 guys is permanent damage. That woman will never remain faithful.

The only proper woman is a virgin to a man for which she cooks food every day at exact time. Too bad she was a virgin to degenerate Chads and didn't learn to cook. Now it's too late for love, only distant memories what love could be like, only make belief. You would need a horse rope around her vagina and spank the horse to pull to make her feel something. Quite another problem would be how to start her heart to feel something or her brains...too complicated, relationship should be easy and relaxing.

>You would need a horse rope around her vagina and spank the horse to pull to make her feel something
kek...this fugn thread man

>women are exactly as capable as men they were just oppressed and sheit
>women can't do anything right, and it's all men's fault! So there's no reason to take responsibility and make something of ourselves!

Tits or gtfo

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this is true, I had a gf we were together 2 years.
I saw her after we split with another man, saw her again a few months later yet another man.

Didn't see her for a while, saw her about a year later with yet another man.

damaged goods mate.

I don't blame her. She was taken as a child by the jews and molded in a degenerate culture. I see that she's found God/Religion, it's a good start to unfuck yourself.

I think there are a few who truly realize the errors of their ways, yes, whether or not to give them the benefit of the doubt is wholly on you

My best friend is settling for a 35 years old roastie. Im depressed.

She is like 40 now. Whats the point? She better run some ngo for girl education.

Literally who?

>Would you settle down with a woman who wants to put her degrenerate past behind her?


my friend has been chasing this same woman for like 25 years, she makes him drive her and her mother everywhere, won't even fuck him now and he still goes after her like he is 15.

some males are just embarrassing desu.

>crow's feet
>could run a scarf through her nostrils
>settle down

No /thread

>A whore wants people to forget she was and is a whore
Imagine my shock. Soon she will be talking about Jesus and forgiveness until the hordes of morons "forget he past".

If she really did want to repent and be changed. And since I am a poorfag, if she had a liquid 10million American Freedom Bucks, I suppose I would.

I also will forget her future.

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Screencap this

i thought she was muslim now??

just a few years ago she was 10/10

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'Imma gon' eat this soup wit a fork. I ain't got no time fo a spoon."

If I, myself, was a degenerate then maybe.

But since I wasn’t I won’t accept a degenerate woman.

I have a cock, balls and facial stubble. I'd be a yuuuuge hypocrite to not fuck someone who also had cock, balls, and facial stubble. And a mild retardation

her freckles make her gross



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Yeah. You gotta let that shit go. Pick one; future for white race, or virginal wives.

The Jew gets everyone young, only once they're older (brain fully formed, middle 20's) do most see the truth. If we are going to not forgive being misled by the Jew than we will not have a future

Tldr; forgive the roasties for falling for the Jew, put that shit aside and make white babies

Lindsay Hohan is 100% pure human garbage.


If we can all just throw away our past, then what value does leading a virtuous life, and never faltering in that endeavor, hold?

I'm willing to treat with you in this new persona, however I cant just erase everything you've done from my perception of you.

Your gonna carry that weight, Lindsey.

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More like 7/10, 8/10 at best.
Her feet are disgusting.

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All drunks say that... then they’ll get drunk and only talk about the past.

>some mistakes that are so big, you don't get a second chance
t.joseph smith


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>mfw some sheepfucker wants to marry that walking piece of cocaine and misery while calling others cucks for not being a muzzie

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Would not breed